John, Abbot of Norton to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- John, Abbot of Norton to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/183
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 199; Kingsford, Vol II, item 199
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
The rectory of Pyrton belonged to the Abbey of Norton in Cheshire,
which was a house of the Austin Canons. John occurs as abbot in 1498-9
(Monasticon, vi. 312-4). From A.C., xlvi, 183.Ryght wurschypfull and my fulgud Mayster, after all due recom-
mendation to yowe hade: prayng yowe to send me now in my grete
necessite by the berer heroff, my servant, your ferme ffor the parsonage
of Pyrton, the whyche was due to have ben payd the viij day after the
nativitie of Saynt John Baptist: wher I had grett mervayll when my
brothyr Schanon no mone had so long taryyng in London over your
promyse, me to grette coste and hym to grett labur: the sayd ferme due
xxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d., never afore this tyme sendyng twyes for hyt. Be-
sykyng yowe now to send hit me by my sayd servant withowte any delay:
for truly I had never gretter mestur then I nowe have, as my sayd ser-
vant schall infowrme yowr maysterschyppe; to the whyche I beseke
yow gyfe credens, ffor at mydsomer I purpos to fette myself the ferme
of þe sayt terme, and bryng yowr grewnd and tresyr my hake,1 with the
grace of Good, who have yowe in hys blessyd kepyng to his pleassur
and yowre hertes desyre. At Norton the third day of Februar.Your bedman John, abbot of Norton.
To my wurschypfull and my fulgud mayster, Sir Willm. Stonor of
Stonor in the cownte of Oxon, and of the parech of Pirton, be this
delyveryt.1 This seems hopelessly obscure, unless it may mean "your greyhound (grew
hound) and Tresyr my hack". - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The rectory of Pyrton belonged to the Abbey of Norton in Cheshire,
which was a house of the Austin Canons. John occurs as abbot in 1498-9
(Monasticon, vi. 312-4). From A.C., xlvi, 183.Ryght wurschypfull and my fulgud Mayster, after all due recom-
mendacion to yowe hade: prayng yowe to send me now in my grete
necessite by the berer heroff, my servant, your ferme ffor the parsonage
of Pyrton, the whyche was due to have ben payd the viij day after the
nativitie of Saynt John Baptist: wher I had grett mervayll when my
brothyr Schanon no mone had so long taryyng in London over your
promyse, me to grette coste and hym to grett labur: the sayd ferme due
xxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d., never afore this tyme sendyng twyes for hyt. Be-
sykyng yowe now to send hit me by my sayd servant withowte any delay:
for truly I had never gretter mestur then I nowe have, as my sayd ser-
vant schall infowrme yowr maysterschyppe; to the whyche I beseke
yow gyfe credens, ffor at mydsomer I purpos to fette myself the ferme
of þe sayt terme, and bryng yowr grewnd and tresyr my hake,1 with the
grace of Good, who have yowe in hys blessyd kepyng to his pleassur
and yowre hertes desyre. At Norton the third day of Februar.Your bedman John, abbot of Norton.
To my wurschypfull and my fulgud mayster, Sir Willm. Stonor of
Stonor in the cownte of Oxon, and of the parech of Pirton, be this
delyveryt.1 This seems hopelessly obscure, unless it may mean “your greyhound (grew
hound) and Tresyr my hack”.