James Gresham to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- James Gresham to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 73
- Date
- 3 July 1450
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 127; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 17
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To my right worshipfull [mai]ster John Paston at Wynchestre
be this delyuered.AFTER al due recomendacion had, I recomaunde me to
yow and prey yow to wete that Heydon seweth in
his accion a geynst Osebern X. tales retournable XVa.
Johannis. Ideo mittetur vel loquatur Vicecomiti Norffolk, &c.
And I suppose that as for Costardis accions thei wole have
nisi prius, &c. As touchyng the matier of Oxened the frere3leveth his delagacie a abideth up on our plee of profession by
as meche as we sey that long to fore the writte purchaced he
was professed a frere and sey not and yet is professed, &c.
And Sotyll and other of your counseill thynk the law is on
our syde. Brampton brought me a lettre and a clowt sowed
clos with thynggis therin, and a letter endorsed to yow from
my maistresse your moder, whiche I sende yow with this.
The lord Moleyns man brought ij. writtes to the Shirrefis
depute of Norfolk, oon a geynst yow, myn eme1 and James
Gloys quare clausum suum apud Gresham fregerunt, &c., the
othir writte a geynst yow and J. Gloys quare vi et armis in
hominis et servientes ipsius apud Gresham insultum fecerunt, &c.
And whanne the seid lord Moleyns man delyvered these
wrettys, Lomnour stode be side and aspied it. And thanne
the seid man desired to have ageyn the writtis, and toke hem
a geyn; and whanne he had theym he seid they shuld not
come in their handes a vii. nyght after. And so he kepeth
theym stille. And Caly and Yates also have promysed me
that ther shall no writte be retourned a geyn yow but that ye
shall have copies ther of at reasonable tyme to make your
avantage as the law wole, &c., to caste your esson2 or suyche
other, &c. Sir, I prey God yeld yow for your letter ye
sent me by Lethom, whiche I receyved yistereuyn right late.
Wherby I hope and conceyve that ye be in good cas for your
maner of Gr[esham], for truly I was right weel comforted
therof. As touchyng Skyner and his borwys the attache-
mentes may not be wretyn but by the recordes of the recon-
ysance, and alle the recordes of Chauncerye be at Wynchestre.
Ideo, &c. I prey God be your good speed in all your matiers,
Amen. Wretyn in hast at London the Friday next after seint
Petir day.—Your servant, J. GRESHAM.2 [Add. MS. 34,888, f. 73.] The legal proceedings mentioned in this letter show
that the year is the same as that of Gresham’s other letter immediately following
(No. 128).3 John Hauteyn.
1 ‘eme,’ i.e. uncle.
2 Essoin, a legal expression, meaning an excuse admitted for non-appearance in
JULY 31450
JULY 3 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
RAUF, Parson of Cressyngham, to WILLIAM PASTON, Justice.
Is he to deliver to John Halleman Paston’s evidences belonging to the
manor of Wodhalle in Pagrave, and under what form? Hopes to see him
at Norwich, on Tuesday or Wednesday after Michaelmas-day. Cressingham,
20 Sept.On the back are written, in William Paston’s hand, some notes of a case
touching ‘Frater Kensale.’[Ralph Wolman alias Harple was incumbent of Cressingham from 1427 to 1460;
but this letter could not have been written later than 1443, as William Paston died in
August of the following year.]2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]