PLEASE it your maistership to wete that, as touchyng Blake of the Kyngges hous, I spak with hym, and he told me that if the Lord Moleyns wold take suyche appoyntement as ye agreed to, that he shuld lete me wete therof on Satirday after noon, as I tolde yow whanne ye dyd on your botes, &c. And sith that tyme I herd no word of hym. Item, there is laboured a supersedeas for alle them that th’exigend4 is ageyn, that arn convycted by record of my Lord
of Oxenford, except ij. men which the Lord M. gyveth no fors of. Item, I send yow Treshams letter and a copie of the same. Item, I send yow the cerciorari for my maistresse your modir. Item, I send yow the scire facias for Osbern and Foke versus Heydon and Wyndam. Item, I send yow a distringas ageynst Tudenham, &c. Item, I beseche yow if it may be in cas my Lord of Oxenford have not Holt hundred, that ye wole take it to suyche on as yow seme best, for it is told me that Pertriche laboureth therfore. And that is by the setting on of Heydon, &c. As touchyng the capias ageynst Pertrich, and the pros. a geynst Costard, &c., it wole not be hadde, &c.
3 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is anonymous, but it is in James Gresham’s handwriting. In Letter 190 we have Lord Molyns offering to treat with Paston for the injury done to his property at Gresham. Apparently Paston has now mentioned what terms he would accept. From what is said of the supersedeas, it would seem that this letter was written not long before the next, which is dated on Trinity Sunday.
4 A writ of exigent lies where the defendant in a personal action cannot be found, or anything of his to distrain. The sheriff is therein directed to proclaim him on five county court days, requiring him to appear on pain of outlawry.