James Arblaster to the Bailiff of Malden
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- James Arblaster to the Bailiff of Malden
- Reference
- Add. 43489, f. 51
- Date
- 20 September 1472
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 808; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 47
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
To my ryght trusty ffrend John Carenton Baylye of Maldon.
RYGHT trusty frend I comand me to yow preyīg yow
to call to yor mynd that lyek as ye and I comonyd of it
were necessary for my Lady and you all hyr Serūnts and teñnts
to have thys p’lement as for ōn of the Burgeys of the towne of
Maldon syche a man of worthep and of wytt as wer towardys
my seyd Lady and also syche on as is in favor of the Kyng
and of the Lords of hys consayll nyghe abought hys p’sone.
Sertyfyīg yow that my seid Lady for hyr parte and syche as
be of hyr consayll be most agreeabyll that bothe ye and all
syche as be hyr fermors and teñntys and wellwyllers shold
geve your voyse to a worchepfull knyght and on’ of my La-
dys consayll Sr. John Paston whyche standys gretly in favore
wt my Lord Chamberleyn and what my seyd Lord Chamber-
leyn may do wt the Kyng and wt all the Lordys of InglondI trowe it be not unknowyn to you most of eny on man alyve.
Wherefor by the meenys of the seyd Sr John Paston to my seyd
Lord Chamberleyn bothe my Lady and ye of the towne kowd
not have a meeter man to be for yow in the perlement to have
yor needys sped at all seasons. Wherfor I prey yow labor all
syche as be my Ladys serūntts teñnts and wellwyllers to geve
ther voyseys to the seyd Sr. John Paston and that ye fayle not to
sped my Ladys intent in thys mater as ye entend to do hyr as
gret a plesur as if ye gave hyr an Cli. And God have yow in
hys kepīg Wretyn at Fysheley the xx day of Septebyr.1 J. Arblaster.
I prey yow be redy wt all the Acōptanttys belong[SYM]g to my
Lady at the ferthest wtin viij dayes next aftyr Perdon Sonday
for then I shall be wt yow wt Gods Grace who have yow in
keep[SYM]g.11 ½ by 7.
Paper Mark,
Bull’s Head and Star.
Pl X. No 1.N. B. Under the Direction, and
in a similar hand is written,
Ao. E. iiijti xijo.Fishiy,
Sunday, 20th of September,
1472, 12 E. IV.This Letter exhibits to us almost a Picture of modern manners, in the terms and
address used in recommending a Member of Parliament to the Corporation of Maldon.
The Agent of the great Lady writes to the Bailiff of the Borough, and to the Tenants,
&c. to use their influence with the Electors in favour of Sir John Paston, a Friend of the
Lady’s, in the good graces of the King, and in the interest of the Council, and the
Lord Chamberlain.It appears too, that a Seat in Parliament was then an object of pursuit, and not a
burden laid upon the Representative, as we are informed by some of our Historians;and we are apt to suppose that there is now more interest made and more bribery used in
obtaining a seat in the House of Commons than there was 300 years ago; the desire of
parliamentary Interest, we here see, was much the same.—Engines were set at work, the
Patronage of the Great was held out, and promises were made even as at this day; and
though the Friends of a Candidate would not now come from divers parts of the County
to Norwich, (see the next Letter) break their fasts, and return home again at the expence
of the Candidate, for a bill amounting to nine shillings and one penny halfpenny, yet the
motive is still the same, the Manners, Customs, and Expences of the times, forming
the only difference.1 James Arblaster, Esquire, a Gentleman of Fortune in the County of Norfolk.
Pl. v. No 21. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
To my right trusty Friend John Carenton, Bailiff of Maldon.
RIGHT Trusty Friend, I commend me to you, praying
you to call to your mind, that like as ye and I com-
muned of, it were necessary for my Lady and you all, her
Servants, and Tenants, to have this Parliament as for one of the
Burgesses of the Town of Maldon, such a man of worship and
of wit as were towards my said Lady; and also such one as is
in favour of the King, and of the Lords of his Council nigh
about his person; certifying you, that my said Lady for her
part, and such as be of her council be most agreeable, that
both ye, and all such as be her Farmers, and Tenants, and Well-
willers, should give your voice to a worshipful Knight, and one
of my Lady’s Council, Sir John Paston; which stands greatly
in favour with my Lord Chamberlain; and what my said Lord
Chamberlain may do with the King and with all the Lords ofEngland, I trow it be not unknown to you most of any one man
alive. Wherefore, by the means of the said Sir John Paston to
my said Lord Chamberlain, both my Lady and ye of the town
could not have a meeter (properer) man to be for you in the
Parliament, to have your needs sped (wants supplied) at all
seasons. Wherefore I pray you labour all such as be my Lady’s
Servants, Tenants, and Wellwillers, to give their voices to the
said Sir John Paston, and that ye fail not to speed my Lady’s
intent in this matter, as ye intend to do her as great a pleasure,
as if ye gave her an 100l. And God have you in his keeping.
Written at Fishly, the 20th day of September.1 JAMES ARBLASTER.
I pray you be ready with all the Accounts belonging to my
Lady, at the farthest within eight days next after Pardon Sun-
day, for then I shall be with you with God’s Grace, who have
you in keeping.11 ½ by 7.
Paper Mark,
Bull’s Head and Star.
Pl X. No 1.N. B. Under the Direction, and
in a similar hand is written,
Ao. E. iiijti xijo.Fishiy,
Sunday, 20th of September,
1472, 12 E. IV.This Letter exhibits to us almost a Picture of modern manners, in the terms and
address used in recommending a Member of Parliament to the Corporation of Maldon.
The Agent of the great Lady writes to the Bailiff of the Borough, and to the Tenants,
&c. to use their influence with the Electors in favour of Sir John Paston, a Friend of the
Lady’s, in the good graces of the King, and in the interest of the Council, and the
Lord Chamberlain.It appears too, that a Seat in Parliament was then an object of pursuit, and not a
burden laid upon the Representative, as we are informed by some of our Historians;and we are apt to suppose that there is now more interest made and more bribery used in
obtaining a seat in the House of Commons than there was 300 years ago; the desire of
parliamentary Interest, we here see, was much the same.—Engines were set at work, the
Patronage of the Great was held out, and promises were made even as at this day; and
though the Friends of a Candidate would not now come from divers parts of the County
to Norwich, (see the next Letter) break their fasts, and return home again at the expence
of the Candidate, for a bill amounting to nine shillings and one penny halfpenny, yet the
motive is still the same, the Manners, Customs, and Expences of the times, forming
the only difference.1 James Arblaster, Esquire, a Gentleman of Fortune in the County of Norfolk.
Pl. v. No 21. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To my ryght trusty ffrend John Carenton,
Baylye of Maldon.RYGHT trusty frend, I comand me to yow, preying yow
to call to your mynd that, lyek as ye and I comonyd
of, it were necessary for my Lady and you all, hyr
servaunts and tenaunts, to have thys Parlement as for one of
the burgeys of the towne of Maldon, syche a man of worchep
and of wytt as wer towardys my seyd Lady; and also syche
on as is in favor of the Kyng and of the Lords of hys consayll
nyghe abought hys persone. Sertyfying yow, that my seid
Lady for hyr parte, and syche as be of hyr consayll be most
agreeabyll, that bothe ye, and all syche as be hyr fermors and
tenauntys, and wellwyllers, shold geve your voyse to a wor-
chepfull knyght, and one of my Ladys consayll, Sir John
Paston, whyche standys gretly in favore with my Lord
Chamberleyn; and what my seyd Lord Chamberleyn may do
with the Kyng and with all the Lordys of Inglond, I trowe it
be not unknowyn to you most of eny on man alyve. Where-
for, by the meenys of the seyd Sir John Paston to my seyd
Lord Chamberleyn, bothe my Lady and ye of the towne
kowd not have a meeter man to be for yow in the Perlement,
to have your needys sped at all seasons. Wherfor, I prey yow
labor all syche as be my Ladys servauntts, tenaunts, and well-
wyllers, to geve ther voyseys to the seyd Sir John Paston, and
that ye fayle not to sped my Ladys intent in thys mater, as ye
entend to do hyr as gret a plesur, as if ye gave hyr an Cli.
And God have yow in Hys keping.Wretyn at Fysheley, the xx. day of Septembyr.
I prey yow be redy with all the acomptanttys belongyng
to my Lady, at the ferthest within viij. dayes next aftyr Perdon
Sonday, for then I shall be with yow with Gods Grace, Who
have yow in keepyng.2 [From Fenn, ii. 98.] The date of this letter is ascertained by the reference
made to it in that which immediately follows it.SEPT. 20
SEPT. 20