As I promised in the letter that Playter sent, Playter and I have been with my mother to get her to make chevesance for the £100, but she bade us send you word, you need look for no other comfort from her. Jwde can tell you Barker’s answer. As for John Kook you promised him payment yourself and to Sir John Styll 5 marks in part payment. My mother has sold her barley for 14d. I never meet John Smyth but I speak of it to him. He keeps his courts here at Norwich all the week. As for Fastolf, I can only speak to Wymondham his father-in-law, which I do as often as I see him. Would be sorry the great matter which requires hasty answer ‘lest the kok be in perayle’ should be delayed by his negligence. Thinks Edmund Fastolf ‘was a reason- ’ able man to Robert of Lyne. Wherefore, let my brother Edmund sue for ’ the same, for one wife may serve for us both till better peace be. So God ’ help me ye may allege a plain excuse that these dyrk wars have so hindered ’ me that her lyvelode and mine both should be too little to live at our ease till ’ I were further before the hand than I could be this two year, and she found ’ after her honor and my poor appetite.’ Would rather forbear what he would have than bring them in pain. ‘Say better for me, for ye can and ye will. ’ This matter must be honestly handled, for I wot well my young lady of ’ Oxenforthe shall hear of it. We have here no tidings, but a few Frenchmen ’ be whyrlyng on the coasts, so that there dare no fishers go out but under safe ’ conducts. I pray you, and ye have any more oranges than ye occupy, that ’ poor men may have part for a great bellied lady.’ First Monday of Clean Lent, 13 Edw. IV.
Addressed—’A Mys’ John Paston, schevaller, soyt done.’ Endorsed—’Mens’ Marcii Anno xiijo.’
1 [From MS. Phillipps 9735, No. 257.]
1473 MARCH 8