Inventory of Sir John Fastolf's Goods
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Inventory of Sir John Fastolf's Goods
- Reference
- Add. Charter 17247
- Date
- 1459
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 388
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
Sold by John Yong of
Memorandum that here aftir foloweth an inventarye of the gold and silver in
coyne and plate, and othir godes and catelles that sumtyme were Sir John
Fastolf, Knyght, whiche the said Sir John Fastolf gaf to John Paston, Squier,
and Thomas Howys, clerk, of trust and confidence, that the same godes shuld
the more saufly be kept to the use of the said Sir John duryng his lif, and aftir
his decease to be disposed in satisfiyng of the duetees and dettes to God and
Holy Chirche, and to alle othir, and in fulfillyng and execucion of his legate
last wille and testament without eny defraudyng of the said Holy Chirche or of
eny creditours or persones.First, in goold and silver, founden in th’abbey of Seynt Benet aftir
the decesse of the said Sir John Fastolf, mlml iiijxx xiijli. iijs.
iiijd.Item, founden atte Castre, lxjli. vjs. viijd.
Item, receyved atte Bentlee by the handes of William Barker in money by
hym receyved of John Heryngton, xxli.Item, receyved atte London, CCCClxixli.
Summa MlMlDCxliijli. xs. in coyne.
First, two peces of golde, weiyng xlviij. unces.
Item, two ewers of golde, weiyng xxvij. unces.
Item, j. flaget of silver, weiyng xxxviij. unces.
Item, ij. prikettys of silver, weiyng xxvij. unces et di.
Summa of golde, lxxv. unces, and of silver, lv. unces.
Item, iij. chargeours of silver, weiyng vijxx iij. unces.
Item, xij. platers of silver, weiyng ixxx ix. unces.
Item, xij. disshes of silver, weiyng vijxx viij. unces.
Item, xij. sausers of silver, weiyng iiijxx xv. unces.
Summa vc lxxv. unces.
Item, xij. flat peces bolyond in the bothom, weiyng viijxx ix. unces.
Item, vj. bolles with oon coverecle [lid] of silver, the egges gilt, my
maister helmet enameled in the myddes, weiyng viijxx iiij. unces.Item, a candilstik, a priket and ij. sokettys of silver, weiyng xvij. unces.
Item, ij. potell pottes of silver wrethyn, the verges gilt with braunches
enameled, with j. tree in the lyddys, weiyng vjxx xij. unces.Item, ij. galon pottes of silver wrethyn, the verges gilt, enameled in the
lyddes with iij. floures, weiyng xjxx ix. unces.Item, j. roste iron with vij. staves and j. foldyng stele of silver, weiyng
lxxiij. unces.Item, ij. flagons of silver, with gilt verges, and the cheynes enameled in the
myddes, with j. hoke, weiyng ixxx unces.Summa, ixc lxiiij. unces.
Item, a saltsaler like a bastell [a bastille or small tower], alle gilt with roses,
weiyng lxxvij. unces.Item, a paire of basyns, alle gylt, with an antelope in the myddes, weiyng
xjxx unces.Item, ij. ewers, gilt, pounsed with floures and braunches, weiyng xxxix.
unces.Item, j. spice plate, well gilt like a double rose, my maister helmet in
the myddes, with rede roses of my maisters armes, weiyng vxx x.
unces.Item, ij. galon pottes, all gilt, enameled in the crownes with violet floures,
weiyng xxx xiij. unces.Item, vj. bolles, with oon coveracle gilt, with my maisters helmet enamelled
in the myddes, weiyng viijxx vj. unces.Item, j. stondyng cuppe, all gilt, with a coveracle, with my maisters helmet
enamyled in the myddes, weiyng xlj. unces.Item, another cuppe of the same facione, all gilt, weiyng xlij. unces.
Item, iiij. cuppes, gilt like founteyns, with j. columbyne floure enameled in
the myddes, weiyng iiijxx xvj. unces.Summa, DCCCClxv. unces.
Item, j. grete flagon, with stuf theryn, weiyng xvijxx xj. unces.
Summa, CCClj. unces.
Item, vj. platers, weiyng vijxx unces.
Item, xiiij. disshes, weiyng ixxx unces.
Item, xij. peces of dyvers sortes, weiyng vijxx xiij. unces.
Item, ij. grete galon pottes, playn, with gilt verges, my maisters helmet in
the kever, weiyng xijxx xij. unces.Item, j. paire basyns, the verges gilt, Harlyngs1 armes in the bottom, weiyng
vxx xv. unces.Item, ij. quart potts, with gilt verges, with the same armes in the lydde,
weiyng lxx. unces.Item, ij. ewers, the oon demi gilt, and the othir the bordures gilt, weiyng
lj. unces.Item, j. spice plate demi gilt, my maisters terget enamyled in the myddes,
weiyng lxxj. unces.Summa, DCCCCCxxxij. unces.
Item, j. stondyng cuppe gilt, with j. kever, with j. rose in the toppe, weiyng
xl. unces.Item, anothir cuppe of the same facion, gilt, weiyng xlj. unces.
Summa, iiijxx j. unces.
Item, iij. grete chargeours, weiyng vijxx ij. unces.
Item, xij. platers, weiyng xjxx xij. unces.
Item, xij. disshes, weiyng ixxx viij. unces.
Item, xj. sausers, weiyng lxxvj. unces.
Summa, DCxxxviij. unces.
Item, j. paire basyns, with gilt verges and j. rose, with my maisters helmet
enameled and gilt in the myddes, weiyng viijxx vj. unces.Item, ij. ewers, gilt and enameled in like wise, weiyng lxxv. unces.
Item, xij. flatte peces, pounsed in the bottom, the verges gilt sortely, weiyng
vijxx xvj. unces.Item, j. spiceplate demi gilt, wrethyn, weiyng lxxij. unces.
Item, vj. bolles, with oon kever, the verges gilt, my maisters helmet in the
myddes, weiyng viijxx iiij. unces.Item, ij. grete pottes, eche of a galon, wrethyn the verges of bothe gilt with
popy leves, with j. tre levedroses in the lidde, enameled, weiyng xjxx xvj.
unces.Item, ij. potelers, with gilt verges, enameled in the liddes, weiyng iiijxx ix.
unces.Item, ij. flagons, with gilt verges, and the cheyne enameled in the myddes,
weiyng viijxx j. unces.Item, j. candelstik, with j. priket and ij. soketts, weiyng xvij. unces.
Summa, xjc xxxvj. unces.
Item, j. saltsaler, with j. kever, well gilt, with many wyndowes, weiyng
iiijxx vj. unces.Item, vj. bolles, all gilt, with j. kever and j. rose in the toppe, eche
enameled in the bottom with my maisters helmet, weiyng viijxx vj.
unces.Item, ij. galon pottes, gilt playn, anameled in the lyddes with my maisters
target, weiyng vijxx xiiij. unces.Item, j. stondyng cuppe, pounsed with floures, well gilt, weiyng xlij.
unces.Item, j. gilt cuppe, stondyng covered, pounsed with j. rose in the toppe,
weiyng xlvij. unces.Item, vj. gobelettes, wele gilt, with j. columbyne floure, weiyng vijxx vj.
unces.Summa, DCxlj. unces.
Item, vij. prikettes, with gilt verges, weiyng iiijxx vj. unces.
Item, ij. stondyng candilstikkes, with gilt verges, weiyng iiijxx j. unces.
Item, j. ship, with gilt verges, weiyng ix. unces.
Item, j. box for syngyng brede,1 weiyng iiij. unces.
Item, j. haly water stop, with j. sprenkill and ij. cruettes, weiyng xij.
unces.Summa, C iiijxx xij. unces.
Item, j. brode pryket, all gilt, weiyng xlv. unces
Item, j. paire basyns, all gilt, enameled in the bottom with roses, weiyng
xl. unces.Item, j. pyx, demi gilt, weiyng xxx. unces.
Item, j. crosse, all gilt, weiyng xlj. unces.
Item, j. ewer, all gilt, weiyng xvij. unces.
Item, j. chalice, alle gilt, weiyng xxvij. unces.
Item, j. lesser chalice, all gilt, weiyng xiiij. unces.
Item, ij. roses over gilt, weiyng xv. unces et di.
Item, j. ymage of Seynt Michell, weiyng viijxx x. unces.
Item, j. ymage of oure Lady and hir Childe in hir armes, weiyng vxx x.
unces.Summa, Dcxxix et di unces.
Item, j. grete flagon, weiyng xviijxx viij. unces.
Item, j. almesse disshe, weiyng vjxx xij. unces.
Summa, Dc unces.
Item, j. sensour of silver, and gilt, weiyng xl. unces.
Item, j. ship, weiyng xviij. unces.
Item, j. pece with j. kever, weiyng xx. unces.
Item, j. gobelet, gilt, weiyng xj. unces.
Item, j. stondyng cup, with j. kever, weiyng xij. unces.
Summa, Cj. unces.
Item, iij. grete chargeours, of oon sorte, weiyng xjxx xviij. unces.
Item, j. chaufer, to sette upon a table for hote water, weiyng iiijxx xiij.
unces.Item, iiij. holowe basyns, wherof oon is bolyons, weiyng all xxx xiij.
unces.Item, iij. botelles, of oon sorte, weiyng vijxx xiiij. unces.
Item, vj. grete peces, of oon sorte, weiyng vxx xvij. unces.
Item, xij. peces, all of oon sorte, weiyng xjxx xiiij. unces.
Item, iij. smale peces, weiyng xxv. unces.
Item, j. grete bolle, with j. kever, weiyng lxij. unces.
Item, iij. gobelettes, pounsed, weiyng xiiij. unces et di.
Item, j. powder box, and j. kever to j. cup, weiyng xxij. unces.
Item, ij. basyns, the verges gilt with popy leves, enameled with my
maisters helmet in the bottom, weiyng viijxx ix. unces.Item, ij. ewers, gilt, enameled in the same wise, weiyng iiijxx unces.
Item, iiij. ewers, of the olde facion, weiyng lxxvij. unces.
Summa, xvc xxij. unc’ et di.
Item, j. litill flat pece, gilt, with j. kever, weiyng xxvij. unces.
Item, j. stondyng pece, all gilte, with j. kever, weiyng xxxviij. unces.
Item, j. litill stondyng pece, gilt, with j. kever, weiyng xxj. unces et di.
Summa, iiijxx vj. unc’ et di.
Apud Sanctum Benedictum.
Item, ij. basyns, with gilt verges, and my maisters helmet in the botom,
with ij. ewers, with gilt verges, and my maisters helme on the lyddes,
weiyng togider CCxxxj. unces.Item, iiij. prikettes, with gilt verges, weiyng xxxj. unces.
Item, ij. lesser prikettes, weiyng v. unces.
Item, j. basyn and j. ewer, with my maisters armes in the botom, weiyng
lxiij. unces.Item, ij. litill ewers, of ij. sortes, weiyng xxiiij. unces.
Item, j. spiceplate, with gilt verges, weiyng xliiij. unces.
Item, ij. galons, with gilt verges, with my maisters armes in the liddes,
weiyng iiijxx xvj. unces.Item, ij. potellers, of oon sorte, weiyng iiijxx iiij. unces.
Item, ij. othir potellers, of oon sorte, weiyng iiijxx xiij. unces.
Item, j. potell potte, of anothir sorte, weiyng xxxv. unces.
Item, ij. quartelettes, of dyvers sortes, weiyng xlviij. unces.
Item, j. litill botell, with j. cheyne and j. stopell, weiyng xxxviij. unces.
Item, j. brode priket, with gilt verges, weiyng xxiiij. unces.
Item, ij. candilstikkes, ij. prykettes, and iiij. sokettes, weiyng xxxvij.
unces.Item, vj. gobelettes, of dyvers sortes, weiyng xxviij. unces.
Item, xiiij. peces, of dyvers sortes, weiyng vjxx xv. unces.
Item, j. old pece, with j. kever and j. knop, weiyng xxxij. unces.
Item, ij. chargeours, of oon sorte, weiyng lxxviij. unces.
Item, vj. platers, of oon sorte, weiyng vijxx vij. unces.
Item, xviij. disshes, of dyvers sortes, weiyng xxx xvj. unces.
Item, vj. sawsers, of oon sorte, weiyng xxviij. unces.
Summa, xvc xvij. unces.
Item, j. saltsaler, alle gilt, with j. kever, weiyng xxxvij. unces.
Item, j. pese, with j. kever, all gilt, with j. knop, weiyng xxxj. unces.
Item, j. playne pece, gilt, with j. kever, weiyng xxvj. unces.
Item, j. litill pece, gilt, with j. kever, weiyng xviij. unces.
Summa, vxx xij. unces.
Item, j. chargeour, weiyng xlv. unces.
Item, viij. platers, weiyng ixxx xj. unces.
Item, viij. disshes, weiyng vjxx v. unces.
Item, viij. saucers, weiyng xlix. unces.
Item, j. potell potte, with gilt verges, enameled in the top with violet leves,
weiyng xlix. unces.Summa, CCCC iiijxx iij. unces.
Item, j. stondyng cup, with j. kever, all gilt, weiyng xxxviij. unces.
Item, j. founteyn, all gilt, with j. columbyne floure in the bottom, weiyng
xxiij. unces.Summa, lxj. unces.
Item, ij. saltsalers, weiyng xxxix. unces.
Item, j. candilstik, with ij. sokettes, weiyng xxj. unces.
Item, iiij. flat peces, pounsed in the bottom, weiyng xl. unces.
Item, ij. gobelettes, pounsed, weiyng ix. unces.
Item, xiij. spones, wherof oon is gilt, weiyng xvij. unces.
Item, j. ewer, with j. knop, weiyng xiij. unces.
Item, ij. potellers, with my maisters armes on the liddes, weiyng lxxji.
unces.Item, j. potell potte, with braunches on the lidde enamelid, weiyng xlix.
unces.Item, iij. pottes, enameled with j. garlond, weiyng vxx vij. unces.
Item, j. quart pot, weiyng xxix. unces.
Item, j. grete chargeour, weiyng lxxix. unces.
Item, iij. lesser chargeours, weiyng vxx xj. unces.
Item, v. platers, of oon sorte, weiyng vxx xv. unces.
Item, xij. disshes, of oon sorte, weiyng xxx ix. unces.
Item, ix. sausers, of oon sorte, weiyng lxiij. unces.
Summa, Ml iiijx xij. unces
Item, j. gobelet, gilt, with j. columbyne in the bottom, weiyng xxiiij.
unces.Item, j. stondyng cup, with j. kever, weiyng xxxv. unces.
Summa, lix. unces.
Item, ij. prykettys, with gilt verges, weiyng xvij. unces.
Item, ij. cruettes, oon lakkyng a lydde, weiyhg viij. unces.
Item, j. litill crosse, with j. fote, all gilt, weiyng vij. unces.
Item, j. sakeryng bell, weiyng xj. unces.
Item, j. chalice, weiyng xviij. unces.
Item, j. saltsaler, weiyng v. unces.
Item, j. paxbrede,1 weiyng 2unces.
Item, j. grete saltsaler, with j. kever, weiyng xxvij. unces.
Item, j. playn basyn, with j. ewer, weiyng liij. unces.
Item, ij. flat peces, of oon sorte, weiyng xxij. unces.
Item, xvij. spones, of ij. sortes, weiyng xviij. unces.
Item, iiij. platers, weiyng iiijxx xiiij. unces.
Item, vj. disshes, weiyng iiijxx xiiij. unces.
Item, iiij. sausers, weiyng xviij. unces.
Item, j. candilstik, withoute sokettes, weiyng xviij. unces.
Summa, CCCCx. unces.
Md of xlvj. unces gold and ijml. Dxxv. unces of silver plate taken
from Bermondesey.In primis, a peson1 of gold, it fayleth v. balles, weiyng xxiij. unces
gold.Item, j. paire basons, beyng2 bothe weiyng vxx ij. unces.
Item, j paire ewers, beyng2 bothe weiyng xlv. unces.
Item, j. paire of newe flagons, cheyned, everyche weiyng lxxiiij. unces
—vijxx xiij. unces.Item, iiij. platers, parcell of ix. platers not sortely, weiyng in all xxx ix.
unces; so iche weieth xxiij. unces. Soo the weight of the same iiij.
platers, iiijxx xij. unces.Item, xij. disshes, weiyng in all ixxx ix. unces.
Item, xij. sausers, weiyng in all iiijxx xvij. unces.
Summa unciarum argenti, DClxxiij. unc’, et de auro, xxiij. unc’.
Item, j. cup of golde, with an ewer, weiyng xxiij. unces.
Item, ij. spiceplates, weiyng bothe iiijxx xij. unces.
Item, ij. olde chargeours, of oon sorte, weiyng iiijxx viij. unces.
Item, j. grete plater, weiyng xxxviij. unces.
Item, v. olde disshes, weiyng in alle lxxvj. unces.
Item, v. sausers, weiyng xxix. unces.
Item, ij. quart pottes, weiyng liiij. unces.
Item, ix. platers, weiyng xvjxx iij. unces.
Item, a flat pece, playne, of silver, weiyng xvj. unces.
Item, a quart pot, of silver, with gilt verges, weiyng xxvj. unces.
Item, an holowe basyn, of silver, weiyng xxviij. unces.
Summa unciarum de auro, xxiij. unc’; et de argento, DCClxx. unc’.
Item, ij. stondyng cuppes, gilt, of oon sorte, iche weiyng xxiiij. unces—
lxviij. unces.Item, vj. gobelettes, uncovered, weiyng xxiij. unces et di.
Item, j. layer, weiyng xxiiij. unces.
Item, j. saltsaler, gilt, weiyng xxxiiij. unces.
Item, ij. lesse chargeours, weiyng lxx. unces.
Item, v. platers, not sortely, parcell of ix. platers, weiyng in all xxx ix.
unces; so iche plater weyeth by estymacion xxiij. unces. So the
weight of v. platers, Cxv. unces.Summa, CCCxxxiiij. unces di.
Item, j. saltsaler, gilt, with a cover, weiyng xxxj. unces.
Item, iiij. peces, gilt, with ij. coveres, weiyng lxxiiij. unces.
Item, vj. Parys cuppes, of silver, of the Monethes, with lowe fete, the
bordures gilt, weiyng iiijxx x. unces.Item, j. white stondyng cuppe, with a cover of silver, weiyng xij. unces di.
Item, j. knoppe, for a covere, gilt, weiyng j. unce.
Item, j. flagon, of silver and gilt, accordyng with the olde inventarie,
weiyng xxx xviij unces.Item, anothir flagon, of the same sorte and of the same weight, xxx xviij.
unces.Summa, DCxliiij. unces di.
Item, j. paire of olde flagons, iij. pyntes, fayleth j. stopell, weiyng iiijxx x.
unces.Item, j. grete sawser, weiyng vj. unces di.
Item, ij. olde cruettes, weiyng vj. unces.
1 [From Add. Charter 17,247, B.M.] The MS. from which this document is
printed is a roll which appears to have been at one time in the possession of Blomefield,
the historian of Norfolk. At the end is the following note in his handwriting:—’March
7,1743.—A true coppy of this roll given to Sr. Andr. Fountain, Kt., by me, Fra.
Blomefield.’1 Sir Robert Harling of East Harling, in Norfolk, was a companion in arms of
Fastolf, and was killed at Paris in 1435.1 The round cakes or wafers intended for consecration in the Eucharist.
1 A small tablet with a representation of the Crucifixion on it, presented to be
kissed during the mass.2 Blank in MS.
1 An instrument in the form of a staff, with balls or crockets, used for weighing,
before scales were employed for that purpose.2 The word ‘beyng’ in these two places seems to have been altered to ‘weyng,’