56 26 September 1497
Indenture between Robert Plompton, kt, and William Babthorpe, esq.,
witnessing that William delivered to Robert a deed in tail of the manor of
Sacombe and other lands in Herts sealed in red wax with a seal of arms
comprising, in the escutcheon of the name, between a Chevron 3 Squerells
seriant, and the king?s letter patent of licence for the same to keep to the
use of Isabel, wife of William Plompton and the heirs of her body. The tenor
of which deed of entail with warranty being that on 11 Sept 1420 Richard Gott,
clerk, brother and heir of Hugh Holte, esq., demised to Ralph Babthorpe, kt,
the manor of Sacombe with appurtenances, a messuage, 2 . . ., 3 . . ., 8
acres of woodland and 40s rent, with appurtenances in Staunton and Sacombe,
to be held by Robert for life with remainder to Ralph Babthorpe his son and
heir and Katherine his wife and the heirs of their bodies. Remainder in
default of such heirs to the right heirs of Robert. Witnessed by Robert
Onwhit, John Leventhorp, John Hotoft, John Fray.
[Latin and English]
[Copyist?s note.] Copied 20 September 1627, hauing a peace of a seale.
[CB, 791]