78 2 May 1515
Indenture between Robert Plompton, kt, and William, his son and heir,
witnessing that William is to have charge of the household and goods at
Plumpton, whilst his father and stepmother are to live in retirement under
his roof, and at his expense. To meet the expenses of the household, William
is granted the revenues and profits issuing from the
lordship of Plumpton, from which he is also to meet all necessary expenses incurred by his brothers and sisters, except those of his sister Clare which will be met by his step-mother. All goods, alive or dead, due to the household shall be delivered there and accounted for. William shall keep as many servants as he deems necessary for the proper conduct of the household, including 3 to be chosen by Sir Robert. He shall pay Sir Robert an annual income of £10 payable on Whit Sunday and Martinmas, or within 12 days following each feast, in equal portions. Also he shall pay Sir Robert’s debts to the extent of £20, and the cost of making the present indenture. He is to render an annual account to his father in order that the latter may be satisfied that the debts are being met.
William shall have the letting of vacant farms, taking the advice and counsel of his father, similarly sales of wood shall be made only with his father’s approval, until the aforesaid debts are discharged. In case of disagreement both parties agree to have recourse to the minister of St Robert’s and Sir John Alan, parson of Burghwallis, as arbitrators.
[Copyist’s note.] Copied the 12 December 1627, hauing 4 seales.
[CB, 843, transcript Stapleton, cxxiii–iv.]