Humphrey Forster to Sir William Stonor, his nephew
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Humphrey Forster to Sir William Stonor, his nephew
- Reference
- SC 1/46/280
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 355; Kingsford, 'Supplementary', item 355
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[c. 1480.]
The subject of the Letter indicates that the date was not earlier than
1480, when the trouble with Scotland became acute; it may possibly be
as late as 1482. Sir James Strangewissh or Strangways of West Harlesey
(or Hursley), in the north of Yorkshire. From A.C. xlvi. 280.Right worshipfull nevewe, in my most feythefull wyse I recom-
maunde me to you. And pleaseth you to wete that one Robert
Bolle, a tenaunt of myne of Henle hath be with me and enformed
me that his Brother dwellyng at Rysborowe shuld be atached for
a Scot by servauntes of yours, wher in dede he is none, for he and
his brother that is my servaunt were bore but ij myle from syr
James Strangewy[sshes place], whiche is fifty myle from Scotlond
and more. And his fader and moder t[enaunts] to syr James
Strangewissh, which wolle be dewly proved: wherfore I beseche
yow to showe your favorabill maistership to them as conciens and
ryght require. And Jesu preserve yow. Wreten in hast this same
Moneday. Thomas Raufe was with me this same Moneday in
Þe mornyng, for Poughlowe2 lond to understond what direccion
Herre Doget wold abide: and he tolde me that he most ryde with
his moder to Sotwell and DodecoteYour owne Humffrey fforster
To my most worshipfull Nevewe Syr William Stonore in hast.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'Supplementary Stonor Letters and Papers (1314-1482)'
[c. 1480.]
The subject of the Letter indicates that the date was not earlier than
1480, when the trouble with Scotland became acute; it may possibly be
as late as 1482. Sir James Strangewissh or Strangways of West Harlesey
(or Hursley), in the north of Yorkshire. From A.C. xlvi. 280.Right worshipfull nevewe, in my most feythefull wyse I recom-
maunde me to you. And pleaseth you to wete that one Robert
Bolle, a tenaunt of myne of Henle hath be with me and enformed
me that his Brother dwellyng at Rysborowe shuld be atached for
a Scot by servauntes of yours, wher in dede he is none, for he and
his brother that is my servaunt were bore but ij myle from syr
James Strangewy[sshes place]. whiche is fifty myle from Scotlond
and more. And his fader and moder t[enaunts] to syr James
Strangewissh, which wolle be dewly proved: wherfore I beseche
yow to showe your favorabill maistership to them as conciens and
ryght require. And Jesu preserve yow. Wreten in hast this same
Moneday. Thomas Raufe was with me this same Moneday in
þe mornyng, for Poughlowe2 lond to understond what direccion
Herre Doget wold abide: and he tolde me that he most ryde with
his moder to Sotwell and DodecoteYour owne Humffrey fforster
To my most worshipfull Nevewe Syr William Stonore in hast.
1 Caversham, near Reading 2 Ploughley.