Hugh Unton to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Hugh Unton to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/218
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 313; Kingsford, Vol II, item 313
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[11 MAY, 1482]
From the reference to the King's going northwards, the date would seem to
be May, 1482. Edward went to Fotheringhay about the end of May in that
year (Ramsay, Lancaster and York, ii, 443). The intended date given in
this letter is Whit-Tuesday, i.e. 28 May. The probable date for the letter
itself is therefore Saturday, 11 May. As to the Worthe lawsuit, see Nos.
266-8, and 272. There is no reference to it in the "De Banco" Rolls for
Easter and Trinity terms, 1482.1 There is, however, a record in Easter term
of a successful suit brought by Worthe against Humphrey Veysy claiming
messuages and lands in Crowthorne and Kynecote Hille, as heir of Agnes,
daughter of John Wynnard; these lands had descended to her from John and
Agnes Bevyle (Placita de Banco, Roll 880, mm. 447, 448; see also Coram
Rege, Rolls 868, m. 141, and 869, m. 98; Trinity and Michaelmas terms,
1478, as to Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Worth, and Agnes, wife of John
Wydeslade, heiresses of Humphrey Bevyle). In Trinity term, 1482, Sir
William Stonor had suits against Henry Felowe of Huchynden, Oxfordshire,
and John Barell of Princes Risborough for trespass, and against Robert
Emond of Hembury also for trespass (Placita de Banco, Roll 881, mm.
71, 197). His "mater anendes the Qwene" is explained by a suit which
was pending against him for payment of 1000 marks under a bond dated
20th February, 1477 (id. Roll 881, m. 431). This suit which was already
threatened in 1481 (id. Roll 877, m. 26) was then postponed to Michaelmas
and finally to Hilary Term, 1483, see also Nos 319 and 320. Sir Thomas
Bryan was Chief Justice of the Common Pleas from 1471 to 1500. From
A.C., xlvi, 218.Right worshipfull Maister, I recommaunde me unto you. Syr, as for
yowr gret mater afore my lord Bryan the waraunt is in; I have geten
hit in. Syr, Worthe is here nowe and the Justices have graunt him his
reddicion; bot your counsell sayen hit is no gret hurt for you, for and
he enter by his awne auctorite ye may put him owte and take ye the
profetes of the land. And gif he enter by auctorite of the Sheref by a
writ, is called habere facias sesinam, ye most suffer the Sherefs Officers
to enter by vertu of the writ or waraunt, and as sone as thai ben gone
enter ye ageyn and take the profetez. Syr, as for all your other accions
I shall take as gud hede þerto as I can for every ayeynest the terme And
sum fals pacche will be don, the which shal not be to my power, with
goddes grace. Syr, ther is an accion nowe newe taken ayeynest you in
Hampshire at the sute of on Agnes Foster, wydowe; but is trespas.
Syr, as for wyne I have sent you by John Somer, to be deliveret to John
Baker a Henley, ij hogges hedes of Claret wyne, a hogges hed of red
wyne, a hogges hede of white wyne. And as for spices I spake to
Maister Russh; hee (sic) thai loke for a gale comys nowe in, as he sais,
and then he will by be gret, and then ye shall have with him as moche
as ye will: bot he will lay down now no money for noon. And as for
candell, we can have non such as ye send fore, as Taylboys can tell
your Maistership. And as for fyssh, I can none by withoute money.
And rysshes and sope I have send you by John Somers barge, the
which wilbe at Henley opon Sonday or Monday at the forthest. Syr,
this day messyngers go into every shire with commissions and writtes
of proclamacions, that every man that hase endented to go with the
Kyng to be redy with in xiiij dayes. Syr, the Kyng departes northe-
wardes opon Twesday in Whitsonday weke. And therefore Maister
Russh counseles you in any wise ye to be here Monday all day to labour
to my lord Markas as for your mater anendes the Qwene and divers
other causes, the which he will enfourme you of at your comyng. And
allmighty Jhesu have you in kepyng. Writen this Saterday. And as
for the joyner your werk wilnot be redy bot ayeynest midsomer.Your owne servaunt H. Unton.
To my worshipful Maister Syr William Stonor, knyght for þe body.
1 Nor in the corresponding Rolls for 1480 or 1481.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[11 MAY, 1482]
From the reference to the King’s going northwards, the date would seem to
be May, 1482. Edward went to Fotheringhay about the end of May in that
year (Ramsay, Lancaster and York, ii, 443). The intended date given in
this letter is Whit-Tuesday, i.e. 28 May. The probable date for the letter
itself is therefore Saturday, 11 May. As to the Worthe lawsuit, see Nos.
266-8, and 272. There is no reference to it in the “De Banco” Rolls for
Easter and Trinity terms, 1482.1 There is, however, a record in Easter term
of a successful suit brought by Worthe against Humphrey Veysy claiming
messuages and lands in Crowthorne and Kynecote Hille, as heir of Agnes,
daughter of John Wynnard; these lands had descended to her from John and
Agnes Bevyle (Placita de Banco, Roll 880, mm. 447, 448; see also Coram
Rege, Rolls 868, m. 141, and 869, m. 98; Trinity and Michaelmas terms,
1478, as to Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Worth, and Agnes, wife of John
Wydeslade, heiresses of Humphrey Bevyle). In Trinity term, 1482, Sir
William Stonor had suits against Henry Felowe of Huchynden, Oxfordshire,
and John Barell of Princes Risborough for trespass, and against Robert
Emond of Hembury also for trespass (Placita de Banco, Roll 881, mm.
71, 197). His “mater anendes the Qwene” is explained by a suit which
was pending against him for payment of 1000 marks under a bond dated
20th February, 1477 (id. Roll 881, m. 431). This suit which was already
threatened in 1481 (id. Roll 877, m. 26) was then postponed to Michaelmas
and finally to Hilary Term, 1483, see also Nos. 319 and 320. Sir Thomas
Bryan was Chief Justice of the Common Pleas from 1471 to 1500. From
A.C., xlvi, 218.Right worshipfull Maister, I recommaunde me unto you. Syr, as for
yowr gret mater afore my lord Bryan the waraunt is in; I have geten
hit in. Syr, Worthe is here nowe and the Justices have graunt him his
reddicion; bot your counsell sayen hit is no gret hurt for you, for and
he enter by his awne auctorite ye may put him owte and take ye the
profetes of the land. And gif he enter by auctorite of the Sheref by a
writ, is called habere facias sesinam, ye most suffer the Sherefs Officers
to enter by vertu of the writ or waraunt, and as sone as thai ben gone
enter ye ageyn and take the profetez. Syr, as for all your other accions
I shall take as gud hede þerto as I can for every ayeynest the terme And
sum fals pacche will be don, the which shal not be to my power, with
goddes grace. Syr, ther is an accion nowe newe taken ayeynest you in
Hampshire at the sute of on Agnes Foster, wydowe; but is trespas.
Syr, as for wyne I have sent you by John Somer, to be deliveret to John
Baker a Henley, ij hogges hedes of Claret wyne, a hogges hed of red
wyne, a hogges hede of white wyne. And as for spices I spake to
Maister Russh; hee (sic) thai loke for a gale comys nowe in, as he sais,
and then he will by be gret, and then ye shall have with him as moche
as ye will: bot he will lay down now no money for noon. And as for
candell, we can have non such as ye send fore, as Taylboys can tell
your Maistership. And as for fyssh, I can none by withoute money.
And rysshes and sope I have send you by John Somers barge, the
which wilbe at Henley opon Sonday or Monday at the forthest. Syr,
this day messyngers go into every shire with commissions and writtes
of proclamacions. that every man that hase endented to go with the
Kyng to be redy with in xiiij dayes. Syr, the Kyng departes northe-
wardes opon Twesday in Whitsonday weke. And therefore Maister
Russh counseles you in any wise ye to be here Monday all day to labour
to my lord Markas as for your mater anendes the Qwene and divers
other causes, the which he will enfourme you of at your comyng. And
allmighty Jhesu have you in kepyng. Writen this Saterday. And as
for the joyner your werk wilnot be redy bot ayeynest midsomer.Your owne servaunt H. Unton.
To my worshipful Maister Syr William Stonor, knyght for þe body.
1 Nor in the corresponding Rolls for 1480 or 1481.