Hugh Unton to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Hugh Unton to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/217
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 253; Kingsford, Vol II, item 253
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[? 26 OCTOBER, 1479]
Not earlier than 1478, in which year St. Simon and St. Jude's Day fell on
a Wednesday; the most likely years are 1478 or 1479. From AC., xlvi, 217.Right worshipfull Maister, I recomaunde me unto you. And Syr,
the case is so that yong Wagge nowe apon Saterday last passet hase
comyn and take possession in a corner of a feld of a trew wedowe and
bedewoman of yours, Robert Oxlades moder, concernyng the title of
all hir place: the which woman hase ben in pesibill possession thes iij
score yeres and more, as her sone Robert can more pleynly enfourme
your maistership. And Syr, the lond is entaylet as fayre as eny can be
unto the heires males, and hase been thes C. yeres. Syr, I beseche
you be hir gud Maister in hir rigth, and to hir power she shall deserve
hit. Wagge makys gret manasse to distres hir catell within thes iij or
fawre dayes. Syr, and ye send me a bill to withstond him, I will do my
power: for as by parall she has enfeffet your maistership, M. Cotesmore,
Herre Doget, me, and William Est. And Syr, I beseche you hold me
excuset that I come not unto your maistership: I am a litill diseset for
to ride. And almigthty God preserve you, my lady, and all your
housholde, the Monday afore Simon and Jude.Your servaunt, Hugh Unton.
To my right worshipfull Maister, Sir William Stonor, Knyght.
1 "Last" omitted in MS.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[? 26 OCTOBER, 1479]
Not earlier than 1478, in which year St. Simon and St. Jude’s Day fell on
a Wednesday; the most likely years are 1478 or 1479. From A.C., xlvi, 217.Right worshipfull Maister, I recomaunde me unto you. And Syr,
the case is so that yong Wagge nowe apon Saterday last passet hase
comyn and take possession in a corner of a feld of a trew wedowe and
bedewoman of yours, Robert Oxlades moder, concernyng the title of
all hir place: the which woman hase ben in pesibill possession thes iij
score yeres and more, as her sone Robert can more pleynly enfourme
your maistership. And Syr, the lond is entaylet as fayre as eny can be
unto the heires males, and hase been thes C. yeres. Syr, I beseche
you be hir gud Maister in hir rigth, and to hir power she shall deserve
hit. Wagge makys gret manasse to distres hir catell within thes iij or
fawre dayes. Syr, and ye send me a bill to withstond him, I will do my
power: for as by parall she has enfeffet your maistership, M. Cotesmore,
Herre Doget, me, and William Est. And Syr, I beseche you hold me
excuset that I come not unto your maistership: I am a litill diseset for
to ride. And almigthty God preserve you, my lady, and all your
housholde, the Monday afore Simon and Jude.Your servaunt, Hugh Unton.
To my right worshipfull Maister, Sir William Stonor, Knyght.