Henry Windsor to Bokkyng and Worcester
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Henry Windsor to Bokkyng and Worcester
- Reference
- Add. 43488, f. 29
- Date
- 19 July 1455
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 299; Fenn, Vol I, Henry VI item 26
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (1st transcript)
Unto my moost faitfull Brethern John Bokkyng and William
Worcestr’ and to eyther of theym.WORSHIPFULL Sr. and my most hertely and best
beloved Brother I recommaund me unto you in more
loly wise than I can other thenk or write, and wt al my srvice
and trewe herte thank you of your gentill L’res full brotherly
written unto me at mony tymes of old and espīall of late tyme
passed. And trwly brother I thank Almyghty God of your
welfare of the which the berer of this my pour L’r crtified me
of, &c.And Sr. as touchyng al manr of newe tithinges I knoo well ye
ar averous, truly the day of makyng of this L’r ther wer’ nonn
newe, but suche I herd of ye shalbe srved wt all.As for the first the Kyng Our Souvrain Lord and all his trwe
Lordes stand in hele of there bodies but not all at hertes ees as
we amonges other mervell, ij dayes afore the writyng of this
L’r there was langage betwene my Lordes of 1 Warr and
2 Cromwell afore the Kyng, in somoch as the Lord Cromwell
wold have excused hym self of all the steryng or moevyng of
the male journey of Seynt Albones, of the whiche excuse makyng
my Lord of Warr’ had knolege and in hast wasse wt the Kyng
and sware by his Othe that the Lord Cromwell said not trouth
but that he was begynner of all yt journey at Seynt Albones,
and so betwene my said ij Lords of Warr’ and Cromwell ther is
at yis day grete grugyng in somoch as the Erle of 3 Shrouesbury
hath loged hym at ye Hospitall of Seynt 4 James beside the
5 Mewes be the Lord Cromwells desire for his sauf gard.And also all my Lord of Warr’ men my Lord of York men
and also my Lord of Salesbury men goo wt harnes and in harnes
wt strang wepon’ and have stuffed their Lordes Barges full of
wepon dayly unto Westmr. And the day of makyng of this L’r
ther was a p’clamacion made in the Chauncrie on the Kyngs
behalf that noman shuld nether bere wepon ner were harnes
defensible, &c.Also the day afore the makyng of this L’r ther passed a bill
both by the Kyng Lords and Coēs puttyng Thorp Josēp and my
Lord of Somrst in all the defaute be the which bill all manr of
Actions that shuld growe to any p’son or p’sones for any offenses,
at yt journey doon in any manr of wise shuld be extynt and
voide, affermyng all thing doon there well doon and nothing
doon there, nevr after this tyme to be spoken of, to the which
bill mony a man groged full sore nowe it is passed.And if I myght be recom’aunded unto my sp’all Maistr and
youres wt all lolines and trewe srvice I besech you hertely as I can.And also to my brethern Th upon Lod Wick of Pole William
Lynd Calyn and John Merchall.
No more but our Lorde have you both in his p’petuell kepyng.Writen at London on Seynt Margarete Even in hast and aftr
y3 is rede and understonden I p’y you bren or breke it for I am
loth to write any thing of any Lord but I moost neds ther is
no thing elles to write. Amen.Your awn,
6 Y. Wyndesore.
11 ½ by 8 ½.
London, Sunday,
St. Margaret’s Day,
20th of July, 1455, 33 H. VIThis Letter shows us, how the Duke of York?s Party endeavoured to throw the blame
of the battle at St. Alban’s upon each other; and that the Parliament accused the Duke
of Somerset, Thomas Thorpe, a Baron of the Exchequer, and William Joseph, Esquire,
as the cause of it, they having secreted (as it was said) from the King, a conciliatory
Letter sent for him by the Duke of York. The unsettled State of the Nation, and the
violent commotions of the times, are plainly pointed out.1 Richard Nevile, Earl of Warwick
2 Henry Stanhope, Lord Cromwell.
3 John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, (son of the famous General John Talbot, Earl of
Shrewsbury,) was Lord Treasurer in 1456, and fell in the battle of Northampton, in
1460, fighting for the House of Lancaster.4 Now St. James’s Palace.
5 A Place for the keeping of Hawks, now the Royal Stables.
The impression on the Seal of this Letter is a Goat. 6 Autograph. Pl. III. No 32
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (2nd transcript)
Unto my most faithful Brethren, John Bocking, and William
Worcester, and to either of them.WORSHIPFUL Sir, and my most heartily and best beloved
Brother, I recommend me unto you in more lowly wise,
than I can either think or write; and with all my service andtrue heart thank you of your gentle Letters, full brotherly
written unto me at many times of old, and in especial of late
time passed. And truly brother, I thank Almighty God of your
welfare, of the which the Bearer of this my poor Letter certified
me of, &c.And Sir, as touching all manner of new Tidings, I know
well ye are avarous (desirous); truly the day of making of this
Letter, there were none new, but such (as) I heard of, ye shall
be served withal.As for the first, the King, Our Sovereign Lord, and all his
true Lords stand in health of their bodies, but not all at Hearts
ease as we amongst others marvel.Two days afore the writing of this Letter there was language
between my Lords of 1 Warwick and 2 Cromwell afore the
King; insomuch as the Lord Cromwell would have excused
himself of all the stirring or moving of the male journey (battle)
of St. Alban’s; of the which excuse making, my Lord War-
wick had knowledge, and in haste was with the King, and
swore by his Oath, that the Lord Cromwell said not truth, but
that he was the Beginner of all that journey at St. Alban’s;
and so between my said two Lords of Warwick and Cromwell
there is at this day great grudging, insomuch as, the Earl of
3 Shrewsbury hath lodged him at the Hospital of St. 4 James
beside the 5 Mews, by the Lord Cromwell’s desire, for his safe guard.And also all my Lord of Warwick?s men, my Lord of York?s
men, and also my Lord of Salisbury’s men, go with harness, and
in harness, with strange weapons; and have stuffed their Lords
Barges full of weapons daily unto Westminster.And the day of making of this Letter there was a Proclamation
made in the Chancery on the King’s behalf; that no man should
neither bear weapon nor wear harness defensible, &c.Also the day afore the making of this Letter, there passed a
Bill both by the King, Lords, and Commons, putting Thorp,
Joseph, and my Lord of Somerset in all the default, by the which
Bill, all manner of actions that should grow to any person or
persons, for any offences at that journey done, in any manner of
wise should be extinct and void, affirming all things done there,
well done; and nothing done there never after this time to be
spoken of; to the which Bill many a man grudged full sore now
it is passed.And if (that) I might be recommended, unto my special
Master and yours, with all lowliness and true service, I beseech
you (as) heartily as I can.And also to my Brethren Th. upon Lode, Wick of Pole,
William Lynd, Calyn and John Marshall.No more, but our Lord have you both in his perpetual keeping.
Written at London on Saint Margaret’s Even in haste; and
after this is read and understood, I pray you burn or break (tear)
it, for I am loath to write any thing of any Lord, but I must
needs, there is nothing else to write. Amen.Your own,
11 ½ by 8 ½.
London, Sunday,
St. Margaret’s Day,
20th of July, 1455, 33 H. VIThis Letter shows us, how the Duke of York?s Party endeavoured to throw the blame
of the battle at St. Alban’s upon each other; and that the Parliament accused the Duke
of Somerset, Thomas Thorpe, a Baron of the Exchequer, and William Joseph, Esquire,
as the cause of it, they having secreted (as it was said) from the King, a conciliatory
Letter sent for him by the Duke of York. The unsettled State of the Nation, and the
violent commotions of the times, are plainly pointed out.1 Richard Nevile, Earl of Warwick
2 Henry Stanhope, Lord Cromwell.
3 John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, (son of the famous General John Talbot, Earl of
Shrewsbury,) was Lord Treasurer in 1456, and fell in the battle of Northampton, in
1460, fighting for the House of Lancaster.4 Now St. James’s Palace.
5 A Place for the keeping of Hawks, now the Royal Stables.
The impression on the Seal of this Letter is a Goat. 6 Autograph. Pl. III. No 32
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
WORCESTER1Unto my moost faitfull brethern, John Bokkyng and
William Worcestre, and to eyther of theym.WORSHIPFULL Sir, and my most hertely and best
be loved brother, I recommaund me unto you in
more loly wise than I can other thenk or write;
and with al my service and trewe herte thank you of your
gentill lettres, full brotherly written unto me at mony tymes
of old, and especiall of late tyme passed. And trwly, brother,
I thank Almyghty God of your welfare, of the which the
berer of this my pour lettre certified me of, &c.And, Sir, as touchyng al maner of newe tithinges, I knoo
well ye are averous; truly the day of makyng of this letter,
ther were nonn newe, but suche I herd of, ye shalbe served
with all.As for the first, the Kyng our souverain Lord, and all his
trwe Lordes stand in hele of there bodies, but not all athertes ees as we. Amonges other mervell, ij. dayes afore the
writyng of this letter, there was langage betwene my Lordes
of Warrewikke and Cromwell afore the Kyng, in somuch
as the Lord Cromwell wold have excused hym self of all the
steryng or moevyng of the male journey of Seynt Albones;
of the whiche excuse makyng, my Lord Warrewikke had
knolege, and in hast wasse with the Kyng, and sware by his
othe that the Lord Cromwell said not trouth, but that he was
begynner of all that journey at Seynt Albones; and so be-
twene my said ij. Lords of Warrewikke and Cromwell ther is
at this day grete grugyng, in somoch as the Erle of Shroues-
bury hath loged hym at the hospitall of Seynt James, beside
the Mewes, be the Lord Cromwells desire, for his sauf gard.And also all my Lord of Warrewikke men, my Lord of
York men, and also my Lord of Salesbury men goo with
harnes, and in harnes with strang wepons, and have stuffed
their Lordes barges full of wepon dayly unto Westminster.
And the day of makyng of this letter, ther was a pro-
clamacion made in the Chauncerie, on the Kyngs behalf,
that noman shuld nether bere wepon, ner were harnes de-
fensible, &c.Also, the day afore the makyng of this letter, ther passed
a bill1 both by the Kyng, Lords, and Comens, puttyng
Thorp, Josep, and my Lord of Somerset in all the defaute;
be the which bill all maner of actions that shuld growe to any
person or persones for any offenses at that journey doon, in
any maner of wise shuld be extynt and voide, affermyng all
thing doon there well doon, and nothing doon there never
after this tyme to be spoken of; to the which bill mony a
man groged full sore nowe it is passed.And if I myght be recommaunded unto my speciall
maister and youres, with all loliness and trewe service I
beseech you hertely as I can.And also to my brethern Th. Upton,2 Lodowick of Pole,
William Lynd Calyn [Lincoln?], and John Merchall.No more, but our Lorde have you both in his perpetuell
kepyng.Writen at London, on Seynt Margarete Even,1 in hast;
and after this is rede and understonden, I pray you bren or
breke it, for I am loth to write any thing of any Lord. But
I moost neds; ther is no thing elles to write. Amen.Your awn,
1 [From Fenn, i. 108.] As this letter refers to the disputes which arose after the
battle of St. Albans as to who should bear the blame of that occurrence, the date is
certain.1 See Rolls of Parl. v. 280.
2 Upon in Fenn, but Upton in the modern version on the opposite side of the
page.1 St. Margaret’s day is the 20th July, the eve the 19th.
JULY 191455