Henry V's Conquests in France
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Henry V's Conquests in France
- Reference
- Add. 27443, f. 74
- Date
- 1417-1419
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 1
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
THESE be the names of Townes, Castell, Citees, and
Abbeys that the [King did]2 gete in his secund
viage:?The Town of Cane and the Castell.
The Town of Valeis [Falaise] and the Castell.
The Town of Argenton and the Castell.
The Town of Bayeux and the Castell.
The Town of Alawnsom and the Castell.
The Town of Frezsne le Vicont and the Castell.
The Town of Seint Savers de Vive and the Castell.
The Town of Seint Jakes de Beueron and the Castell.
The Town of Seint Jakes de Burvam and the Castell.
The Town of Seint Low and the Castell.
The Town of Valence and the Castell.
The Cytee of Averense and the Castell.
The Cytee of Sees.
The Cytee of Leseaux.
The Cytee of Everose.
The Town of Louerse.
The Town of Counsheux.
The Town of Vire.
The Town of Karentine.
The Town of Chyrbourgh and the Castell.
The Town of Vernoile and ij. Castell.
The Town of Morteyn and the Castell.
The Town of Powntlarche and the Castell.
The Town of Esey and the Castell.
The Town of Dounfrount and the Castell.
The Town of Pountedomer and the Castell.
The Town of Turve and the Castell.
The Town of Costaunce and the Castell.
The Cytee of Roon and the Castell.
The Town of Galion and the Castell.
The Town of Galdebek [Caudebec].
The Town of Mustirvilers.
The Town of Depe.
The Town of Ve and the Castell.
The Town of Vernoile suz Seyne and the Castell.
The Town of Mawnt and the Castell.
The Castell of Towk.
The Castell of Morvile.
The Castell of Overs in Awge.
The Abbey of Seint Savers suz Deve.
The Abbey of Seint Peers suz Dive.
The Abbey of Seint Stevenis of Cane.
The Bole Abbey of Cane.
The Castell of Cursy.
The Castell of Gundy.
The Castell of Nevylebeke.
The Castell of Vermus.
The Castell of Garcy.
The Castell of Oo [Eu].
The Castell of Vileine.
The Castell of Egyll.
The Castell of Regyll.
The Castell of Curton.
The Castell of Fagernon.
The Castell of Chamberexs.
The Castell of Ryveers.
The Castell of Bewmanill.
The Castell of Bewmalyn.
The Castell of Harecourt.
The Abbey of Behelwyn.
The Castell of Parlevesque.
The Castell of Semper.
The Castell of Tracy.
The Castell of Tylly.
The Castell of Groby.
The Castell of Carsell.
The Castell of Hommbe.
The Castell of Seynt Denise.
The Castell of Bonvile.
The Castell of Grennevile.
The Castell of Perers.
The Castell of Seint Gilerinz.
The Castell of Bewmound.
The Castell of Asse la Rebole.
The Castell of Tanny.
The Castell of Antony.
The Castell of Balon.
The Castell of Mountfort.
The Castell of Tovey.
The Castell of Lowdon.
The Castell of Noaus.
The Castell of Seynt Romains in Plaine.
The Castell of Daungell.
The Castell of Peschere.
The Castell of Bolore.
The Castell of Keshank.
The Castell of Turre.
The Castell of Seint Imains.
The Castell of Seint Germains.
The Castell of Bomstapyll.
The Castell of Croile.
The Castell of Bakuile.
The Castell of Bellacombyr.
The Castell of Douyle.
The Castell of Likone.
The Castell of Ankyrvile.
The Abbey of Seint Katerinz.
These er the gates names of Roon, and how the lordys lay
in sege, and to fore what gate, and also the derth of vitailes
withyn the forseyd Cytee of Roon.Le Port Causcbes. To fore thys gate, lay my Lord of
Clarense1 vnto riversyde of Seyne with mykyl of hys howsold
and a grete market; and then fro that gate upward lay my
Lord of Urmound,2 my maistre Corwayle3 with the Lord
Talbotts meyne. Le Port de Castell. At thys gate my Lord
Marchall,4 the Lord of Haryngton. Le Port de Bewvoisyn.
At thys gate lay my Lord of Excester. Le Port de Vowdelagate.
To fore thys gate lay the Lord Roos, the Lord Wylleby, the
Lord Fyhew,5 Sir John Gray, and Sir William Porter. Le
Port Seint Yllare. To fore thys gate lay the kyng and my
Lord of Glowcestyr. Le Port de Martynvile. To fore thys
lay my Lord of Warwyk and Sir Phelip Leche. Le Port
debut de Pount. To fore thys gate lay my Lord of Huntyngdon,
my Lord of Sawlisbyry, my maistre Nevile, and my mayster
Umphirvile. Le Port de Vicount. Thys ys the chefe Water-
gate of the town, and at thys gate cometh in al maner
marchawndys and vitailes.Furthyrmore as towchyng to the derth of vytayles withyn
this forseyd Cytee, j. [one] Buschell of Whete was worth v.
scutys, j. lofe j. frank, j. dog j. frank, j. kat ijs. sterlinges, j.
rat vjd. sterlinges. And as towchyng all other vitailes, it was
spendit or that we com in to the Cytee.Urbis Rotomagi Wulstano captio claret,
Quam Rex Henricus Quintus sexto capit anno.1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] 2 Parchment mutilated.
1 Thomas, Duke of Clarence, the King’s brother.
2 James Butler, Earl of Ormond.
3 Sir John Cornwall, afterwards Lord Fanhope.
4 John Mowbray, Earl Marshal, afterwards Duke of Norfolk. 5 Fitz-Hugh.