Henry VI to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Henry VI to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 44
- Date
- 18 September 1450
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 139; Fenn, Vol III, Henry VI item 90
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (1st transcript)
To oure trusty and welbeloved
John Paston Squier.By the King.
TRUSTY and welbeloved for asmuche as oure right
trusty and welbeloved the Lord Moleyns is by oure sp’al
Desire and comaundement waitting upon us And now for di-
vers consideracions moeving us We purpose to sende hym in to
certaine places for to execute oure cōmaundement for the whiche
he ne may be attendant to be in oure Countees of Northfolk
and Suffolk at the Time of oure Cōmissioners sitting upon oure
Cōmission of oier detrminer wtin the same oure Countees We
therfore desire and praye you that considering his attendance
upon us and that he must applie hym to execute oure cōmaun-
dem’t ye wol respite as for any thing attempting ayenst hym as
for any matiers that ye have to do or seye ayenst hym or any oth’r
of his Serv’nts Welwillers or tenaunts by cause of hym unto tyme
he shal mowe be present to ansuere there unto Wherein ye shall
ministere unto us cause of pleasure. and ovr. that deserve of us right
good thanke. Yeven under oure signet at oure palois of West-
mynst’r the xviij day of Septemb’r.For the King’s Autograph, see Pl. I. No 1.
12 by 8 ½.
Paper Mark,
A Bunch of Grapes.
Pl. IX. No 14.Seal,
The Royal-Arms of England.
Pl. XXIII. No 2.Westminster,
18th of September,
before 1460. 39 H. VI.
See Letter XLIX.
Vol. I. p. 193.The matters here commanded by the King to be respited, were probably some disputes
relative to the manor of Gresham, a moiety of which had been purchased by Sir William
Paston the Judge, and the other moiety had belonged to Sir William Molyns, the pre-
sent Lord Molyns’s wife’s ancestor.As far as concerned his Lordship, perhaps a respite during his absence on the King’s
affairs might be necessary, but to extend that to his Tenants and Servants seems an
hardship upon the person who was Plaintiff and thought himself aggrieved.The Letter however is couched in the civiliest language possible, and sealed with the
King’s privy Seal on red Wax, having the Royal Arms of France and England quar-
terly, surmounted by a Royal Coronet, and encompassed with a Collar of SS. Pl. XXIII.
No 2. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (2nd transcript)
To our trusty and well-beloved John Paston, Esquire.
By the King.
TRUSTY and well-beloved, for as much as our right
trusty and well-beloved the Lord Moleyns is by our spe-
cial desire and commandment waiting upon us, and now for
divers considerations moving us, We purpose to send him into
certain places for to execute our commandments, for the which
he ne may (cannot) be attendant to be in our Counties of Norfolk
and Suffolk at the time of our Commissioners sitting upon our
Commission of Oyer (and) Determiner within the same our
Counties. We therefore desire and pray you, that considering
his attendance upon us, and that he must apply him to execute
our Commandment ye will respite as for any thing attempting
against him, as for any matters that ye have to do, or say against
him, or any other of his Servants, welwillers, or Tenants, be-
cause of him, unto time he shall mowe be (be able to be) present
to answer thereunto; wherein ye shall minister unto us cause of
pleasure, and over that, deserve of us right good thanks. Given
under our Signet at our palace of Westminster, the 18th day of
September.For the King’s Autograph, see Pl. I. No 1.
12 by 8 ½.
Paper Mark,
A Bunch of Grapes.
Pl. IX. No 14.Seal,
The Royal-Arms of England.
Pl. XXIII. No 2.Westminster,
18th of September,
before 1460. 39 H. VI.
See Letter XLIX.
Vol. I. p. 193.The matters here commanded by the King to be respited, were probably some disputes
relative to the manor of Gresham, a moiety of which had been purchased by Sir William
Paston the Judge, and the other moiety had belonged to Sir William Molyns, the pre-
sent Lord Molyns’s wife’s ancestor.As far as concerned his Lordship, perhaps a respite during his absence on the King’s
affairs might be necessary, but to extend that to his Tenants and Servants seems an
hardship upon the person who was Plaintiff and thought himself aggrieved.The Letter however is couched in the civiliest language possible, and sealed with the
King’s privy Seal on red Wax, having the Royal Arms of France and England quar-
terly, surmounted by a Royal Coronet, and encompassed with a Collar of SS. Pl. XXIII.
No 2. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To oure trusty and welbeloved John Paston, Squier.
By the King.
TRUSTY and welbeloved, for asmuche as oure right
trusty and welbeloved the Lord Moleyns is by our
special desire and comaundement waitting upon us,
and now for divers consideracions moeving us, we purpose to
sende hym in to certaine places for to execute oure commaunde-
ment, for the whiche he ne may be attendant to be in oure
countees of Northfolk and Suffolk at the time of oure Commis-
sioners sitting upon oure commission of oier determiner within
the same oure counties: We therfore desire and praye that
considering his attendance upon us, and that he must applie
hym to execute oure commaundement, ye wol respite as for
any thing attempting ayenst hym as for any matiers that ye
have to do or seye ayenst hym, or any other of his servants,
welwillers, or tenaunts, by cause of hym, unto tyme he shal
mowe be present to ansuere there unto; wherein ye shall
ministere unto us cause of pleasure, and over that, deserve of
us right good thanke. Yeven under oure signet at oure Palois
of Westmynster, the xviij. day of September.2 [From Fenn, iii. 362.] The bearing of this letter upon the contents of Nos. 135
and 136 proves it to be of the same year.SEPT. 18
SEPT. 18