Henry Gorton to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Henry Gorton to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/164
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 240; Kingsford, Vol II, item 240
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[? 20 MAY, 1479]
The date must be later than 1477 since Stonor is a knight. It would seem
likely that the date is later than that of the previous letter, which explains
the allusion to ?my mastres? (masters) of Windsor. A possible date is
therefore 20th May, 1479. In any case it is convenient to place the two
letters together. For Harry Gorton see further No. 219 From A.C., xlvi,
164.Ryght reverent and worshypfull Master, I reccommaund me unto your
mastershyp, desyeryng to here of your welfar, Ietyng you understond
that my mastres of Wynsore have appoyntyd the Court of Bassetysbure
the Moneday before Whitsoneday, also Crendon, Pyrton, Hasley,
Tewysday and Wenesday aftur. I pray you of your masterhode to seynd
me worde yff ye may be ther or nott: for my lorde of Salesbury33 wylbe
as att thys hymself. Plesyt you to send me worde by the brynger of
this byll, and uppon Satyrday at Wynsore I shall lett theym understond
howe your masterschyp his dysposed by godes grace, whome have you
in his kepyng. Wreten on Thursday last passed in hast.By your servant Henr. Gorton.
To his most worshypfull master Sir Willm. Stonour, be this byll de-
livered in hast. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[? 20 MAY, 1479]
The date must be later than 1477 since Stonor is a knight. It would seem
likely that the date is later than that of the previous letter, which explains
the allusion to “my mastres” (masters) of Windsor. A possible date is
therefore 20th May, 1479. In any case it is convenient to place the two
letters together. For Harry Gorton see further No. 219. From A.C., xlvi,
164.Ryght reverent and worshypfull Master, I reccommaund me unto your
mastershyp, desyeryng to here of your welfar, letyng you understond
that my mastres of Wynsore have appoyntyd the Court of Bassetysbure
the Moneday before Whitsoneday, also Crendon, Pyrton, Hasley,
Tewysday and Wenesday aftur. I pray you of your masterhode to seynd
me worde yff ye may be ther or nott: for my lorde of Salesbury wylbe
as att thys hymself. Plesyt you to send me worde by the brynger of
this byll, and uppon Satyrday at Wynsore I shall lett theym understond
howe your masterschyp his dysposed by godes grace, whome have you
in his kepyng. Wreten on Thursday last passed in hast.By your servant Henr. Gorton.
To his most worshypfull master Sir Willm. Stonour, be this byll de-
livered in hast.