[? 1474]
There is nothing to show the date, but since it was found stitched to A.C., xlvi, 227-33—see Nos. 138, 139, 144—it may probably be assigned to 1474. From A.C., xlvi, 225.
Ryght Worshepfull maister, I recomaund me to yow with all my service. Plesith yow to wete that I have herkened to understond off your Audite: I woll attende at suche tyme as shall please yow; and I pray yow that ye like to remembre the letter that my maister Courtnay sent to yow, that my maister Ric. Fowler may by yow undistond the tenor þerof, as my parfete trust is in yow. And I trust to your maister- shep that ye woll se þat I kept harmeles for the money that Ric. Pygot, my servaunt, delivered yow at Tacham &c. Syr, a bedde þat I pro[mysed] your maistershep shall be redy, and my servaunt, with Godes
mercy, who ever preserve yow, my good maister. Wreton at Aston in hast.
Your servaunt H. Dogett.
I am sumwhat erased, or elles I wold have seyn your maistershep. No endorsement.