Henry Dogett to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Henry Dogett to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/146
- Date
- 31 December [?1479]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 256; Kingsford, Vol II, item 256
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
The date is most probably 1478 or 1479. It does not seem likely that it
can belong to the same year as No. 231. From A.C., xlvi, 146.My good and feythfull maister, I recomaund me to yow with all my
service. I undirstond by your writeyng that the Kyng and oþer the
lordes be right well plesid with your worshipfull demenyng: of the
wheche I am right glad. And also that my lord Chaunceler is your
good lord and councellyth you to your grete worship and avayle. God
defende yow fro sinustre councell. My said lordes advyse and councell
is full frutes and profitable for yow, as I have hadde very knowleche:
I pray God contynue hym. And where ye like to write to me to
come to your maistershep I was not wele disposed to ride this many
day, as Godd knoweth. Praying yow that ye woll take no displeser,
I send yow by my servaunt xx markes: I have right lytyll mone;
how be hit yef ye nede I woll purvey more ayenst Monday next, and
send hit to your maistershep with Goddes mercy, who ever preserve
yow, my good and feithfull maister. Wreton at Pusey a Neweyeres
yeve, with the hond of your old servaunt,H. Dogett.
Syr, John Wagge kan enforme your maistershep of my disese &c.
To my maister syr Will. Stonore, Kny[ght].
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The date is most probably 1478 or 1479. It does not seem likely that it
can belong to the same year as No. 231. From A.C., xlvi, 146.My good and feythfull maister, I recomaund me to yow with all my
service. I undirstond by your writeyng that the Kyng and oþer the
lordes be right well plesid with your worshipfull demenyng: of the
wheche I am right glad. And also that my lord Chaunceler is your
good lord and councellyth you to your grete worship and avayle. God
defende yow fro sinustre councell. My said lordes advyse and councell
is full frutes and profitable for yow, as I have hadde very knowleche:
I pray God contynue hym. And where ye like to write to me to
come to your maistershep I was not wele disposed to ride this many
day, as Godd knoweth. Praying yow that ye woll take no displeser,
I send yow by my servaunt xx markes: I have right lytyll mone;
how be hit yef ye nede I woll purvey more ayenst Monday next, and
send hit to your maistershep with Goddes mercy, who ever preserve
yow, my good and feithfull maister. Wreton at Pusey a Neweyeres
yeve, with the hond of your old servaunt,H. Dogett.
Syr, John Wagge kan enforme your maistershep of my disese &c.
To my maister syr Will. Stonore, Kny[ght].