Unto Sir Robart Plompton, knight, be this letter delivered
in hast
Right worshipfull Sir, I recomend me unto you, desiring to
here of your welfare; certifiing you I have receyved your letter
and hath spoken with Sir Edmond Batmon, and he is right glad
of the mocion, and wyll abyde by yt for his dede, and by all
things that his attorney doth in his name, and so will shew
to all men that spurnsa him any wher. But he is feard lest they
wyll not appeare without a suppena, and if ther be any thing, that
ether he, or I, can doe you service or plesure, we are yours. No
more at this tyme, but Jesu preserve you. Wrytten at Darley in
the Peke, the VI day of March.
By your lover and servant,
a To spur, to ask. See the Hallamshire Glossary, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A.
Lond. Pickering,1829.
b Henry Collumbell of Derley, com. Derb. esq.