Henry Colet to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Henry Colet to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/201
- Date
- 7 July [?1480]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 273; Kingsford, Vol II, item 273
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR7 JULY [? 1480]
The writer is no doubt the well-known London merchant, who was father
of Dean Colet. The reference is to a wardship, and the date is probably
earlier than that of Nos. 276 and 282. For Thomas Pratt, see Nos. 103-5.
The letter is holograph. It apparently belongs to the same year as No.
276. From A.C., xlvi, 201.46Right worshipfull Syr, I comaunde me unto you, and letyng you wete
that I have receyvet your letter send to me by Hugh Unton, by the
which letter I understond ye desire a gretter somme than ye graunt hir
me by mouth your awne self. Syr, the trouth is this—I will aply
somwhat to your intent: ye shall have for hir mariage and all the rigth
that shal long to hir sex score pound: and wher ye desire me to gete
yow ij suertes, ye shall have my service, and that ye shall well under-
stand at oure next metyng. And how ye will be demenet of this child,
I pray you send me word what I shall trust unto: for ye may under-
stond by my writyng that I owe a love to the child, and loth to displese
you. Syr, I have a bill deliveret me for payment made by you to
Thomas Prat of Henley of xx. li., the which ye owe my lady Mount-
ford:47 of the which bille ye and I shall agree well opon at oure next
metyng. And almighty God have you in his kepying. Written at
London opon Seint Thomas Day at nyght at vij of Clok,be yowur owne Harry Colet.
To the right worshipfull syr Willyam Stonor, knyght, be thys
delivered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR7 JULY [? 1480]
The writer is no doubt the well-known London merchant, who was father
of Dean Colet. The reference is to a wardship, and the date is probably
earlier than that of Nos. 276 and 282. For Thomas Pratt, see Nos. 103-5.
The letter is holograph. It apparently belongs to the same year as No.
276. From A.C., xlvi, 201.Right worshipfull Syr, I comaunde me unto you, and letyng you wete
that I have receyvet your letter send to me by Hugh Unton, by the
which letter I understond ye desire a gretter somme than ye graunt hir
me by mouth your awne self. Syr, the trouth is this—I will aply
somwhat to your intent: ye shall have for hir mariage and all the rigth
that shal long to hir sex score pound: and wher ye desire me to gete
yow ij suertes, ye shall have my service, and that ye shall well under-
stond at oure next metyng. And how ye will be demenet of this child,
I pray you send me word what I shall trust unto: for ye may under-
stond by my writyng that I owe a love to the child, and loth to displese
you. Syr, I have a bill deliveret me for payment made by you to
Thomas Prat of Henley of xx. li., the which ye owe my lady Mount-
ford: of the which bille ye and I shall agree well opon at oure next
metyng. And almighty God have you in his kepying. Written at
London opon Seint Thomas Day at nyght at vij of Clok,be yowur owne Harry Colet.
To the right worshipfull syr Willyam Stonor, knyght, be thys