Heirlooms in the Chapel and House at Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Heirlooms in the Chapel and House at Stonor
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/11
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 140; Kingsford, Vol I, item 140
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
The reference to Mistress Jane suggests that this document was drawn up
after the death of Thomas Stonor in 1474. The mother of Thomas Stonor
(d. 1431) was also called Joan or Jane, but she had married again and died
long before 1431, and is hardly likely to have been referred to as "Mastres
Jane Stonor". On the alabaster tables, see English Mediaeval Alabaster
Work (Society of Antiquaries, 1913), p. 35, and Plates V and XIX; retables
dealing with the Passion seem to have been characteristic of the period 1420
to 1460. The original is stained with dirt and in places difficult to decipher.
From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 11..
Thys be the stuffe of þe chapelle of Stonor þe wyche must be left
fro Eyur unto Eyur wythyn þe maner of Stonor.First the vestments of purpulle velvet lynud with grene sarsnet wyth
awbe, stole, vanone,1 and amyce þerto. Item [another vestment] of
Bawdkyn lynud wyth tawney sarsenett, ij awbs of Raynus, and ij amyces
þerto to ?e [vestment of] purpull velvet. Item, . . . carpets for the
sacrament wyth a canape of reede tartarne. Item ij copus of purpulle
velvett lynud wyth tawney sarsenet. Item j fygure of þe trynite of ale-
basture. Item j tabulle of alebasture þe storyus of þe passyon of owr
lord, þe wych Tabulle Mastres Jane Stonor has yeft unto þe chapelle of
Stonor wyth many oþer þynges þerto belongyng. Item, vj labells of
purpulle velvet wyth crossus. Item j olde fruntelle of purpulle velvett
losenchyd with gold. Item, j olde vestement of Blwe Bawdkyn, with
awbe, stole, vanone, and amyce. Item j corperas of Rayns and þe case
þerfor of whyte and blwe velvett y-browdred with j trayle of yvi, with
j barr of reed velvett. Item, j crucifyxe of sylver y-gylt yn a tabelett of
tree. Item, j chales of sylver with þe patent. Item, j peyr cruettes of
sylver y-gylt. Item, j pelowe y-keverd wyth tartarne for þe sepulture.
Item j seler and j testur of whyte lynone for ?e sepulture. Item, j
kerchew of umpull for þe sacurment. Item, ij narowe karchews of
lawne for þe sepulture. Item iij cloþus for to kover þe ymagis yn lent.
Item j steynud clo?e for þe rode wyth j crucyfixe and drops. Item, j
hangyng for þe awter y-steynud with j crucyfixe, ?e ymages of owre lady
and seynt John. Item, ij curteyns and a noþer beneþe þe awter of þe
same wrke wyth iij ymages. Item, j hangyng for þe chapelle of olde
wurstyd. Item, ij awter cloþis for þe awter and j her. Item, j super-
altare for þe awter. Item, j peyre canstyckes of laton for þe awter.
Item, ij Masse Bokes, one of þem ys at Pyrton, ij portews, and j Grayle.
Item, j halywhatur stocke of laten, wyth j spryngelle of þe same. Item,
j sacryngbelle. Item j old fruntelle of purpulle sarsenett.[In dorso.] Also þes byth þe standderdus of Stonore þat schalle abyde
yn þe Manor of Stonore from Eyur unto Eyur.1 I.e. fanon, a maniple.
Furst j stondyng Cuppe of sylver y-gylt wyth a keveryng and ij ymages
yn þe bottume. Item, þe macch of þe same cuppe, y-gylt wyth owte a
ffote. Item, a grete Bolle of sylver with þe armys of Stonore and
Kyrkeby yn þe bottume.62Also þis is þe stuffe þat ys lefte wyth yn þe manor of Stonore þat
schalle rest yn the seyd Manor ffro Eyur unto Eyur. Furst yn the
halle a peyer of coburnes left þer for standderdes. Item þe seyd halle
y-hangyd wyth blacke saye. Item, þe lyttulle chamburr ennyxid unto
þe parlowre, þe hangyng þer of ys palud cloþ purpulle and grene. Item,
iij chamburs byth hangyd wyth palud saye, reede and grene, wyth a
Bedde of þe same. Item, þe chambur at neþer зend of þe halle ys
hangud wyth grene worstyd, and þe hangy[ng] for a Bedde of whyte.
Item, to þe Bedde yn þe parlour chambur ij peyer of blankettes, a
peyre of þe schetes, and a rede coverlett wyth grene chapelettes.
Item, a ffedur Bedde, þe wych þe seyd Jane Stonor lefyth þer yn lone
to þe seyd chambur. Item, a grene coverlett wyth pottes and Estrych
ffe?urs, yn þe same chambur; a peyr of schetes, j peyr of blankettes,
and a matres for þe truckle bedde yn þe same chambur. Item a
awnedyrone for þe same chambur, and a tynone bason. Item, j ffyer
forke for þe halle. Item, a chaffur of laten. Item, ij playn cheynes.63
Item, j turnyd cheyne, ij cusschyuns y-keverd wyth grey skyns. Item,
ij cuschyns y-keverd wyth redde worstyd. Item, ij cuschyns of tappestri
wurke wyth nottes. Item, yn þe Botry ys left j bason and a ewer of
laten. Item, j bason and ewer of tynne. Item, a chaffyng dysche of
laten. Item, v canustyrs of laten. Item, ij borde cloþes of dyaper.
Item, a long borde cloþe and a schorte. Item, a coberde cloþe with
iij towellys, and j trencher knyfe, and iij leþer pottes, and ij saltes of
tynne. Item, yn ?e Kechyn ij grete pottes, j medulle potte, j possenet,
ij hangyng rackes for pottes, ij coterellys, ij rackes for to reste [them]
upon, ij grete greders, ij olde pans, ij ffrying pannys, j stone morter, j
brode grate, j grete broche, j medulle broche, j byrde broche, ij dressyng
knyfus, j fflesshe axe, j wode axe, j flesshehoke, j skymmer of laton,
a scale of tree. . . . ., j garnysshe of pewter veselle. Item, yn þe
Backehousse þer ys lefft j meshyng vatte, j зeel vatte, vij kevers, ix
barells, j grete caudren, j trevett, ij bultyng pypes, j cabulie, j axe,
j weegge of yron.Item, v jackus, iij salettes, ij gleyfes, and a borespere.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
The reference to Mistress Jane suggests that this document was drawn up
after the death of Thomas Stonor in 1474. The mother of Thomas Stonor
(d. 1431) was also called Joan or Jane, but she had married again and died
long before 1431, and is hardly likely to have been referred to as “Mastres
Jane Stonor”. On the alabaster tables, see English Medioeval Alabaster
Work (Society of Antiquaries, 1913), p. 35, and Plates V and XIX; retables
dealing with the Passion seem to have been characteristic of the period 1420
to 1460. The original is stained with dirt and in places difficult to decipher.
From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 11.Thys be the stuffe of þe chapelle of Stonor þe wyche must be left
fro Eyur unto Eyur wythyn þe maner of Stonor.First the vestments of purpulle velvet lynud with grene sarsnet wyth
awbe, stole, vanone,1 and amyce þerto. Item [another vestment] of
Bawdkyn lynud wyth tawney sarsenett, ij awbs of Raynus, and ij amyces
þerto to þe [vestment of] purpull velvet. Item, . . . carpets for the
sacrament wyth a canape of reede tartarne. Item ij copus of purpulle
velvett lynud wyth tawney sarsenet. Item j fygure of þe trynite of ale-
basture. Item j tabulle of alebasture þe storyus of þe passyon of owr
lord, þe wych Tabulle Mastres Jane Stonor has yeft unto þe chapelle of
Stonor wyth many oþer þynges þerto belongyng. Item, vj labells of
purpulle velvet wyth crossus. Item j olde fruntelle of purpulle velvett
losenchyd with gold. Item, j olde vestement of Blwe Bawdkyn, with
awbe, stole, vanone, and amyce. Item j corperas of Rayns and þe case
þerfor of whyte and blwe velvett y-browdred with j trayle of yvi, with
j barr of reed velvett. Item, j crucifyxe of sylver y-gylt yn a tabelett of
tree. Item, j chales of sylver with þe patent. Item, j peyr cruettes of
sylver y-gylt. Item, j pelowe y-keverd wyth tartarne for þe sepulture.
Item j seler and j testur of whyte lynone for þe sepulture. Item, j
kerchew of umpull for þe sacurment. Item, ij narowe karchews of
lawne for þe sepulture. Item iij cloþus for to kover þe ymagis yn lent.
Item j steynud cloþe for þe rode wyth j crucyfixe and drops. Item, j
hangyng for þe awter y-steynud with j crucyfixe, þe ymages of owre lady
and seynt John. Item, ij curteyns and a noþer beneþe þe awter of þe
same wrke wyth iij ymages. Item, j hangyng for þe chapelle of olde
wurstyd. Item, ij awter cloþis for þe awter and j her. Item, j super-
altare for þe awter. Item, j peyre canstyckes of laton for þe awter.
Item, ij Masse Bokes, one of þem ys at Pyrton, ij portews, and j Grayle.
Item, j halywhatur stocke of laten, wyth j spryngelle of þe same. Item,
j sacryngbelle. Item j old fruntelle of purpulle sarsenett.[In dorso.] Also þes byth þe standderdus of Stonore þat schalle abyde
yn þe Manor of Stonore from Eyur unto Eyur.Furst j stondyng Cuppe of sylver y-gylt wyth a keveryng and ij ymages
yn þe bottume. Item, þe macch of þe same cuppe, y-gylt wyth owte a
ffote. Item, a grete Bolle of sylver with þe armys of Stonore and
Kyrkeby yn þe bottume.Also þis is þe stuffe þat ys lefte wyth yn þe manor of Stonore þat
schalle rest yn the seyd Manor ffro Eyur unto Eyur. Furst yn the
halle a peyer of coburnes left þer for standderdes. Item þe seyd halle
y-hangyd wyth blacke saye. Item, þe lyttulle chamburr ennyxid unto
þe parlowre, þe hangyng þer of ys palud cloþ purpulle and grene. Item,
iij chamburs byth hangyd wyth palud saye, reede and grene, wyth a
Bedde of þe same. Item, þe chambur at neþer Зend of þe halle ys
hangud wyth grene worstyd, and þe hangy[ng] for a Bedde of whyte.
Item, to þe Bedde yn þe parlour chambur ij peyer of blankettes, a
peyre of þe schetes, and a rede coverlet wyth grene chapelettes.
Item, a ffedur Bedde, þe wych þe seyd Jane Stonor lefyth þer yn lone
to þe seyd chambur. Item, a grene coverlett wyth pottes and Estrych
ffeþurs, yn þe same chambur; a peyr of schetes, j peyr of blankettes,
and a matres for þe truckle bedde yn þe same chambur. Item a
awnedyrone for þe same chambur, and a tynone bason. Item, j ffyer
forke for þe halle. Item, a chaffur of laten. Item, ij playn cheynes.
Item, j turnyd cheyne, ij cusschyuns y-keverd wyth grey skyns. Item,
ij cuschyns y-keverd wyth redde worstyd. Item, ij cuschyns of tappestri
wurke wyth nottes. Item, yn þe Botry ys left j bason and a ewer of
laten. Item, j bason and ewer of tynne. Item, a chaffyng dysche of
laten. Item, v canustyrs of laten. Item, ij borde cloþes of dyaper.
Item, a long borde cloþe and a schorte. Item, a coberde cloþe wyth
iij towellys, and j trencher knyfe, and iij leþer pottes, and ij saltes of
tynne. Item, yn þe Kechyn ij grete pottes, j medulle potte, j possenet,
ij hangyng rackes for pottes, ij coterellys, ij rackes for to reste [them]
upon, ij grete greders, ij olde pans, ij ffrying pannys, j stone morter, j
brode grate, j grete broche, j medulle broche, j byrde broche, ij dressyng
knyfus, j fflesshe axe, j wode axe, j flesshehoke, j skymmer of laton,
a scale of tree . . . . . ., j garnysshe of pewter veselle. Item, yn þe
Backehousse þer ys lefft j meshyng vatte, j Зeel vatte, vij kevers, ix
barells, j grete caudren, j trevett, ij bultyng pypes, j cabulle, j axe,
j weegge of yron.Item, v jackus, iij salettes, ij gleyfes, and a borespere.
1 I.e. fanon, a maniple.