Halnath Mauleverer to Sir Robert Plumpton, Miles Wilstrop, John Pullein and Robert Birnand
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Halnath Mauleverer to Sir Robert Plumpton, Miles Wilstrop, John Pullein and Robert Birnand
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 133, p. 80
- Date
- 13 May, [1480-1486]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 8; Kirby, item 40
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
40 Halnath Mauleverer to Sir Robert Plumpton, Miles Wilstrop, John Pullein
and Robert Bimand, 13 May [1480 × 1486] (No. 133, p. 80)Worshipfull Sires, I recomend me to you. My nephew Halnath hath
bene with me, & shewed to me a wyll made upon a feftment, at my
brother Sir John1 goying over see, on whose soule Jesu have mercy, by
þe which I vnderstond þat my nephew Halnath & Robart2 shold have,
ether of them, iiijli by the yere, term of ther lyfes. If they can shew the
wylle vnder seale according to the copie, the must neds have ther iiijli.
Also they shew þat Myles Wylstropp,3 John Pullan,4 Robart Barnand5 &
Nycholas Ward was with my brother [p. 81] at his death, to whom my
sayd brother sayd þat he wold þat this will were fulfilled & performed.
If this be trew, it is a great evydence. As for my sister enterest, I shall
comyn with wyse learne men, & shew to them how þe matter stands
betwene my sayd sister6 & my nese as nere as I can. I shall shew them
of the exchang and of þe closser byside Sober Hell,7 and also what þe
Law will, if my sayd sister was agreed afore wytnesse þat my nephew
shold have my sister iointer and dower for terme of hir lyfe, if yt be
by indenter.8 I remitt þat to your wysdomes, besechying you all to se
þat ther be no troble amongst them so I send þe certayne of all þe
premisses. Gylbard shalbe with you by Trente Sunday, or sone after, &
bryng you the certaynte of everything, by the grace of Jesu, who
preserue you. Wrytten at Klerkinwell, the xiij of May.aHalnath Maliuerey9
Endorsed (p. 80): To the right worshipfull Sirs Sir Robart Plompton,
Myles Wylstrop & to John Pullan, Robart Barnand be this letter
deliuereda Appended: Copied þe 17 day of Aprill 1613.
1 Sir John Mauleverer, 18.
2 In his will, proved 12 April 1502 in Doctors’ Commons, Robert Mauleverer beque-
athed to Our Lady of Walsingham a diamond ring given to him by Richard III. His
brother Halnath (or Alnathus) was named executor, Test. Ebor., iv, 182n.3 See 18.
4 John Pullein, of Scotton, married Grace, daughter of Sir John Mauleverer, Pullein,
128–29; 36.5 Robert Birnand, of Knaresborough, Sir John Mauleverer’s brother-in-law, described
in a deed of 1499 as ‘learned’, Flower’s Visitation, 201; D.J.H. Michelmore (ed.), The
Fountains Abbey Lease Book (YASRS, CXL, 1981), 105; 24.6 Alice, daughter of Richard Banke of Newton (d.1496), CIPM, Henry VII, iii, 389.
7 Sober Hill is the name of two farmhouses in Newby Wiske, North Yorkshire,
Stapleton, 47n.8 It appears that Lady Mauleverer had made over her jointure and dower to her son,
Sir Thomas, in exchange for an annuity, 41.9 Halnath Mauleverer, of Allerton Mauleverer, near Knaresborough, App. III.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the right worshipfull Sirs, Sir Robart Plompton, Myles Wylstrop,
and to John Pullan, Robart Barnand, be this letter delivered.Worshipfull Sires, I recomend me to you. My nephew Hal-
nath a hath bene with me, and shewed to me a wyll made upon a
feftment, at my brother Sir John goyng over see, on whose soule
Jesu have mercy; by the which I understond that my nephew
Halnath and Robart shold have, ether of them, iiijli, by the yere,
terme of ther lyfes. If they can shew the wyll under seale according
to the copie, the must neds have ther iiijli. Also they shew that
Myles Wylstropp, John Pullan, Robart Barnand, and Nycholas
Ward b was with my brother at his death; to whom my sayd bro-
ther sayd, that he wold that this will were fulfilled and performed.
If this be trew, it is a great evydence. As for my sister entrest, I
shall comyn with wyse lerned men, and shew to them how the
matter stands betwene my sayd sister and my nese, as nere as I can.
I shall shew them of the exchange, and of the closser bysyde Sober
Hell, c and also what the law will, if my sayd sister was agreed afore
wytness that my nephew shold have my sister joynter and dower
for terme of hir lyfe, if yt be by endenter. I remitt yt to your wys-
domes, besechyng you all to se that ther be no troble among them,
to I send the certayne of all the premisses. Gylbard shalbe with you
by Trenete Sunday, or sone after, and bryng you the certaynte of
every thing, by the grace of Jesu, who preserve you. Wrytten at
Clerkinwell, the xiii of May.
HALNATH MALIVEREY.a The writer of this letter was, it appears, a brother of the House of St. John of
Jerusalem at Clerkenwell, and of the family settled at Allerton Mauleverer, in the
county of York. Sir John Mauleverer, his brother, is said in the pedigrees of the
family to have married a daughter of Banks of Newton is Craven, by whom he had a son
named Thomas, whose wife was a De la River of Brandsby, com. Ebor.; and a daugh-
ter Grace, married to John Pullan, of Knaresborough, esq.; but this and the following
letter add considerably to the genealogies of the family, hitherto in print, in furnishing
us with the names of the writer himself, and those of his nephews Halanath and Robert,
sons of his brother William. Sir Thomas Mauleverer, knt. was a feed-man of the Earl
of Northumberland in 1486, and contracted for the marriage of his son Richard to
John, daughter of Sir Robert Plumpton, knt. 20 May, 7 Hen. VII. 1492. He died
before 2 Sept. 11 Hen. VII. 1495, leaving Elizabeth his wife surviving. (Chartul.
No. 763 and 779.)b Nicholas Ward was a younger brother of Sir Christopher Ward, of Gevendale,
com. Ebor. knt.c Sober Hill is the name of two farm-houses in the township of Newby-Wiske, near