H. Makney to [Sir William Stonor]
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- H. Makney to [Sir William Stonor]
- Reference
- SC 1/46/180
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 275; Kingsford, Vol II, item 275
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[17 SEPT.1480]
Clearly written to Sir William Stonor, and, from the reference to Lady
Stonor's illness, probably in 1480. From A.C., xlvi, 180.48My Ryghte reverente and my syngler gode Maistire, aftire due re-
comendacion, Sire, pleasithe to wete þat my lady is in gode hele, blesside
be Jhesu, and recomendide unto youe with alle here herte and mynde,
and alle your servantes also, and praythe daily for your prosperite and
wusshuppe, in especiall for your sone comynge home &c. Syr, your
parke gothe welle onewarde in dikinge and in pale, your husbondrie in
like wise, and befe and moten wex, and the state,1 with alle odire
vitaile, and specially money. Y pray youe remembre your lente stuffe.
Y wulde have be with youe my selfe or þis tyme, but y ame so grevyde
in my bakke þat y may nethe ride ne go. We hire of your grete and
importune chargis latly leyde on youe, whiche causithe alle your frendis
to be y-ryghte full sory therofe: but y beseche Jhesu contynue youe in
honoure as ye have begon, and þat ye may furnysshe your selfe in alle
abilymentes of werre lyke unto your ffelowshyppe beynge in rome as ye
are in. And also my lady hath sente here water unto M. Derwothe to
undirstonde his conceite, ande howe he demyth by here water whedir
she be in wey of mending &c. On Soneday nexte afor sente Mathewes
day, at Stonore.Your servaunte, H. Makney.
To my Ryght Worshipfull Maister.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
[17 SEPT. 1480]
Clearly written to Sir William Stonor, and, from the reference to Lady
Stonor’s illness, probably in 1480. From A.C., xlvi, 180.My Ryghte reverente and my syngler gode Maistire, aftire due re-
comendacion, Sire, pleasithe to wete þat my lady is in gode hele, blesside
be Jhesu, and recomendide unto youe with alle here herte and mynde,
and alle your servantes also, and praythe daily for your prosperite and
wusshuppe, in especiall for your sone comynge home &c. Syr, your
parke gothe welle onewarde in dikinge and in pale, your husbondrie in
like wise, and befe and moten wex, and the state,1 with alle odire
vitaile, and specially money. Y pray youe remembre your lente stuffe.
Y wulde have be with youe my selfe or þis tyme, but y ame so grevyde
in my bakke þat y may nethe ride ne go. We hire of your grete and
importune chargis latly leyde on youe, whiche causithealle your frendis
to be y-ryghte full sory therofe: but y beseche Jhesu contynue youe in
honoure as ye have begon, and þat ye may furnysshe your selfe in alle
abilymentes of werre lyke unto your ffelowshyppe beynge in rome as ye
are in. And also my lady hath sente here water unto M. Derwothe to
undirstonde his conceite, ande howe he demyth by here water whedir
she be in wey of mending &c. On Soneday nexte afor sente Mathewes
day, at Stonore.Your servaunte, H. Makney.
To my Ryght Worshipfull Maister.
1 Perhaps “stots,” or it may be “stace” meaning “stock”.