H. C[arnebull] to [William] Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- H. C[arnebull] to [William] Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/93
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 189; Kingsford, Vol II, item 189
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[before 1478]
This letter is certainly in the writing of H. Carnebull (see No. 255), who
was an officer of the bishop of Lincoln. It was probably addressed to Wil-
liam Stonor, and the date must be earlier than 1478. Simon Haseley occurs
as bailiff of Dorchester between 1475 and 1485 (Early Chancery Proceedings
60/129). From A.C., xlvi, 93.After my dewte with reommendacion, lyke it youe to be remembred
that y desired and praied you at the last leete þat ye and y wer at Dor-
chestre for my lords baile, Symon Haseley: and that ye wold let hym
by cope soche landes ther as thoo wer yn my lordes handes: hit pleased
you ther to sey þat it shuld be doon, and þat ye wold be good maistir
unto hym, specially for þe good service he hath doon to my lord. And
al be hit þat ye desired Herry Doket þerunto, and to make þe baile a
copie at þe last holymote þer, he didde hit not, wherby and by þe delay
þerof my lord is ly[ke to] lese ?e fyne for the same: wherof I merveyle.
I pray you therfor se ye hit be doon, for þe advaile of my lord: and let
þe copie be entred, as it was accorded, in þe said last halymoote. At
your commyng to London y shal wayte on you. Frome Woborne
Leiserles þe xviijth day of August.Yours to my hole power, H. C.
To maister Stonor.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[before 1478]
This letter is certainly in the writing of H. Carnebull (see No. 255), who
was an officer of the bishop of Lincoln. It was probably addressed to Wil-
liam Stonor, and the date must be earlier than 1478. Simon Haseley occurs
as bailiff of Dorchester between 1475 and 1485 (Early Chancery Proceedings
60/129). From A.C., xlvi, 93.After my dewte with reommendacion, lyke it youe to be remembred
that y desired and praied you at the last leete þat ye and y wer at Dor-
chestre for my lords baile, Symon Haseley: and that ye wold let hym
by cope soche landes ther as thoo wer yn my lordes handes: hit pleased
you ther to sey þat it shuld be doon, and þat ye wold be good maistir
unto hym, specially for þe good service he hath doon to my lord. And
al be hit þat ye desired Herry Doket þerunto, and to make þe baile a
copie at þe last holymote þer, he didde hit not, wherby and by þe delay
þerof my lord is ly[ke to] lese þe fyne for the same: wherof I merveyle.
I pray you therfor se ye hit be doon, for þe advaile of my lord: and let
þe copie be entred, as it was accorded, in þe said last halymoote. At
your commyng to London y shal wayte on you. Frome Woborne
Leiserles þe xviijth day of August.Yours to my hole power, H. C.
To maister Stonor.