H. Carnebull to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- H. Carnebull to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/144
- Date
- 16 November [1479]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 255; Kingsford, Vol II, item 255
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR16 NOV. [1479]
This clearly relates to the stewardship of Thame. In Ancient Deeds,
C. 5623, there is a copy of a grant by the dean and canons of Lincoln, at the
request of Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, to Sir William Stonor and the heirs of
his body, of the office of Steward of the lordships of Thame and Dorchester,
in Oxfordshire, and of Wooburn and Tynghurst, Bucks., at a fee of ?6 1s. 8d.
On the same paper is a copy of another deed dated 6 Dec., 1479. The grant
of the stewardship may fairly be assigned to the same time. This letter suits
well with 1479, for in that year 16th Nov. was on a Tuesday; Carnebull was
going to Leicester on the following Monday, would stay there till the 26th, and
then would be at Newark till 4 Dec., and at Lincoln till 12 Dec. Quatermayns
and Fowler, who seem to have held the stewardship of Thame, both died in
1477. As Stonor was a knight this letter could not in any case be earlier than
1478, so that there must have been an interval between Fowler's death and
Stonor's appointment. William Lenthall lived at Lachford, near Rycote—see
No. 297. Henry Davers was one of Fowler's executors (P.C.C., 32 Wattys).
From A.C., xlvi, I44.37Right worshipfull Sir, I recommaunde me unto you: thanking you
for my grete chere this day made me at your place, but not for your
park spoort, where in your defaut John, your parker, þat wold have
bene my frende, is my gret enmye. I have received your letter con-
teynyng þat ye wol do my lord service in thoffice of Stewardship at
Thame, and þat for þe same ye will geif me xlvj. li. xiij. s. iiij. d., paying
hit at ij tymes, that is to wete at Michelmes next commyng xx ij. li.,
and at Candelmes þenne next folowyng the residue, which amounteth
to þe somme of xxiij. li. xiij. s. iiij. d. Sir, I knowe þat my lordes mynde
and pleasur is þat ye have hit, which I wil folowe in þat and in al thing
duryng my lif, and so am y bounden. To your desired daies of pay-
ment I wil therfor agre, and of your and myn aggrement I shal wryte
unto my lordes good lordship. Sewe ye for your patent as soone as
my lord cometh to Woborne, and when ye have hit sendeth it to Lincoln
þat your graunte may be confermed by þe chapitour ther. To morowe
I will be at Bannebury and ther until Monday next: from thennes to
Leicester, and ther until þe morowe next after seint Kateryn day: so to
Newerk, and ther until ij daies afor seint Nicholas day: thenne to Lin-
coln, and ther by viij daies. Yf your patent be brought while y am ther,
I shal speke for þe spede þerof, so þat y trust your servaunt commyng
þerwith shal not be taried. John Daunce shal to morrowe to Ricote
and labour to gete you a copie of Quatermayns patent. Yf hit may be
goten ther, William Lentalle, your servaunte, can advise you how ye
may gete hit trom Herry Davers: for Lental telled me þis same day he
supposeth þat Herry hath hit. Yf hit may not be goten of hym, let
Lental remember þe Scrivener þat made Maister Foulers patent, with
whom y suppose a mynewte or copie resteth, and ther dooth hym to
fette hit. I sende you herynne enclosed a copie of the wordes entred
by Maister Auditour for þe allowaunce of be Stewardes ffee, upon þe
which copie ye may conceive your patent by counseile lerned, yf þe
remanent faile. Oure lord kepe you. At Thame, in hast þe xvjth daye
of Novembre, with þe owne hande of hym þat is yours to my litle poer.H. Carnebull.
To the right worshipfull sir, Sir William Stonore, knyght.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR16 NOV. [1479]
This clearly relates to the stewardship of Thame. In Ancient Deeds,
C. 5623, there is a copy of a grant by the dean and canons of Lincoln, at the
request of Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, to Sir William Stonor and the heirs of
his body, of the office of Steward of the lordships of Thame and Dorchester,
in Oxfordshire, and of Wooburn and Tynghurst, Bucks., at a fee of £6 1s. 8d.
On the same paper is a copy of another deed dated 6 Dec., 1479. The grant
of the stewardship may fairly be assigned to the same time. This letter suits
well with 1479, for in that year 16th Nov. was on a Tuesday; Carnebull was
going to Leicester on the following Monday, would stay there till the 26th, and
then would be at Newark till 4 Dec., and at Lincoln till 12 Dec. Quatermayns
and Fowler, who seem to have held the stewardship of Thame, both died in
1477. As Stonor was a knight this letter could not in any case be earlier than
1478, so that there must have been an interval between Fowler’s death and
Stonor’s appointment. William Lenthall lived at Lachford, near Rycote—see
No. 297. Henry Davers was one of Fowler’s executors (P.C.C., 32 Wattys).
From A.C., xlvi, 144.Right worshipfull Sir, I recommaunde me unto you: thanking you
for my grete chere this day made me at your place, but not for your
park spoort, where in your defaut John, your parker, þat wold have
bene my frende, is my gret enmye. I have received your letter con-
teynyng þat ye wol do my lord service in thoffice of Stewardship at
Thame, and þat for þe same ye will geif me xlvj. li. xiij. s. iiij. d., payyng
hit at ij tymes, that is to wete at Michelmes next commyng xx ij. li.,
and at Candelmes þenne next folowyng the residue, which amounteth
to þe somme of xxiij. li. xiij. s. iiij. d. Sir, I knowe þat my lordes mynde
and pleasur is þat ye have hit, which I wil folowe in þat and in al thing
duryng my lit, and so am y bounden. To your desired daies of pay-
ment I wil therfor agre, and of your and myn aggrement I shal wryte
unto my lordes good lordship. Sewe ye for your patent as soone as
my lord cometh to Woborne, and when ye have hit sendeth it to Lincoln
þat your graun[ILL]e may be conformed by þe chapitour ther. To morowe
I will be at Bannebury and ther until Monday next: from thennes to
Leicester, and ther until þe morowe next after seint Kateryn day: so to
Newerk, and ther until ij daies afor seint Nicholas day: thenne to Lin-
coln, and ther by viij daies. Yf your patent be brought while y am ther,
I shal speke for þe spede þerof, so þat y trust your servaunt commyng
þerwith shal not be taried. John Daunce shal to morrowe to Ricote
and labour to gete you a copie of Quatermayns patent. Yf hit may be
goten ther, William Lentalle, your servaunte, can advise you how ye
may gete hit from Herry Davers: for Lental telled me þis same day he
supposeth þat Herry hath hit. Yf hit may not be goten of hym, let
Lental remember þe Scrivener þat made Maister Foulers patent, with
whom y suppose a mynewte or copie resteth, and ther dooth hym to
fette hit. I sende you herynne enclosed a copie of the wordes entred
by Maister Auditour for þe allowaunce of þe Stewardes ffee, upon þe
which copie ye may conceive your patent by counseile lerned, yf þe
remanent faile. Oure lord kepe you. At Thame, in hast þe xvjth daye
of Novembre, with þe owne hande of hym þat is yours to my litle poer.H. Carnebull.
To the right worshipfull sir, Sir William Stonore, knyght.