H - S - To Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- H - S - To Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/71
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 98; Kingsford, Vol I, item 98
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[c. 1469]
The writer of this and the next letter was the husband of one of Thomas
Stonor's sisters, and had property at Stockbridge, Hants; but I cannot dis-
cover his name. The reference to William Bourchier, Lord Fitzwarren
(d .1471) and to his brother, the Earl of Essex, indicates that the date was
between 1462 and 1470. This letter is at least eleven months earlier than
No. 99; but the two letters are most conveniently put together. From A.C.,
xlvi, 7I.39Right worshipfull brother, I recomaunde me to you: ffor as much
as I understonde by my lorde ffitz Wareyn bat he hathe diverse thynges
to doo with you for certein matiers touchyng bothe his worship and
profite, wher in ye maye greatly please and also put you in suerte to have
in tyme to come, if you neded, right good lordship as well of my
lorde of Essex, to whom I am moste bounde, as of other my lordes his
brethern: for trouth my lorde of Essex, and he also, specyally desired
me to write to you, thynkyng pat ye shulde be þe better willed for my
sake, the which I wyll veryly trust ye will doo. Also I understonde þat
þe title of Jobury is by his owne Counsell wayved and taken for nought.
My wife, your suster, recomandeth hir to you as to hire unkynde brother,
for þat ye wer so longe in toune and wulde not see heer. No mor to
you nowe, but Jhesu kepe you. Wreten at London þe xj day of
Marche.H. S.
To my worshipfull brother, Thomas Stonor, esquyer, be this letter
delivered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
[c. 1469]
The writer of this and the next letter was the husband of one of Thomas
Stonor’s sisters, and had property at Stockbridge, Hants; but I cannot dis-
cover his name. The reference to William Bourchier, Lord Fitzwarren
(d. 1471) and to his brother, the Earl of Essex, indicates that the date was
between 1462 and 1470. This letter is at least eleven months earlier than
No. 99; but the two letters are most conveniently put together. From A.C.,
xlvi, 71.Right worshipfull brother, I recomaunde me to you: ffor as much
as I understonde by my lorde ffitz Wareyn þat he hathe diverse thynges
to doo with you for certein matiers touchyng bothe his worship and
profite, wher in ye maye greatly please and also put you in suerte to have
in tyme to come, if you neded, right good lordship as well of my
lorde of Essex, to whom I am moste bounde, as of other my lordes his
brethern: for trouth my lorde of Essex, and he also, specyally desired
me to write to you, thynkyng þat ye shulde be þe better willed for my
sake, the which I wyll veryly trust ye will doo. Also I understonde þat
þe title of Jobury is by his owne Counsell wayved and taken for nought.
My wife, your suster, recomandeth hir to you as to hire unkynde brother,
for þat ye wer so longe in toune and wulde not see heer. No mor to
you nowe, but Jhesu kepe you. Wreten at London þe xj day of
Marche.H. S.
To my worshipfull brother, Thomas Stonor, esquyer, be this letter