Goddard Oxbryge to Mistress [Elizabeth] Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Goddard Oxbryge to Mistress [Elizabeth] Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/109
- Date
- 12 July 1476
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 167; Kingsford, Vol II, item 167
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
As to Davy Wrixham see No. 213. From A.C., xlvi, 109.
Jhesu. Ao. M. iiijc Ixxvj
Ryght worshipfull and Reverent Maistes, I recomend me unto you
in the moste lowlyest wyse that I best can or maye: and, Maistes,
pleasthe you to undirstond that I have R[eceived] a letter ffrome you
by Davy Wrixham, the whech letter I undirstod wele, and schoche matter
ase you he wreten to me ffor I wille aply hete as ney as I [may2]. And,
Maistes, ther as you wrote to ffor your fesche I have aplyd hete as ny
as kowd, but as I cane I will send it to you as sone as I maye, and thate
shalbe a Tuysdaye or a Weddensdaye1 at the ffardest. And as for odir
matterys that you wrote to me ffor, I have nat yete inqueryd off theme,
ffor the tyme was sso shorte I cowd nat: the tyme wase sso shorte, sso I
R[eceived] your letter a Tuysdaye betwyxte vj and vij a the kloke.
And as ffor that yo wrote to me of Davy I wyll do acordyng to your
wyll: and as ffor hyse gownys he had convyed theme, before you rod
owte of London, into Whytebredys howse, and he had j off theme
beffore he spake with me: and as for the remnante he shall nate have
some wrytyng ffro you. And as ffor all oddir matterys I wyll ssend you
word as ssone as I maye with the gras off owre lord, whoo have you,
Right Worshipfull Maistres, I his blessyd kepynge, Amen. Be your
prentyseGoddard Oxbrygge,
the xij day of Jull.
To my Right worshipfull Maistres Stonor, at sstonor. be thyse delyver.
in hast.1 This letter was written on Whitsun Eve.
2 There is a hole in the paper. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
As to Davy Wrixham see No. 213. From A.C., xlvi, 109.
Jhesu. Ao. M. iiijc lxxvj
Ryght worshipfull and Reverent Maistes, I recomend me unto you
in the moste lowlyest wyse that I best can or maye: and, Maistes,
pleasthe you to undirstond that I have R[eceived] a letter ffrome you
by Davy Wrixham, the whech letter I undirstod wele, and schoche matter
ase you he wreten to me ffor I wille aply hete as ney as I [may 2]. And,
Maistes, ther as you wrote to ffor your fesche I have aplyd hete as ny
as kowd, but as I cane I will send it to you as sone as I maye, and thate
shalbe a Tuysdaye or a Weddensdaye1 at the ffardest. And as for odir
matterys that you wrote to me ffor, I have nat yete inqueryd off theme,
ffor the tyme was sso shorte I cowd nat: the tyme wase sso shorte, sso I
R[eceived] your letter a Tuysdaye betwyxte vj and vij a the kloke.
And as ffor that yo wrote to me of Davy I wyll do acordyng to your
wyll: and as ffor hyse gownys he had convyed theme, before you rod
owte of London, into Whytebredys howse, and he had j off theme
beffore he spake with me: and as for the remnante he shall nate have
some wrytyng ffro you. And as ffro all oddir matterys I wyll ssend you
word as ssone as I maye with the gras off owre lord, whoo have you,
Right Worshipfull Maistres, I his blessyd kepynge, Amen. Be your
prentyseGoddard Oxbrygge,
the xij day of Jull.To my Right worshipfull Maistres Stonor, at sstonor. be thyse delyver.
in hast.1 This letter was written on Whitsun Eve.
2 There is a hole in the paper.