Godard Oxbryge to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Godard Oxbryge to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/185
- Date
- 21 May 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 213; Kingsford, Vol II, item 213
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR21 MAY, 1478
As to Davy Wrixam see No. 167. And as to the money due to Oxbryge
see No. 216. From A.C., xlvi, 185.Right onerabulle and worschipefull sir, and myn aspesyalle good
maister, I rekomend me unto your good mastershipe in the moste
lowely wise that I beste can: sertefyinge your mastershepe that I ame
informyd by master Betson that Dave Wrykesame hathe reportyd sarten
langage by me in presens of my lady and on of her brodiryn: and that
is thus, that the seyd Daveht shold saye, that I told heme that maister
Betson schold tell me that he laboryd to your maistership and to my
lady to brynge the seyd Davyht owte of your conseythe and favore: the
whyche I take god to rekord that I never at no sesun repordid enny
shyche wordys to the seyd Davethe, nor to nonodir person, and that
wyll I jostyfy as largely as enny trewe person owythe for to jostyfy for
a trowthe. And wan Mayster Betson told me of thys langege that
Dawyth repordyd by me, it came to my remembranse that Daveth hathe
sayd to me that maister Betson at Ester was a twelmonthe was srevyn
off hys goostly fadir, and that it was geven heme in penanse that he
shold aske the seyd Davyth forgevenes of this that maister Betson
schold make labor to your mastershipe to brynge the seyd Daveth owte
of your conseyt and favore. And fardirmore, the seyd Davythe sayd to
me that maister Betson kowd nat have absolysyon of hys goostly fadir
tyll he had promysyd to brynge the sayd Dave in your favor as myche
as he was before. And thys seyd words Davyth hathe sayd to me, the
whyche maister Betson kene tell you more klerly by myn enforme-
masyon. And Sir, I beseche your maistershipe to delyver to John
Burton the moneye the whyche is dewe to me by your maistershepe:
the money amonthe to the Summa x. li.: wherof I resevyd of my lady
at my departynge xl. s.: and so the reste is viij. li. st. The whiche I
beseche your maistership to delyver to Burton: for I have wryttyn to
heme wher he shall paye the seyd money: the whyche payment I pro-
myssyd to pay ther, as I borowid it lenge or thys tyme: wherfore I be-
seche your maistershype to remember me as sone as it shalle please
you. And I beseche your maistershipe to take no gret displesure in me
of my neclygens that I have not wryttyn to your maistershype before
thys tyme: and yef I kowd a don your maisterschype anny plesure of
or servyse with my wryttyng, I wold a wrettun to you before thys tyme:
and yef ther be anye servyse that I kan do to your mastership here in
tyme to kome, yef it please you to let me wette, it schalle be don with-
out anny delaye, and that knowyth God, whoo have you, Right wor-
schipffull Sir, in hys blessyd kepynge, Amen. At Cales, the xxj daye of
May, A? lxxviij.By your Servante Godard Oxenbryge.
To þe Right onerabull and worschipfull, and myn aspesyall god
maister Stonore soyt d.d. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR21 MAY, 1478
As to Davy Wrixam see No. 167. And as to the money due to Oxbryge
see No. 216. From A.C., xlvi, 185.Right onerabulle and worschipefull sir, and myn aspesyalle good
maister, I rekomend me unto your good mastershipe in the moste
lowely wise that I beste can: sertefyinge your mastershepe that I ame
informyd by master Betson that Dave Wrykesame hathe reportyd sarten
langage by me in presens of my lady and on of her brodiryn: and that
is thus, that the seyd Daveht shold saye, that I told heme that maister
Betson schold tell me that he laboryd to your maistership and to my
lady to brynge the seyd Davyht owte of your conseythe and favore: the
whyche I take god to rekord that I never at no sesun repordid enny
shyche wordys to the seyd Davethe, nor to nonodir person, and that
wyll I jostyfy as largely as enny trewe person owythe for to jostyfy for
a trowthe. And wan Mayster Betson told me of thys langege that
Dawyth repordyd by me, it came to my remembranse that Daveth hathe
sayd to me that maister Betson at Ester was a twelmonthe was srevyn
off hys goostly fadir, and that it was geven heme in penanse that he
shold aske the seyd Davyth forgevenes of this that maister Betson
schold make labor to your mastershipe to brynge the seyd Daveth owte
of your conseyt and favore. And fardirmore, the seyd Davythe sayd to
me that maister Betson kowd nat have absolysyon of hys goostly fadir
tyll he had promysyd to brynge the sayd Dave in your favor as myche
as he was before. And thys seyd words Davyth hathe sayd to me, the
whyche maister Betson kene tell you more klerly by myn enforme-
masyon. And Sir, I beseche your maistershipe to delyver to John
Burton the moneye the whyche is dewe to me by your maistershepe:
the money amonthe to the Summa x. li.: wherof I resevyd of my lady
at my departynge xl. s.: and so the reste is viij. li. st. The whiche I
beseche your maistership to delyver to Burton: for I have wryttyn to
heme wher he shall paye the seyd money: the whyche payment I pro-
myssyd to pay ther, as I borowid it lenge or thys tyme: wherfore I be-
seche your maistershype to remember me as sone as it shalle please
you. And I beseche your maistershipe to take no gret displesure in me
of my neclygens that I have not wryttyn to your maistershype before
thys tyme: and yef I kowd a don your maisterschype anny plesure of
or servyse with my wryttyng, I wold a wrettun to you before thys tyme:
and yef ther be anye servyse that I kan do to your mastership here in
tyme to kome, yef it please you to let me wette, it schalle be don with-
out anny delaye, and that knowyth God, whoo have you, Right wor-
schipffull Sir, in hys blessyd kepynge, Amen. At Cales, the xxj daye of
May, Ao lxxviij.By your Servante Godard Oxenbryge.
To þe Right onerabull and worschipfull, and myn aspesyall god
maister Stonore soyt d.d.