German de La Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- German de La Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 97, p. 57
- Date
- 3 October [1515]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 174; Kirby, item 213
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
213 German de la Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton, 3 October [1515] (No. 97,
p. 57)Right worshipfull and my full singuler gud father, in ?e most humble
and lowly manner ?at I can, I hartely recommend me vnto you & to
my lady your wyfe, & in lykwyse doth your daughter, my poore wyfe, &
hartely prayeth you of your dayly blessing, desiring ?e knowledg of
your prosperus health & welfaire. Father, so it is ?at upon a truth, of
Thursday last, oon Richard Bardall of Hassope came in the names of
Roclife, Parpoynte, and Connstable to my tennant in Combryg, and
also to Crake[marsh], & in their names commannded my tennant ?at
he should from henceforth pay me no rent, but to make his rent redy
for them, shewing eich one of them wold send a servant thither for the
rent betwixt this & Martynmas; & told him playnly ?at they must haue
the sayd land, because it was neither in ther wryting, nor in yours.
Father, you sent me word laytly, by my servant, ?at you had made it
sure to me without any daunger. Yt pleaseth you to let him se your
wrytings, and, as I vnderstand, both by you & by him, it is nether
expressed in ?e wrytings ?at towch them, nor you. Yet, not withstanding,
vpon myne honestie, they make this sturrying [. . .]a therin, & so it is to
thinke ?at if they may finnd any hole or colur therin, they will troble
with me for the same; & it were great pytie ?at I should haue any
troble for ?at thing ?at I have bought and truly payd for. Wherfore, at
the reuerence of God, & for ?e love ?at you owe to me and my wyfe &
our children to make a sure way for me now, at this terme, at London.And I pray you send me word what tyme you will goe or send to
London, and I will send one of my servants to meet you, or your
deputie ther; & at his comming, whom, bringing me word ?at you
haue made it sure to me, without daunger or iopartie, forthwith you
shal haue payd you ?at, ?at myne uncle, Sir Alban,1 promysed you,
and at all tymes the best ?at in me may be to you & all yours duryng
my natural life, by the sufferance of Jhesu, who haue you in his eternall
keeping. From Rodburne, in hast, the iij day of October. Father I
besech you at such tyme as recoueres or assurances shalbe made, ?at
it will please you to let it be expressed by name, ?at they may be
avoyded & expulsed from ther clame ?erin.Your loving son Germayn Poleb
Endorsed: To the right worshipfull & singular gud father Sir Robart
Plompton kt be thes deliuered in hasta Two words deleted.
b Appended: Copied ?e 29 day of March 1612.
1 Alban de la Pole, a younger son of Ralph and Elizabeth de la Pole, was probably a
cleric, Stapleton, 214n. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the right worshipfull and singuler gud father, Sir Robart Plompton, Kt. be these delivered in hast.
Right worshipfull and my full singuler gud father, in the most
humble and lowly maner that I can, I hartely recomend me unto
you, and to my lady your wyfe, and in lykewise doth your daugh-
ter, my poore wyfe and hartely prayeth you of your dayly bless-
ing, desiring the knowledg of your prosperous health and wel-
faire. Father, so it is that upon a truth, of thursday last, oon
Richard Bardall of Hessope came in the names of Roclife, Par-
poynte, and Counstablea to my tennant in Combryg, and also to
Crake[marsh] and in ther names commaunded my tennant that
he should from henceforth pay me no rent, but to make his rent
redy for them, shewing eich one of them wold send a servant
thither for the rent betwixt this and Martynmas; and told him
playnly that they must have the sayd land, because it was nether
in ther wryting, nor in yours. Father, you sent me word laytly by
my servant, that you had made it sure to me without any daun-
ger. Yt pleaseth you to let him se your wrytings, and, as I un-
derstond, both by you and by him, it is nether expressed in the
wrytings that towch them, nor you. Yet, notwithstanding, upon
mine honestie, they make this sturryng therin, and so yt is to
thinke, hat if they may find any hole or colur therin, they will
troble with me for the same; and yt were great pytie that I shold
have ony troble for that thing, that I have bought ad truly payd
for. Wherfore, at the reverence of God, and for the love that
you owe to me and my wyfe, and our children, to make a sure
way for me now at this terme at London. And I pray you send
me word what tyme you will goe or send to London, and I will
send one of my servants to meet you or your deputie ther. And
at his comming whom, bringing me word that you have made it
sure to me without daunger or jopartie, forthwith you shal have
payd you that , that myne uncle Sir Alban a promysed you, and
at all tymes the best that in me may be to you and all yours,
duryng my natural life, by teh sufferance of Jesu, who have you
in his eternall deeping. From rodburne in hast, the iij day of
October. Father, I besech you at such tyme as recoveres or
assurances shalbe made, that it will please you to let it be ex-
pressed by name, that they may be avoyded or expulsed from ther
clame therin.Your loving son.
(3 Oct. 1515.) GERMAYN POLE.a Sir Alban Pole was a younger son of Ralph and Elizabeth Pole, probably in
Holy Orders.