German de la Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- German de la Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 96, p. 55
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 173; Kirby, item 212
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
212 German de la Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton, [4 June 1515] (No. 96, p.
55)Right worshipfull father, in the most loving manner that I can, I hartely
recomennd me vnto you, and to my lady my mother in law, your wyfe;
and likwyse my poor wyfe, your daughter, recomends hir vnto you &
my sayd lady, and prayeth you of your daly blessing, & we desire
hartely ?e knowledge of your prosperous health, worship, & welfare,
the which I besech almighty Jesus long to contynue & encrease, to his
pleasure & your comforth.And, father, if you be remembred, I wrote a letter vnto you laytly,1
[p. 56] and sent it vnto you by my servant, in the which letter I
instaunced & desired you to shew your fatherly kyndnes vnto my poore
wife & me, and to be so gud father vnto us as to make a sure meane
?at we myght peaseably enioy and occupie ?e land ?at I bought of
you in Combryge were specified in [. . .]a Stafforthshire, for I thought
?at unles the sayd land in Combryge were specified in this award, now
made betwixt you & Roclife and the heires of Suttell, or els of a
liklyhod they wold enter vpon me and disposses me; & you send me
word ?at you thought they wold not haue it, nor medle with it. But
thus it is ?at now, within this fortnyth, there were servants of <Sir>
William Parpoints and Sir John Roclifes determined to take away the
goods ?at they could find vpon the ground, and so had they donne,
but ?at ?e tenaunt fortuned to here tell of ?er coming, and in all
possible hast came to giue me warning. And so, by the helpe of gud
masters & frinds, at ?e last, by fayre meanes, with very great payne,
entreated ?em to spare distreyning till such tyme as I had sent vnto
you to know what remedy you wold provide herin. Wherfore, at ?e
reuerence of God, & for the loue ?at you owe vnto my poore wyfe &
me & our children, remember how we stand vnto you, & be so gud &
kind father vnto us to find the meane ?at we may peasiably occupie
?at litle land which I bought of you and truly payd for; & it shalbe to
a discharge of your conscience and, with Gods grace, comforth in
lykwyse, for it shall euer succede in your bloud. Father, I besech you
thus to doe, to take ?e payne vpon you to make such labor vnto Sir
John Roclife, ?at he will, at your instaunce & by the mediacion of such
of your frinds as it shall please you to cause to labor vnto him, make
a release of ?at land in Combrig.Father, if it please you to doe your best herin, I doubt not, with
Gods grace, but you shall wel bring this matter to passe, considring
the familiaritie betwixt you & him now, & ?at is like to be. Thus doing,
you bynd me and all myne euer to do you ?at pleasure ?at may be in
our smale power. And not doyng thus, all ?at know you & me myght
well speake vpon it, ?at I should, considryng how I stand vnto you,
pay such a sume of money to you, & not to be made sure of my
bargen; & beside, ?at it wold be to me as great discomforth as lightly
cold happen me, which wold greve much more then the losse of my
money, or of my land. And as you know right well, I haue Slyngsby
bonden as your surty in an obligation of xli for ?e performance of your
bargan, which I haue redy in my keping; & the Lord preserve you.
From Redburne, in hast, upon Trenetie Munday.2By your faythfull loving son Germayn Poleb
Endorsed (p. 55): To my right worshipfull father in law Sir Robart
Plompton kt be these deliuereda this award deleted.
b Appended: Copied ?e 29 of March 1612.
1 See 180.
2 In the final award of 27 March 1515 ownership of the land at Combridge was not
established, but a subsequent agreement to refer the matter to arbitration resulted in a
decision, dated 12 Nov. 1515 in favour of Pole, CB, 845. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right worshipfull father-in-law, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
be these delivered.Right worshipfull father, in the most loving maner that I can, I
hartely recomennd me unto you, and to my lady my mother-in-
law, your wyfe ; and likwise my poore wyfe, your daughter, re-
comends hir unto you and my sayd lady, and prayeth you of
your daly blessing. And we desire hartely the knowledge of your
prosperous health, worship, and welfare, the which I besech Al-
myghty Jesus long to contynue to encrease to his pleasure, and
your comforth. And, father, if you be remembred, I wrote a let-
ter unto you laytly, and sent it unto you by my servant; in the
which letter I instaunced and desired you to shew your fatherly
kindnes unto my poore wife and me, and to be so gud father unto
us, as to make a sure meane that we myght peaseably enjoy and
occupie the land that I bought of you in Combryg in Staforth-
shire, (for I thought, that unles the sayd land in Combryge were
specified in this award, now made betwixt you and Roclife and the
heires of Suttele, or els of a liklyhod they wold enter upon me
and disposses me,)a and you send me word, that you thought they
wold not have it, nor medle with it. But thus it is, that now
within this fortnyth ther were servants of Sir William Parpoints
and Sir John Roclifes determined to take away the goods that they
could find upon the ground; and so had they donne, but that the
tenaunt fortuned to here tell of ther coming, and in all possible
has came to give me warning. And so, by the helpe of gud mas-
ters and frinds, at the last, by fayre means, with very great payne,
entreated them to spare distreyning, till such tyme as I had sent
unto you to know what remedy you wold provide herin. Wher-
fore, at the reverence of God, and for the love that you owe unto
my poore wyfe and me and our children, remember how we stand
unto you, and be so gud and kind father unto us to find the
meane, that we may peasiably occupie that litle land, which I
bought of you and truly payd for; and it shalbe to a discharge of
your conscience and, with Gods grace, comforth in lykewyse, for
it shall ever succeed in your bloud. Father, I besech you thus to doe,
to take the payne upon you to make such labor unto Sir John Ro-
clife, that he will, at your instauncie and by the mediacion of
such of your frinds as it shall please you to cause to labor unto
him, make a release of that land in Combrig. Father, if it please
you to doe your best herin, I doubt not, with Gods grace, but you
shall well bring this matter to passe, considring the familiaritie
betwixt you and him now, and that is like to be. Thus doing,
you bynd me and all myne ever to do you that pleasure, that may
be in our smale power; and not doyng thus, all that know you
and me myght well speake upon it, that I should, considryng
how I stand unto you, pay such a sume of money to you, and
not to be made sure of my bargen. And beside, yt wold be to
me as great discomforth as lightly cold happen me, which wold
greve much more then the losse of my money, or of my land.
And, as you know right well, I have Slyngsby bonden as your
surty in an obligation of xli for the perfirmance of your bargan,
which I have redy in my keping. And the Lord preserve you.
From Redburne, in hast, upon Trenetie Munday.By your faythfull loving son,
(4 June 1515.) GERMAYN POLE.
a The award had been made 27 Mar. 6 Hen. VIII. 1515, and in it the lands at
Combridge in Staffordshire were not specified; bnt an agreement was subsequently
come to by the parties, 12 Nov. 17 Hen. VIII. 1515, to refer to arbitrators the proofs
concerning the lands called Comrig, in the county of Stafford, and the question whether
the advowson of the chantry of Ripon, in the county of York, was appurtenant to the
manor of Plumpton, in the county of York. (Chartul. No. 845.) The result was in
favour of Germayn, Pole, and the lands purchased at Combridge continued to be the
property of his descendants, as appears by the escheats.