German de la Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- German de la Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 100, p. 59
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 157; Kirby, item 195
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
195 German de la Pole to Sir Robert Plumpton, [10 November 1504] (No.
100, p. 59)Right worshipfull & my most singuler good father in law, in the best
manner ?at I possibly can, I hartely recomend me vnto you, with
effectual desire to here of your welfare & gud speed in your great
matters. And lykwyse, Sir, doth your poore daughter, my wyfe, & my
syster Ellynor, desiring to haue your dayly blessing. Father, I have word
brought me, by one Duckmanton of Moginton, from you, ?at you had
a ioyfull end in all your matters, the which were vnto me the ioyfullest
tydings ?at cold be thought.Howbeit, Sir, I haue had great marvell ?at I haue not, since ?at
tyme, had some word from you. Father, pleaseth yt you to vnderstand
?at I haue comuned with my vncle Maywheryng, according to the
effect of your letter, and veryly, Sir, I can no other wyse perceiue by
my sayd vncle, but ?at he is reasonable in all causes. For, first, he wilbe
contented to make hir xx mark ioynture; & as for such essew as God
sendeth them, it is no doubt but he wyll provyd for them ?at they shall
live like gentlemen or gentlewomen, which soever God suffereth. And
veryly, father, I am right sure ?at my sister Ellynor had rather [p. 60]
haue hym, you beyng so content, then a man of far greater lands. And
also, father, I know wher ?at my sayd vncle myght haue great marrages,
as both with great lands and guds. Wheafore, Sir, yf yt [is] your mynd
?at the matter goe forward, and the preferment of my syster, your
daughter, in this behalfe, I pray you ?at I may haue shortly knowledg
in writting what your mynd is in this matter, and what you be worthy
to give for his large proffers. And you being anything resanable, I am
right sure ?at ye shall like my sayd vncle as well as euer you liked any
man, by the grace of Jhesu, who preserve you. Written at Rodburne,
in hast, upon Martinmas even.1By your son in law Germayn Polea
Endorsed (p. 59): To my right worshipfull father in law Sir Robart
Plompton kt this letter be deliuered in hasta Appended: Copied the 2 day of Aprill 1613.
1 It appears from this letter and the next that the marriage did not take place, and
that Henry Ardern was preferred. It has indeed been suggested that Randall may have
been an illegitimate son of a kinswoman, Anne Mainwaring, and John Leeke, a Derbyshire
gentleman, Wright, 52?3 - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right worshipfull father-in-law, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
this letter be delivered in hast.Right worshipfull and my most singular good father-in-law, in
the best manner that I possibly can, I hartely recommend me unto
you with effectuall desire to here of your welfare and gud speed in
your great matters. And likewise, Sir, doth your poore daughter
my wyfe, and my sister Ellynor, desiring to have your dayly
blessing. Father I have word brought me, by one Duckmanton
of Moginton, from you, that you had a joyfull end in all your
matters, the which were unto me the joyfullest tydings that cold
be thought. Howbeit, Sir, I have had great marvell, that I have
not, since that tyme, hard some word from you. Father, pleaseth
yt you to understand, that I have comuned with my uncle May-
wheryng, according to the effect of your letter; and veryly, Sir,
I can no other wyse perceive by my sayd uncle, but that he is
reasonable in all causes. For first, he wilbe contented to make
hir xx marke joynter; and as for such essew as God sendeth them,
it is noe doubt but he wyll so provyd for them, that they shall
live like gentlemen or gentlewomen, whichsoever God suffereth.
And veryly, father, I am right sure that my sister Ellynor ha
rather have hym, you beyng so content, then a man of far greater
lands. And also, father, I know wher that my sayd uncle myght
have great marraiges, both with great lands, and guds. Wher-
fore, Sir, yfe yt is your mynd that the matter goe forward, and the
preferment of my syster, your daughter, in this behalfe, I pray
you that I may have shortly knowledg in writting, what your
mind is in this matter, and what you be worthy to give for his
large proffers. And, you being any thing resanable, I am right
sure that ye shall like my sayd uncle, as well as ever you liked
any man, by the grace of Jesu, who preserve you. Written at
Rodburne in hast upon Martingmas even.
By your son-in-law.
(10 Nov. 1504.) GERMAYN POLE.