To John Kyng of Therfeld, in Herdfordshire.
Right trusty and welbeloved frende, I comaunde me to you. And, Ser, I tolde my maister that ye wolde have ben with him or this; for which cause he mervaileth ye kepe nat your promyse. Wherfore I avise you to come and bryng my maister his money afore this fest of Cristmasse.
And, also, ye ar yerly behynde of a boore or els ten shillinges after the price of oon bore. And where ye be owyng your boore for ij. yerys, I wolde avyse you to delyver unto Ser William Storer the seid dute, or els I counceile you to send my maister a resonable somme of money with thies boores afore Cristmasse for your thanke, consideryng his kynde dealyng, as well in suffer- aunce of your money as in your owne matier.
Writen at London, the xvjth day of Decembre.
Be your frende, GEORGE,
servaunte to Mr. W. PASTON.2
1 We place this letter after the last for convenience. Its date is unimportant.
2 The subscription is in a different hand from the letter itself, which is in a clerk’s hand, very well written.