George Emerson to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- George Emerson to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 161, p. 103
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 143; Kirby, item 177
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
177 George Emerson to Sir Robert Plumpton, [1502 × 1503] (No. 161, p.
103)Right worshipfull Sir, After due recomendations had ecra, I vnderstand
by my lady þat your mastership hath spoken with the kyngs grace,
wherof I am very glad. Sir, I wold auise your mastership þat if the king
command your mastership to nayme any of his Counsell which ye wold
shold haue examination of your matters, þat ye refare þat matter vnto
his grace, & your mastership name none; for if your mastership whold
name any, peraduenture the king wold thinke parcialty in them, & also
your frinds shold be knowne. If yt like your mastership, yt were best
for to shew þe kyngs grace þat ye wold refuse none of his Counsell
except Mr Bray,1 Mr Mordaunt,2 & such other as are belonging to Mr
Bray. Sir, at the reuerence [of] God, keepe your frynds secret to
yourselfe, for fere þat ye [p. 104] <leese> them. I remit all these matters
to your wisdom; and thus I beseech almighty Jesu send your mastership
good speed. At London, with the hand of your seruant3George Emersona
Endorsed (p. 103): To the right worshipfull Sir Robart Plompton knight
this byl be deliuereda Appended: Copied 25 of April 1613, Sunday.
1 Sir Reginald Bray of Eaton Bray (d.1503), a member of Henry VII’s Council Learned
in the Law etc. Empson was one of his executors, N.H. Nicolas (ed.), Testamenta Vetusta
(2 vols, 1826), ii, 446.2 Sir John Mordaunt, App. III.
3 For the king’s response, see 182.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To his right worshipfull Sir Robart Plompton, knyght, this byl be
delivered.Right worshipful Sir, after due recommendations had ecra, I
understand by my lady that your mastership hath spoken with
the Kyngs grace, wherof I am very glad. Sir, I wold avise your
mastership, that if the King command your mastership to nayme
any of his counsell, which ye wold shold have examination of
your matters, to refare that matter unto his grace, and that your
mastership name none; for if your mastership shold name any,
peradventure the King wold thinke parcialty in them, and also
your frinds shold be knowne. If yt like your mastership, yt were
best for to shew the Kyngs grace that ye wold refuse none of his
counsell, except Mr. Bray,a Mr. Mordaunt,b and such other as are
belonging to Mr. Bray. Sir, at the reverence of God, keepe your
frynds secret to your selfe, for fere that ye leese them. I remit
all these matters to your wisdom, and thus I beseech Almighty
Jesu send your mastership good speed. At London, with the
hand of your servant,(Anno 1502-3.) GEORGE EMERSON.
a Sir Reginald Bray, Knight Banneret and Knight of the Garter, one of the chief
counsellors of King Henry VII. made his will 4 Aug. 1503, whereby he appointed
Master Richard Empson, one of his executors; an intimacy which fully justifies the
advice here given to Sir Robert Plumpton to make an exception to his being chosen.
The will was proved 28 Nov. 1503. (Testamenta Vetusta, vol. ii. p. 446.)b Sir John Mordaunt of Turvey, com. Bedf. kt. King's Serjeant. Will dated 5
Sept. and proved 6 Dec. 1504. (Ibid. p. 462.)