George Cely to Richard Cely snr.
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- George Cely to Richard Cely snr.
- Reference
- SC 1/53/63
- Date
- 24 November 1480
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 47
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxx
Ryght rewerent and whorshipffull Fadyr affter all dew re-
comendacyon y recomēawnd me unto you in the mist lowlyest
whysse that I con or may Fordyr mor plesyth ytt yow to undyr-
stond that y hawe sowllde unto Gysbright van Wenysbarge ij
sarplers good Cottes he has takyn hon of the xx that ys packyd
agen anodyr of the todyr sortt as be an byll closyd herin makes
mensyon &c yt ys so that I hawe nott zett made an zend of the
pakyng of your sort of xx sarplers ther ys xj pakyd all redy the
cawis of the taryyng of the remenawnt ys ther was moche bettyn
wholl and as sone as that con be whonde and made rede ytt shall
be entyrdyd in that at ys to pake ther ys in the pakekyng of thes
xj sarplers mor nan an sarpler medyll wholl cast howght as son as
ytt ys packyd ze shall undyrstonde be the next how ytt ys &c.
yowr wholl ys all yclowsyd and nevyr a hone packyd agen saveing
that at ys fowllest arayyd ys takyn togydyr and whan yowr woll
ys pakkyd ytt shall be cast howght and whardyd and so pakyd
agen yowr fellis be the iiij made ye shall have mo made thane I
wrott to yow of when all thynges ys feneshyd than shall ze hawe
the clernesse of all thynges her ys as now but fewe merchants
ther shall be som fette done betwene Ceystmesse and Candyllmasse
becawsse of the ordynaunsse wherfor now y porposse me to tarry
and com nott to yow tyll Candyllmasse as of any tydynges her y
con none wrytt yow as zett ther ys but y cannott hawe the trewthe
therof ther has ben an veryaunsse betwne the Deukes men of whar
and his Allmaynes and ther ys many of his Allmanys slayne and
therfor he takes grett ceffle fur ther ys dyvars of his jentyllmen
stollyn away therfor and some ar comyn to Callez and hone of them
ys sent to owr soveren lorde the kynge and some and som [sic] ben
ren Frenche men when that the Frenche kynge has gottyn lattly
dyvars of the best men of whar the Dewke hade wherof he makes
hym now bowllde No mor unto yow at thys tyme but Jhesu have
yow and all yowrs in His kepyng Amen Wrett at Callez the
xxiiij day of Novembyr Anno iiijxx.per yowr son
George Cely.
ytt ys so that y do send Harry myboye to whayght appon my
brodyr thys Crystmesse.Addressed: Unto my ryght worschypfull Fadyr
Rychard Cely merchaunt of the
Stapull of Calles being at London
in Marte Lane so it dd.