Funeral of Lady Katharine Howard
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Funeral of Lady Katharine Howard
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 38
- Date
- 1465
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 622; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 64
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
THIS wrytenge, made at Stokeneylond the vth yer of
Kynge Edward the iiiith and the morowe next affter
Sowlemesse day, wytnesseth that this day and yer a
bove said my lady, dame Kateren Howard, departed to God,
and my master spent uppon her at this day a bove wreten at
her beryinge, and also at her vijth day, more than
Also my master spent uppon her at her
xxxti day, in almesse and in odre costes, in
primis to V.M1. and ccc. of pore folke every
pece takenge id. Summaxxijli. vs.
Item, my master gaff to vixx[ILL]ix. prestes and
clerkes every pece vjd. Summaiijli. iiijs. vjd.
Item, my master gaff to lxviii. cheldren in
the quere every pece iid. Summaxs. iiijd.
Item, my master paid for blakke cloth for
gownes for his men vijxx yerdes prise of every
yerde iiis. iiiid. Summaxxjli.
Item, my master bout as myche waxe for
torches and taprys as cost hymviij. markis. iijs. ijd.
Item, my master paid for xiij. pore mennes
gownes for the clothe and for the makengslijs.
Item, my master spent in all maner of spyces
as myche as drewliijs. xjd.
Item, my master spent in wyne at the said
dayiij. pypes.
Item, my master spent in maltt for brewenge
viij. seme.
Item, my master spent in bere at the same
dayxxxij. barelles.
Item, my master spent in whete to make
brede and odre bakengexiij. seme.
Item, my master spent at the said day in
brawneij. gret bores.
Item, in beff
xij. gret oxsen.
Item, in moton
xl. shepe.
Item, in porke
xij. hogges.
Item, in pygges
Item, in swannes
Item, in geese
Item, in conyis
c. cowple.
Item, in capons
Item, in chekens
Item, in venyson
xxx. dois.
Item, in pertryches
iiij. doseyn.
Item, in fesauntis
Item, in pekokkes
Item, in mallardes
iij. doseyn.
Item, in plovers
iij. doseyn.
Item, in eggis
viij. C.
Item, in mylke
xxx. galons.
Item, in hony
iij. galons.
1 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 38.] ‘Soulmas,’ or All Souls’ Day, is the 2nd November,
and it appears that Lady Katharine died on the morrow of that day in 1465. As
these expenses run into December, we place them at the end of the year.1465
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1465
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 38]
’Soulmas,’ or All Souls’ day, is the 2nd November, and it appears that
Lady Katharine died on the morrow of that day in 1465. As these expenses
run into December, we place them at the end of the year.THIS wrytenge, made at Stokeneylond the vth
yer of Kynge Edward the iiiith and the
morowe next affter Sowlemesse day, wyt-
nesseth that this day and yer a bove said
my lady, dame Kateren Howard, departed to God,
and my master spent uppon her at this day a bove
wreten at her beryinge, and also at her vijth day,more than
Also my master spent uppon her at
her xxxti day, in almesse and in odre
costes, in primis to V.M1 and ccc. of
pore folke every pece takenge id.Summa
xxijli. vs.
Item, my master gaff to vixxix. prestes
and clerkes every pece vjd. Summaiijli. iiijs. vjd.
Item, my master gaff to lxviii. cheldren
in the quere every pece iid. Summaxs. iiijd.
Item, my master paid for blakke cloth
for gownes for his men vijxx yerdes
prise of every yerde iiis. iiiid. Summaxxjli.
Item, my master bout as myche waxe
for torches and taprys as cost hym viij. markis.iijs. ijd.
Item, my master paid for xiij. pore
mennes gownes for the clothe and for
the makengslijs.
Item, my master spent in all maner
of spyces as myche as drewliijs. xjd.
Item, my master spent in wyne at the
said dayiij. pypes.
Item, my master spent in maltt for
brewengeviij. seme.
Item, my master spent in bere at the
same dayxxxij. barelles.
Item, my master spent in whete to
make brede and odre bakengexiij. seme.
Item, my master spent at the said
day in brawneij. gret bores.
Item, in beff
xij. gret oxsen.
Item, in moton
xl. shepe.
Item, in porke
xij. hogges.
Item, in pygges
Item, in swannes
Item, in geese
Item, in conyis
c. cowple.
Item, in capons
Item, in chekens
Item, in venyson
xxx. dois.
Item, in pertryches
iiij. doseyn.
Item, in fesauntis
Item, in pekokkes
Item, in mallardes
iij. doseyn.
Item, in plovers
iij. doseyn.
Item, in eggis
viij. C.
Item, in mylke
xxx. galons.
Item, in hony
iij. galons.