Francis, Viscount Lovell to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Francis, Viscount Lovell to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/102
- Date
- 11 October 1483
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 333; Kingsford, Vol II, item 333
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This which is the latest letter in the Collection was written on the eve of
Buckingham's rebellion. Stonor sided with Buckingham, and was in conse-
quence attainted. The letter is holograph. From A.C., xlvi, 102.Cosyn Stoner, y commawnde me to youe as hartely as y cane: for as
myche as hit plesyth ?e Kynges grace to have warnyd youe and all
other to attende upon his grace, and your compeny ?at ye wolde come
in my conysans and my compeny to come with you: and I ame sewre
?at schall plese his grace beste, and cawse me to thynke ?at ye lofe my
honor, and y trust schalbe to your sewrte. Y pray youe remembyr this,
as y schall remembyr youe in tyme to come, by ?e grace of Jhesu, who
ever preserve youe. Wreten at Lyncolne ?e xj day of Octobyr.Your hertely lovyng
Cosyn ffraunceys Lovell.
Also Cosyn, ?e kyng hath commawndyd me to sende youe worde to
make youe redy, and all your compeny, in all hast to be with his grace
at Leyceter ?e Monday ?e xx day of Octobyr: for I have sent for all
my men to mete me at Bannebery, ?e Soterday ?e xviij day of Octobyr.To my Cosyn [Syr] William Stoner.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
This which is the latest letter in the Collection was written on the eve of
Buckingham’s rebellion. Stonor sided with Buckingham, and was in conse-
quence attainted. The letter is holograph. From A.C., xlvi, 102.Cosyn Stoner, y commawnde me to youe as hartely as y cane: for as
myche as hit plesyth þe Kynges grace to have warnyd youe and all
other to attende upon his grace, and your compeny þat ye wolde come
in my conysans and my compeny to come with you: and I ame sewre
þat schall plese his grace beste, and cawse me to thynke þat ye lofe my
honor, and y trust schalbe to your sewrte. Y pray youe remembyr this,
as y schall remembyr youe in tyme to come, by þe grace of Jhesu, who
ever preserve youe. Wreten at Lyncolne þe xj day of Octobyr.Your hertely lovyng
Cosyn ffraunceys Lovell.
Also Cosyn, þe kyng hath commawndyd me to sende youe worde to
make youe redy, and all your compeny, in all hast to be with his grace
at Leyceter þe Monday þe xx day of Octobyr: for I have sent for all
my men to mete me at Bannebery, þe Soterday þe xviij day of Octobyr.To my Cosyn [Syr] William Stoner.