Foundation of Caister College
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Foundation of Caister College
- Reference
- Add. 34889, ff. 12-13
- Date
- 10 September 1464
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 571; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 50
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
Apunctuanment' Regis pr fundacone Collegij apd Caistre, &c.
THE Kyng for the soume of CCC mark of lawfull mony
of Inglond or of siluer plate to the valew therof g'untith
to John Paston the older squier to haue licens lawfully mad to
make and found a College of vij prests and vij pore folk at
Caster in Flegge in Norff for the soule of Sir Iohn Falstolf
knyght thei to be indued with certeyn Rent and otherwise aftir
the intent and effect as is specifijd in a bille therof signed by the
kyng and that he shall shewe his good grase favor and assistence to
haue the seid fundacon inacted and auctorised in the prlement next
holden and Discharge the seid John Paston and the seid prests of
any other fyne of fee to be mad in the Chaunc'ie for the seid
fundacon And that the kyng shall signe and g'unt warants for
seid licens and shewe his good g'ce and favor in the expedision
therof what tyme he be sued to therfore by the seid Iohn Paston.Also the Kyng g'untith to be good and favorabill lord to the
seid John Paston and inspeciall in all thyngs touchyng the exe-
cucon of the will of the seid sir Iohn Fastolf and also to be good
and favorabill lord to the seid Iohn Paston in supportyng and
helpyng hym in that the kyngs highnesse may lawfulle do in
such maters as are in debate athwyx the seid John Paston and
Will'm Yelurton or Will'm Ienney or any other concernyng the
londs and ten'ts, goods or catell, that were the seid sir Iohn Fas-
tolfs Also the Kyng g'untith to help and support the seid Iohn
Paston to opteyne and haue to the vse of the seid sir John Fas-
tolf such goods as were the seid Fastolfs Deseitfully aloyned
out of the possession and knowlech of the seid Iohn Paston and
that the Kyng shall g'unt the seid Iohn Paston such lawfull wri-
tynggs and lettirs from the Kyng Directed to such p'sones
as shall be behovefull for the same what tyme the seid John
Paston suyth to the Kyngs highnesse therfore.Also where Yelurton or Ienny or any Iustise of the peas
of the shire of Suff. hath recorded any Riot trespas or offenses to
be Do ayens the Kyngs peas by the seid John Paston his frv'nts
or ten'nts or frends or where any inditement or p'sentment is
found ayens them or any of them before any of the seid Iustises
for any such Riot offenses trespas or for any other mater remayn-
yng of record in the kyngs benche or in any other plase the kyng
g'untith to the seid John Paston and all other p'sones named in
the seid records or inditements or in any of hem and to alle her
boroughs and pleggs and to ich of them that woll sue it a pardon
of all Riotes trespas offenses selonys forfetures doon ayens the
kyngs peas And of fynes therefore dempt or to be dempt and
of all other thyngs genrally treason except and that the kyng
shall signe warants lawfull of the seid prdons what tyme his high-
nesse be requeris by the seid John Paston or his attornys.And also that his highnesse shall do inquere and examiacon
be mad whedir the seid record of the seid Iustises and p'sentments
and other informacons or compleynts mad ayens the seid Iohn
Paston were do trewly and lawfully or nought and if it be found
that thei were do otherwise thanne trought lawe or Consiens woll
thanne the kyng g'untyth to cause the Doers therof to recom-
pense the seid Iohn Paston and the seid other P'sones as far as lawe
and good consiens woll in that behalf.And that if it fortune any compleynt to be made ayens the
seid John Paston by any prsone in tyme Comyng to the Kyng
that he shall take no Displeasir to the seid John Paston till the
tyme he come to his answer and be found in Defaut.And that the kyng shall reseyve an C li of the said CCC m'rk
what tyme he send for it and the remnaunt as sone as the seid
fundacon take effect and also that his highnesse shall gete the
assent of the reurent fader in god the archebishop of Cauntrbury
in such apoyntmets as is made athwyx the Kyng and the said John
Paston of such goods as were the seid sir John Fastolfs for the
Deliurc therof and that if the seid Iohn Paston refuse the admi-
nistracon of the goods and catell that were the seid sir Iohn Fas-
tolfs sufferyng other to take it opon hem the Kyng at the instauns
of the seid John Paston g'untith to be good and favorabill lord to
such other as the coors of the lawe and assent of the seid John
Paston shall take the seid administracon in execucon of the seid
Fastolfs will touchyng the administracon of the goods and catell
forseid acordyng to the same wyll and that the Kyng shall not
cleyme nor defire any of the londs or ten'ts goods or catell that
were the seid Sir John Fastolf ayens the seid Iohn Paston or any
other executor administror or feffe of the seid Sir John Fastolf nor
support or favor any other prsone in cleymyng any of the seid londs
or ten'ts goods or catell ayens any the seid administers executores
or feffes.And the Kyng g'untith that where as this bille is not sufficiently
mad in clauses and termes accordyng to thentent therof that
his highnesse woll take and execute the very entent therof notwt-
standyng the insufficiens of any such termes and clauses in thes
bille Wretyn at Marleburgh the Monday next after the natiuite
of oure lady the fourthe ye re of the reigne of the Kyng.11 1/2 by 16 1/2.
Paper Mark,
Bull's Head and Star.
Pl. X. No 3.From this Appointment of the King it appears that Grants for foundations of religious
establishment were made one mean of raising money for the service of the crown; and
that the royal protection was likewise obtained by a present of money of plate.Whether the terms, by which the King's favour was now to be procured, were fulfilled
by John Paston, or whether his Majesty had my reason for withdrawing his protection,
does not appear, but in the following year the royal favour was forfeited, and J. Paston
was a prisoner by the King's command.For his Majesty's signature, see Pl. IV. No 1. and Pl. XXIV. No 1.
During this year the King was moving from place to place, and by condescension and
affability acquiring popularity. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
Appointment of the King for the Foundation of a College at Caister, &c.
THE King, for the sum of 300 marks (200l.) of lawful
money of England, or of silver plate to the value thereof,
granteth to John Paston the elder, Esquire, to have licence, law-
fully made, to make and found a College of seven Priests and
seven poor folk at Caister, in Flegg (hundred) in Norfolk, for
the Soul of Sir John Fastolf, Knight; they to be endued with
certain rent, and otherwise after the intent and effect as is speci-
fied in a bill thereof, signed by the King; and that he shall shew
his good grace, favour, and assistance to have the said foundation
enacted and authorised in the Parliament next holden, and dis-
charge the said John Paston and the said Priests of any other
fine of fee to be made in the Chancery for the said foundation,
and that the King shall sign and grant warrants for the said
licence, and shew his good grace and favour in the expedition
thereof, what time he be sued to therefore by the said John Paston.Also, the King granteth to be good and favourable Lord to
the said John Paston, and in especial in all things touching the
execution of the Will of the said Sir John Fastolf, and also to be
good and favourable Lord to the said John Paston, in supporting
and helping him, in that the King's highness may lawfully do,
in such matters as are in debate atwixt the said John Paston and
William Yelverton, or William Jenney, or any other, concern-
ing the lands and tenements, goods or chattels, that were the
said Sir John Fastolf's; also the King granteth to help and sup-
port the said John Paston to obtain and have to the use of the
said Sir John Fastolf such good as were the said Fastolf's deceit-
fully, aloyned (removed) out of the possession and knowledge of
the said John Paston, and that the King shall grant the said John
Paston such lawful writings and letters from the King, directed
to such persons a shall be behoveful for the same, what time the
said John Paston sueth to the King's highness therefore.Also where Yelverton, or Jenney, or any Justice of the Peace
of the Shire of Suffolk hath recorded any riot, trespass of offences
to be done against the Kings' peace, by the said John Paston,
his servants, or tenants, or friends; or where any indictment or
presentment is found against them, or any of them, before any
of the said Justices, for any such riot, offences, trespass, or for
any other matter remaining of record in the King's Bench, or
in any other place, the King granteth to the said John Paston,
and all other persons named in the said records or indictments,
or in any of them, and to all their boroughs (sureties) and
pledges, and to each of them that will sue it, a pardon of all riots,
trespasses, offences, felonies, forfeitures done against the King's
peace, and of fines therefore dempt (adjudged), or to be dempt,
and of all other things generally, treason except, and that the
King shall sign warrants lawful of the said pardons, what time
his highness be required by the said John Paston or his Attorneys.And also that his highness shall do (cause) enquiry and exami-
nation (to) be made whether the said record of the said Justices and
presentments, and other informations or complaints made against
the said John Paston, were done truly and lawfully or not; and
if it be found that they were done otherwise than truth, law,
or conscience will, then the King granteth to cause the doers
thereof to recompence the said John Paston, and the said other
person, as far as law and good conscience will in that behalf.And that if it fortune any complaint to be made against the
said John Paston, by any person in time coming, to the King,
that he shall take no displeasure to the said John Paston till the
time he come to his answer, and be found in default.And that the King shall receive and hundred pounds of the said
300 marks, what time he send for it, and the remanent as soon
as the said foundation take effect; and also that his highness shall
get the assent of the reverend father in God, the Archbishop of
Canterbury, in such appointments as is made atwixt the King
and the said John Paston of such goods as were the said Sir John
Fastolf's for the delivery thereof, and that if the said John
Paston refuse the administration of the goods and chattels that
were the said Sir John Fastolf's, suffering other to take it upon
them, the King, at the instance of the said John Paston, grant-
eth to be good and favourable Lord to such other (as), by the
course of the law, and assent of the said John Paston, shall take
the said administration in execution of the said Fastolf's Will,
touching the administration of the goods and chattels aforesaid,
according to the same Will, and that the King shall not claim
nor desire any of the lands or tenements, goods or chattels that
were the said Sir John Fastolf's against the said John Paston or
any other executor, administrator, or feoffee of the said Sir John
Fastolf, nor support or favour any other person in claiming any
of the said lands or tenements, goods or chattels, against any of
the said administrators, executors, or feoffees.Also the Kings granteth that whereas this bill is not sufficiently
made in clauses and terms according to the intent thereof, that
his highness will take an execute the very intent thereof, not-
withstanding the insufficience of any such terms and clauses in
this bill. Written at Marlborough, the Monday next after the
Nativity of our Lady, the fourth year of the reign of the King.Marlborough, Wiltshire.
Monday, 10th of September,
1464. 4 E. IV.From this Appointment of the King it appears that Grants for foundations of religious
establishment were made one mean of raising money for the service of the crown; and
that the royal protection was likewise obtained by a present of money of plate.Whether the terms, by which the King's favour was now to be procured, were fulfilled
by John Paston, or whether his Majesty had my reason for withdrawing his protection,
does not appear, but in the following year the royal favour was forfeited, and J. Paston
was a prisoner by the King's command.For his Majesty's signature, see Pl. IV. No 1. and Pl. XXIV. No 1.
During this year the King was moving from place to place, and by condescension and
affability acquiring popularity. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
Apunctuament’ Regis pro fundacione Collegij apud
Caistre, &c.THE Kyng, for the soume of CCC. mark of lawfull mony
of Inglond, or of silver plate to the valew therof,
grauntith to John Paston the older, Squier, to have
licens, lawfully mad, to make and found a College of vij. prests
and vij. pore folk at Caster, in Flegge in Norffolk, for the
soule of Sir John Falstolf, Knyght; thei to be indued with
certeyn rent, and otherwise aftir the intent and effect as is
specifijd in a bille therof, signed by the Kyng; and that he
shall showe his good grase, favour, and assistence to have the
said fundacon inacted and auctorised in the parlement next
holden, and discharge the seid John Paston and the seid prests
of any other fyne or fee to be mad in the Chauncerie for the
seid fundacion; and that the Kyng shall signe and graunt
warants for seid licens, and shewe his good grace and favour
in the expedision therof, what tyme he be sued to therfore by
the seid John Paston.Also, the Kyng grauntith to be good and favorabill Lord
to the seid John Paston, and inespeciall in all thyngs touchyng
the execucion of the will of the seid Sir John Fastolf, and also
to be good and favorabill Lord to the seid John Paston, in
supportyng and helpyng hym, in that the Kyngs Highnesse
may lawfulle do, in such maters as are in debate athwyx the
seid John Paston and William Yelverton, or William Jenney,
or any other, concernyng the londs and tenements, goods or
cattell, that were the seid Sir John Fastolfs. Also the Kyng
grauntith to help and support the seid John Paston to opteyne
and have to the use of the seid Sir John Fastolf such goods as
were the seid Fastolfs deseitfully aloyned out of the possession
and knowlech of the seid John Paston; and that the Kyng
shall graunt the seid John Paston such lawfull writynggs and
lettirs from the Kyng, directed to such persones as shall be
behovefull for the same, what tyme the seid John Paston suyth
to the Kyngs Highnesse therfore.Also where Yelverton, or Jenney, or any Justise of the
Peas of the Shire of Suffolk hath recorded any riot, trespas, or
offenses to be do ayens the Kyngs peas, by the seid John
Paston, his servaunts, or tenaunts, or frends; or where any
inditement or presentment is found ayens them, or any of
them, before any of the seid Justises, for any such riot, offenses,
trespas, or for any other mater remaynyng of record in the
Kyngs Benche, or in any other plase, the Kyng grauntith to
the seid John Paston, and all other persones named in the seid
records or inditements, or in any of hem, and to alle her
boroughs [sureties] and plegges, and to ich of hem that woll
sue it, a pardon of all riotes, trespas, offenses, felonys, for-
fetures doon ayens the Kyngs peas, and of fynes therefore
dempt [adjudged], or to be dempt, and of all other thyngs
generally, treason except, and that the Kyng shall signe warants
lawfull of the seid pardons, what tyme his Highnesse be
requerid by the seid John Paston or his attornys.And also that his Highnesse shall do inquere and examina-
cion be mad whedir the seid record of the seid Justises and
presentments, and other informacions or compleynts mad ayens
the seid John Paston, were do trewly and lawfully or nought;
and if it be found that thei were do otherwise thanne trought,
lawe, or consiens woll, thanne the Kyng grauntyth to cause
the doers therof to recompense the seid John Paston and the
seid other persones, as far as lawe and good consiens woll in
that behalf.And that if it fortune any compleynt to be mad ayens the
seid John Paston, by any persone in tyme comyng, to the
Kyng, that he shall take no displeasir to the seid John Paston
till the tyme he come to his answer, and be found in defaut.And that the Kyng shall receyve an Cli. of the seid CCC.
mark, what tyme he send for it, and the remnaunt as sone as
the seid fundacion take effect; and also that his Highnesse
shall gete the assent of the reverent fader in God, the Arche-
bisshop of Caunterbury, in such apoyntments as is mad athwyx
the Kyng and the seid John Paston, of such goods as were the
seid Sir John Fastolfs, for the delivere therof; and that if the
seid John Paston refuse the administracion of the goods and
catell that were the seid Sir John Fastolfs, sufferyng other to
take it opon hem, the Kyng, at the instauns of the seid John
Paston, grauntith to be good and favorabill Lord to such other
as the coors of the lawe, and assent of the seid John Paston,
shall take the seid administracion in execucion of the seid
Fastolfs will, touchyng the administracion of the goods and
catell forseid, acordyng to the same wyll; and that the Kyng
shall not cleyme nor desire any of the londs or tenements,
goods or catell, that were the seid Sir John Fastolf, ayens the
seid John Paston, or any other executor, administror, or feffe
of the seid Sir John Fastolf, nor support or favour any other
persone in cleymyng any of the seid londs or tenements, goods
or catell, ayens any the seid administers, executores, or feffes.And the Kyng grauntith that where as this bille is not
sufficiently mad in clauses and termes accordyng to th’entent
therof, that his Highnesse woll take and execute the very entent
therof, notwithstandyng the insufficiens of any such termes and
clauses in thes bille. Wretyn at Marleburgh, the Monday
next after the Nativite of oure Lady, the fourthe yere of the
reigne of the Kyng.1 [From Fenn, iv. 182.]
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