Fencible Men in the Half-Hundred of Ewelme
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Fencible Men in the Half-Hundred of Ewelme
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/39
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 258; Kingsford, Vol II, item 258
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This list is written on two sheets of paper stitched together. The names
of the places are written in another hand on the left-hand margin, and the
names of the constables have been added on the right; the numbers of the
men (whose names appear in the original) include the constables. From
Chancery Misc., 37, iv, 39.The certificacion to Sir William Stonor, knyзte, by þe constables of þe
di. hundred of Ewelme of men þat make harnes and be abul to do þe
kyng servys, and also of such as be abul to do þe kyng servys and not
abull to make harnes.Ewelme. Thomas Staunton, const. Ric. Slythurst, a harnes and abull
to do þe kyng servis with his bowe. Thomas Staunton, John Holme
hole harnes and both abull to do þe knyg servis with bill. John
Tanner an harnes, and abull to do the kyng servis with a bill. John
Pallyng an harnes and not abull to wer it. Roger Smith, no harnes,
neþerles an abull man and a gode archar.Benston. Constable ? 3 men, 2 with harnes, 2 abull with a bill.
Berwike. John Wildgose, constable. 4 men, 2 "abull with his bowe,"
1 with a bill, 1 "with an staffe".Britwell Priry. Thomas Stoke, constable. 3 men, 2 with harnes.
Bryghwell. William Adam, constable. 7 men, 4 with harnes, 1 with
an axe and no harnes.Cuxham. Robert Hall, constable (has an harnes and not abull)
6 men, 3 with harnes.Netylbede. Harry Wolryge, constable. 7 men, 6 with harnes, 2 "a
good archer".Huntyrcombend. John Lymborner, constable, 9 men, 6 with harnes
(2 not abull), 2 good archers.Chalegove. Richerd Hunt, constable, 3 archers and an abull man
with a staffe.Newnton. John Kyng, constable, harnes for a man, and Thomas
Childe "an abull man with a staffe".Holcumbe. William Grene, constable, harnes for a man, and
Thomas Grene "an abull man with a bill".Warborowghe. William Dalberd, constable, 12 men, 4 with harness,
3 archers, 2 able with a staff:Hasley Magna. Thomas Cule, constable, 8 men, 4 with harness, 2
archers.Hasley Parva. John Percyvale, constable, 4 men, 2 with harnes.
Lachford. John Nycoll, 3 men, 2 with harnes, 1 archer.
Ricott. John Kyng, constable, 3 men, 2 with harnes, 1 archer.
Draycote. Richard Howse, constable, 3 men, 2 with harnes. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
This list is written on two sheets of paper stitched together. The names
of the places are written in another hand on the left-hand margin, and the
names of the constables have been added on the right; the numbers of the
men (whose names appear in the original) include the constables. From
Chancery Misc., 37, iv, 39.The certificacion to Sir William Stonor, knyЗte, by þe constables of þe
di. hundred of Ewelme of men þat make harnes and be abul to do þe
kyng servys, and also of such as be abul to do þe kyng servys and not
abull to make harnes.Ewelme. Thomas Staunton. const. Ric. Slythurst, a harnes and abull
to do þe kyng servis with his bowe. Thomas Staunton, John Holme,
hole harnes and both abull to do þe knyg servis with bill. John
Tanner an harnes, and abull to do the kyng servis with a bill. John
Pallyng an harnes and not abull to wer it. Roger Smith, no harnes,
neþerles an abull man and a gode archar.Benston. Constable ? 3 men, 2 with harnes, 2 abull with a bill.
Berwike. John Wildgose, constable. 4 men, 2 “abull with his bowe,”
I with a bill, I “with an staffe”.Britwell Priry. Thomas Stoke, constable. 3 men, 2 with harnes.
Bryghwell. William Adam, constable. 7 men, 4 with harnes, 1 with
an axe and no harnes.Cuxham. Robert Hall, constable (has an harnes and not abull)
6 men, 3 with harnes.Netylbede. Harry Wolryge, constable. 7 men, 6 with harnes, 2 “a
good archer”.Huntyrcombend. John Lymborner, constable, 9 men, 6 with harnes
(2 not abull), 2 good archers.Chalegove. Richerd Hunt, constable, 3 archers and an abull man
with a staffe.Newnton. John Kyng, constable, harnes for a man, and Thomas
Childe “an abull man with a staffe”.Holcumbe. William Grene, constable, harnes for a man, and
Thomas Grene “an abull man with a bill”.Warborowghe. William Dalberd, constable, 12 men, 4 with harness,
3 archers, 2 able with a staff.Hasley Magna. Thomas Cule, constable, 8 men, 4 with harness, 2
Hasley Parva. John Percyvale, constable, 4 men, 2 with harnes.Lachford. John Nycoll, 3 men, 2 with harnes, 1 archer.
Ricott. John Kyng, constable, 3 men, 2 with harnes, 1 archer.
Draycote. Richard Howse, constable, 3 men, 2 with harnes.