Fastolf's Claims Against the Crown
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Fastolf's Claims Against the Crown
- Reference
- Add. 34888, ff. 125-126
- Date
- about 1455
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 310; Fenn, Vol III, Henry VI item 67
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (1st transcript)
A Declaracōn of the Costs which Sr John Fastolf was at bē
wth out this Royaume.THE Declaracions of certeyn Prests Costys and Chargys Don
and born by Sir John Fastolf aswel in the tyme of the
moste noble and victoryouse princes of blessed memorie Kyng
Herry the iiijthe. Kyng Herry vth as in the tyme of our souuereyn
lord Kyng that now is in hys Werrys by yend the See as by the
Articles that folowen more pleynly apperyth.First It ys to be Remembred that to the sayd
Fastolf ys owyng for diuers Costys and chargis
by hym born for the tyme that he occupied
thoffice of the Constabulrye of Burdeux for the
saufgarde of the Kyngys Duchie of Guyen as it
apperith pleynlye by accompt made of the sayd
office of Constabulrye Remaynyng in the kyngs
Cheker at Westmr of Record Wherof he yet
nouther had payement nor assignement of the
somme ofijc xxvij li xve
iijd obItem in like wyse there ys owyng to the seyd
Fastolf for Wagys for hys seruice don to the
Kyng and to the Duc of Clarence beyng the
Kyng ys lieutenant in the seyd Duchie of Guyen
as it may appere under suffisaunt Writing the
somme ofijc ij li x s
Item in lyke wyse ys owyng to the seyd
Fastolf for costys and chargys that he bare
when he was lieutenant of the Towne of 1 Har-
flew in Normandie as yt shewith by a deben-
tur made to the seyd Fastolf with hym Re-
maynyng - - - - - - -Cxxxiij li vjs
viijd.Item in lyke wyse ys owyng to the seyd
Fastolf for the Keping and vytaylyng of the
2 Bastyle of Saint Anthoyne in Paris as it appe-
rith by writing suffisaunt and by the Credi-
tours of Sir John 3 Tyrell knyght late Tre-
sourier of the Kyngs house Remaynyng in the
Escheker of Westmr of Record the somme ofxlij li.
Item there ys owyng to the seyd Fastolf for
the saufgarde of the Toune of Pount 4 Melank
in the Parties of Fraunce as it apperith by
accompt therof made in the Kyngs Escheker of
England of Record the somme of - -S’m1. XLij m’rc. ixs. q.
iiijxx ix li. xs.
iiijd. ob. q.And in semblable wyse ouer all this ys owyng
to the seyd Fastolf For prests and wagys of hym
and his Retenues beyng in the Kings seruice inhis Royaume of Fraunce and Duchie of 5 Nor-
mandie as wel abowte the saufgarde and gou-
urnaunce of his tounys Castell and forteresses of
Alaunson Fresney le Vicounte Vernell Honne-
flete As for othir grete causys and charges born
and payd in the kyng our souuereyn lord ys
Dayes that nowys forthe auauncement of his
Conquest the good and utilite of hym of his
seyd Royaume and Duchie forseid As it appe-
ryth oppenly by accomptys made in the Cham-
bre of Accompts of Paris and Roon Wherof the
vidimus remaynen with the seyd Fastolf And
also by crteyn Debentur Conteynyng the seyd
sommes Redy to shewe Wherof the seyd Fastolf
hiderto hath had nouther payement nor assig-
nacion the somme ofS’tol vj ml. cxxv m’rc.
ixs. ob q.
v ml. iiijxx. ij
marc. xiijs. iijd.
ob. strling.As there are not only several Letters in this Collection of the hand-writing of that
renowned warrior Sir John Fastolf, but as he is likewise mentioned in many others, I
thought the two following statements of sums of money due to him from the Crown
would be acceptable to the Reader, as they ascertain several of his enterprizes in France,
and point out to us the two prisoners which he took in the French wars, and who, by
the large sums agreed to be paid for their ransom, must have been persons of great con-
sequence in the military line.This first declaration relates entirely to money due to him on the account of the wars
and transactions in France. The second states the injuries and losses which he had sus-
tained both in England and France.There is no date to either of them, but from the mention of the, time since his last
return from France, and which, from an account of his life appears to have been in the
year 1440, these representations were made in the year 1455, 33 H. VI.Sir John Fastolf, Knight, was born about 1377, the last year of the reign of King
Edward III. and lost his father during his minority. In 1408, 10 H. IV. he married
in Ireland, Milicent, daughter of Robert Lord Tibetot, and widow of Sir Stephen
Scroope, by whom the then had one son.Sir John was soon after engaged to serve in the French wars, by Thomas of Lancaster,
Duke of Clarence, and continued in that service with great honour to himself, and
credit to his country till the year 1440, when he finally returned, and settled in his
native country, where he lived in great state and hospitality, finishing a long and well
spent life in 1459, being then about 83 years of age, and leaving no issue to inherit his
vast possessions, he bequeathed a great part of them to charitable and useful purposes.1 Sir John Fastolf was Lieutenant of Harsleur, in 1415.
2 The foundation of this since terrible prison, was laid by Hugh Aubriot on the 22d
of April 1369, 43 of our King Edward III. and the 6th of Charles V. of France.3 He was grandfather to Sir James Tyrel, the supposed murderer of Edward V. and
his brother.4 Port Meulent was taken in 1422.
5 Sir John was several years governor of Normandy, I believe from about 1423 to
1440, when he left France.11 ½ by 17, being a whole Sheet of stout and
fine Paper, having the Paper Mark of a
Bull’s Head and Star, &c. Pl. x. No 3.1455. 33 H. VI.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (2nd transcript)
A Declaration of the Costs which Sir John Fastolf was at, being
without this Realm.THE Declaration of certain Prests, (Loans) Costs, and
Charges, done and borne by Sir John Fastolf, as well in
the time of the most noble and victorious Princes of blessed me-
mory, King Harry the IVth. King Harry Vth. as in the time
of our Sovereign Lord King that now is in his wars beyond
the Sea, as by the Articles that follow more plainly appeareth.£
First, it is to be remembered that to the said
Fastolf is owing for divers costs and charges by
him borne for the time that he occupied the
office of the Constabulary of Bourdeaux, for the
safe guard of the King’s Duchy of Guyenne,
as it appeareth plainly by account made of the
said office of Constabulary, remaining in the
King’s Exchequer at Westminster of record,
whereof he yet neither had payment nor assign-
ment, the sum of227
Item, in like wise there is owing to the said
Fastolf for wages for his service done to the
King, and to the Duke of Clarence, being the
King’s Lieutenant in the said Duchy of Guy-
enne, as it may appear under sufficient writing,
the sum of202
Item, in like wise is owing to the said Fastolf
for Costs and Charges that he bare when he
was Lieutenant of the Town of 1 Harfleur,
in Normandy, as it sheweth by a Debenture
made to the said Fastolf (and) with him re-
Item, in likewise is owing to the said Fastolf
for the keeping and victualling of the 2 Bastile
of St. Anthony in Paris, as it appeareth by
writing sufficient, and by the Creditors of Sir
John 3 Tyrel, Knight, late Treasurer of the
King’s House, remaining in the Exchequer of
Westminster of record, the sum of - -42
Item, there is owing to the said Fastolf for
the safe-guard of the Town of Pount 4 Melank
in the parts of France, as it appeareth by ac-
count thereof, made in the King’s Exchequer
of England of record, the sum of - -89
Sum m1 xlij marks ix Sh. 1 Farthing.
And in semblable wise over all this is owing
to the said Fastolf for Prests and Wages of him
and his Retinues being in the King’s servicein his realm of France and Duchy of 5 Nor-
mandy, as well about the safe-guard and gover-
nance of his Towns, Castles, and Fortresses of
Alanson, Fresney, Le Vicounte, Verneil, Houne-
fleet, as for other great causes and charges borne
and paid in the King our Sovereign Lord’s days
that now is, for the advancement of his con-
quest, the good and utility of him, of his said
Realm and Duchy aforesaid, as it appeareth
openly by accounts made in the Chamber of
Accounts of Paris and Roan, whereof the Vidi-
mus remain with the said Fastolf, and also by
certain Debenture containing the said Sums,
ready to shew, whereof the said Fastolf hitherto
hath had neither payment nor assignation,
The sum of vml iiijxx ij marks xiij Sh. iijd½
sterling =£.
3 ½
Sum total vj m1 cxxv marks, ix Sh. od.
3 Farthings sterling - =4083
7 ¼
As there are not only several Letters in this Collection of the hand-writing of that
renowned warrior Sir John Fastolf, but as he is likewise mentioned in many others, I
thought the two following statements of sums of money due to him from the Crown
would be acceptable to the Reader, as they ascertain several of his enterprizes in France,
and point out to us the two prisoners which he took in the French wars, and who, by
the large sums agreed to be paid for their ransom, must have been persons of great con-
sequence in the military line.This first declaration relates entirely to money due to him on the account of the wars
and transactions in France. The second states the injuries and losses which he had sus-
tained both in England and France.There is no date to either of them, but from the mention of the, time since his last
return from France, and which, from an account of his life appears to have been in the
year 1440, these representations were made in the year 1455, 33 H. VI.Sir John Fastolf, Knight, was born about 1377, the last year of the reign of King
Edward III. and lost his father during his minority. In 1408, 10 H. IV. he married
in Ireland, Milicent, daughter of Robert Lord Tibetot, and widow of Sir Stephen
Scroope, by whom the then had one son.Sir John was soon after engaged to serve in the French wars, by Thomas of Lancaster,
Duke of Clarence, and continued in that service with great honour to himself, and
credit to his country till the year 1440, when he finally returned, and settled in his
native country, where he lived in great state and hospitality, finishing a long and well
spent life in 1459, being then about 83 years of age, and leaving no issue to inherit his
vast possessions, he bequeathed a great part of them to charitable and useful purposes.1 Sir John Fastolf was Lieutenant of Harsleur, in 1415.
2 The foundation of this since terrible prison, was laid by Hugh Aubriot on the 22d
of April 1369, 43 of our King Edward III. and the 6th of Charles V. of France.3 He was grandfather to Sir James Tyrel, the supposed murderer of Edward V. and
his brother.4 Port Meulent was taken in 1422.
5 Sir John was several years governor of Normandy, I believe from about 1423 to
1440, when he left France.11 ½ by 17, being a whole Sheet of stout and
fine Paper, having the Paper Mark of a
Bull’s Head and Star, &c. Pl. x. No 3.1455. 33 H. VI.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
A Declaracion of the Costs which Sir John Fastolf was
at, ben without this royaume.THE declaracions of certeyn prests, costys, and chargys
don and born by Sir John Fastolf, aswel in the tyme
of the moste noble and victoryouse Princes of blessed
memorie, Kyng Herry the iiijthe, Kyng Herry vth, as in the
tyme of our Souvereyn Lord Kyng that now is, in hys werrys
by yend the see, as by the articles that folowen more pleynly
apperyth:—First, it ys to be remembred
that to the sayd Fastolf ys
owyng for divers costys and
chargis by hym born for the
tyme that he occupied th’office
of the Constabulrye of Burdeux
for the saufgarde of the Kyngys
Duchie of Guyen, as it apperith
pleynlye by accompt made of
the sayd office of Constabulrye,
remaynyng in the Kyngs Cheker
at Westminster of record, wher-
of he yet nouther had payement
nor assignement of, the somme
of ijc. xxvijli. xvs. iijd. ob.Item, in like wyse there ys
owyng to the seyd Fastolf for
wagys for hys service don to
the Kyng, and to the Duc of
Clarence, beyng the Kyng ysLieutenant in the seyd Duchie
of Guyen, as it may appere
under suffisaunt writing, the
somme of ijc ijli. xs.Item, in lyke wyse ys owyng
to the seyd Fastolf for costys
and chargys that he bare when
he was Lieutenant of the towne
of Harflew1 in Normandie, as
yt shewith by a debentur made
to the seyd Fastolf, with hym
remaynyng, Cxxxiijli. vjs. viijd.Item, in lyke wyse ys owyng
to the seyd Fastolf for the kep-
ing and vytaylyng of the Bas-
tyle of Saint Anthoyne in Paris,
as it apperith by writing suffi-
saunt and by the creditours of
Sir John Tyrell, Knyght, late
Tresourier of the Kyngs house,
remaynyng in the Escheker of
Westminster of record, the
somme of xlijli.Item, there ys owyng to the
seyd Fastolf for the saufgarde
of the toune of Pount Melank2
in the parties of Fraunce, as
it apperith by accompt therof
made in the Kyngs Escheker
of England of record, the
somme of iiijxx ixli. xs. iiija. ob. q.Summa xlij. marc ixs. q.
And in semblable wyse, over
all this ys owyng to the seyd
Fastolf for prests and wagys
of hym and his retenues beyngin the Kings service in his roy-
aume of Fraunce and duchie
of Normandie, as wel abowte
the saufgarde and gouvern-
aunce of his tounys, castell,
and forteresses of Alaunson,
Fresney Le Vicounte, Vernell,
Honneflete, as for othir grete
causys and charges born and
payd in the Kyng our Souve-
reyn Lord ys dayes that nowys,
for the avauncement of his
conquest, the good and utilite
of hym, of his seyd royaume
and duchie forseid, as it ap-
peryth oppenly by accomptys
made in the Chambre of Ac-
compts of Paris and Roon,
wherof the vidimus remaynen
with the seyd Fastolf, and also
by certeyn debentur conteyn-
yng the seyd sommes, redy
to shewe, wherof the seyd Fas-
tolf hiderto hath had nouther
payement nor assignacion, the
somme of v. ml. iiijxx ij. marc, xiijs.
iijd. ob. sterling.Summa totalis vj. ml. cxxv. marc, ixs. ob. q.
There are two drafts of the preceding statement among the Paston MSS. in the
British Museum, besides an imperfect draft hereafter mentioned. These appear
to have been drawn up as early as the year 1452. One of these is in William
Worcester’s handwriting; the other is a fair copy from it, with further corrections,
in his hand. The document printed above embodies all the corrections in the second
paper, and corresponds with it almost exactly in every point, except that the latter
places the second item relating to the Duke of Clarence at the very end of the
account, and contains the following additional entries:—And beside all this, there is yet owyng
to the sayd Fastolf uppon the voyage that
Thomas Danyell made into Bretayn, as it
is openly knowen, the somme of Cli.Item, overe this the seyd Fastolf lent
to the voyage that Sir Thomas Kyryell
made into Normandye, in the xxviij. yere
of the regne of the Kyng our Souverain
Lorde, the somme of CC. marc; also
lent to the Kyng afore that tyme in his
necessite the somme of Cli. The somme
of both, ijc xxxiijli. vjs. viijd.And also the seyd Fastolf hath borne
grete charge and cost of alone made for
the spede and helpe of the voyage whiche
the Erle of Shrowysbury1 now last made
into the Kynges duchie of Guyenne, to
whom God graunte good expedicion, as it
shewith by suffisaunt writyng, for whiche
at the commaundement of my Lord
Cardynalle2 the seyd Fastolf made a
chevyssaunce and leyd to wedd [i.e.
pawned] the substaunce of his pore juellys,
in the whiche chevyssaunce the seyd Fas-
tolf hath lost xxxvijli., and is like to lese
more herafter, by cause he is not of poer
to quyte hem oute; the seyd juellys lyne
as yet to plegge for the somme of iiijcli.Somme of the prestys and debtys abofe
rehersed, ijml. xlv. markes, vjs. vd. ob.The following is written on a separate paper, on the back of which occurs the
imperfect draft above referred to.Item, overe all thys grete debtes dew at thys day to the seyd Fastolf, he
desyryth and prayth that it may be pondered and concydered the grete lossez
and damages that he hath susteyned and born, as well in the parties of Fraunce
as in thys land; as at one tyme lost the somme and value of iiijml. mark for
Guillem Remond, hys prysonnere, that agreed to pay for hys raunsom xxxijml.
salux. The seyd prisonnere was take awey from hym, and delyvered the
toune of Compyne in to the obbeissaunce of our Souvereyn Lord. Also the
reward that the seyd Fastolf shuld hafe hys part for the takyng of the Duc off
Allaunson, whych shuld mount for hys seyd part iiijml. [4000] markes, the
grete losse that he hath in delyveryng upp the baronye of Syllye Guillem, in
the counte of Mayn, be thout [without] recompense or reward, whych was
gevyn to hym and hys assigneez in the value of ml. ml. [2000] salux off yerly
rent. Also the lesyng of hys pore lyvelode in Normandie that was of the yerlyvalue of 1mark. The grete importune lossez and damages that he
hath had seth he came into England, whych hys evylle wyllers the officers and
servauntes of the Duc of Suffolk have, be thout [without] cause resonable,
made hym leese, as in causyng hym to be disseised wrongysly of iiij. of hys
maners of Dedham, Beyton, Bradwell, Hykelyng, and Tychewell, to the value
of ijc. [200] mark of yeerly rent; besyde othyr damages and lossez by colours
of the lawe, and by menys of extorcions, as it may shew by a rolle of articles
to the value of vjml. [6000] markes.1 [From Fenn, iii. 268.] This appears to be a supplementary paper to the preced-
ing. Two other copies or drafts of this paper exist among the Paston MSS. in the
British Museum.1 Sir John Fastolf was Lieutenant of Harfleur in 1415.—F.
2 Pont Meulent was taken in 1422.—F.
1 John Talbot, first Earl, sent to France in 1452 to recover Guienne for the
English; killed the following year in endeavouring to relieve Castillon.2 Cardinal Kemp.—See vol. ii. p. 160, Note 7.
1 Blank in MS.