Expenses of an Inquisition Post Mortem
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Expenses of an Inquisition Post Mortem
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/10
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 139; Kingsford, Vol I, item 139
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
MORTEM[? 1474]
This most probably relates to the Inquisition for the second Thomas Stonor
in 1474. The names of Twenyo (Twynho) and Sir John Butteler point to
the reign of Edward IV. See Nos. 215 and 294 (note). Nos. 229-232 in
Ancient Correspondence, xlvi, contain the oaths of the Jurors in the In-
quisitions held on that occasion in Kent and Hampshire together with the
names of the Jurors. The Inquisitions were held in October, 1474; it was
found that Thomas Stonor held no land in either county, that he died on
23rd April last, and that William, his son and heir, was aged 24 and more.
The nine documents numbered A.C., xlvi, 225 to 233, were found stitched
together; for the others see Nos. 138, 143, 144, 152. From Ch. Misc., 37,
iv, 10.Of be scher of Glowceter.
Item, yn primo receyvyd of þe fermer of Harnyll iiij. li. It., of
þe fermer of Dowton, xxiij. s. iiij. d. It. of Henbery, vij li. Summa,
xij. li. iij. s. iiij. d. Glowseter schere. It., for þe writte ix. s. ij. d. It.
y hafe payt to þe escheter, xl. s. It., to Syr John Butteler, xxvij. s.
It., to Twenyo, xiij. s. iiij d. It., for þe rewarde to þe Jur., xxij. s. viij. d.
It., yn expences for Bryan and John Yoman, vj. s. v. d. It., yn reward
for eschetters clerke, v. s. It., for þe bayleys retourne, xx. d. Et re-
maneth Summa vj. li. v. s. j. d.Oxonford scher and Barkescher for ?e ofyce.
It., for ij wryttes, xviij. s. iiij. d. It., to þe excheter, iij. li. x. s. It.,
to ?e schreyve xxxiij. s. iiij. d. It., for þe questes and dyner, vj. s. viij. d.
It., for hors mete, vij. d. ob. Summa, vj. li. viij. s. xj. d. ob. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
MORTEM[? 1474]
This most probably relates to the Inquisition for the second Thomas Stonor
in 1474. The names of Twenyo (Twynho) and Sir John Butteler point to
the reign of Edward IV. See Nos. 215 and 294 (note). Nos. 229-232 in
Ancient Correspondence, xlvi, contain the oaths of the Jurors in the In-
quisitions held on that occasion in Kent and Hampshire together with the
names of the Jurors. The Inquisitions were held in October, 1474; it was
found that Thomas Stonor held no land in either county, that he died on
23rd April last, and that William, his son and heir, was aged 24 and more.
The nine documents numbered A.C., xlvi, 225 to 233, were found stitched
together; for the others see Nos. 138, 143, 144, 152. From Ch. Misc., 37,
iv, 10.Of þe scher of Glowceter.
Item. yn primo receyvyd of þe fermer of Harnyll iiij. li. It., of
þe fermer of Dowton, xxiij. s. iiij. d. It. of Henbery, vij li. Summa,
xij. li. iij. s. iiij. d. Glowseter schere. It., for þe writte ix. s. ij. d. It.
y hafe payt to þe escheter, xl. s. It., to Syr John Butteler, xxvij. s.
It., to Twenyo, xiij. s. iiij. d. It., for þe rewarde to þe Jur., xxij. s. viij. d.
It., yn expences for Bryan and John Yoman, vj. s. v. d. It., yn reward
for eschetters clerke, v. s. It., for þe bayleys retoume, xx. d. Et re-
maneth Summa vj. li. v. s. j. d.Oxonford scher and Barkescher for þe ofyce.
It., for ij wryttes, xviij. s. iiij. d. It., to þe excheter, iij. li. x. s. It.,
to þe schreyve xxxiij. s. iiij. d. It., for þe questes and dyner, vj. s. viij. d.
It., for hors mete, vij. d. ob. Summa, vj. li. viij. s. xj. d. ob.