Expenses for Servants
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Expenses for Servants
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/16-17
- Date
- c. 1475
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 147; Kingsford, Vol I, item 147
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
c. 1475
The reference to John Blakehall shows that the date cannot be later than
1475 or 1476. St. Leonard's Day is 6th Nov. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 16-17.Jhesus.
(1) A remembrans made the morne after synt leonarde ys day, when
þat my Master Stonor come to Master Marmyun for expensys off hys
men þat ys to sey for Thomas a Wode, and Tayleboyse and Elysaundur
Blakehall and othyr, vj. d., and for a chekyn for þe hawke, j. d.It., for ij styltys for Roger, ij. d. It., for John Blakehall, xvj. s. viij. d.;
for Roger ys borde and hys bedde, xxj wekes, xv. s. ix. d. Also ffor a
bay geldyng, vj. s. viij. d. It., for a chert and a breche for Roger, xj. d.
It., for a peyr schone, v. d. Summa, xlj. s. vj. d.
Also for þe barbur to make clene hys hed, xv. d. For a cappe, iij. d.
For makyng off hys gowne and hys doblet, xvj. d. For lynyn cloth to
hys doblet, iiij. d. Summa, ij. s. viij. d. Kyrstemes.Also the saterday at nyƷt arid þe sonday yn þe mornyng to ffor, for
expenses off my mayster and hys horse, iij. s. And for byrdys home
with hym, j. d.Also for expensys of Harre Parsone and John Blakehall þe monday
after þe twelffe day when þey comyn (?) to Harpeden togeder, ffor her
dyner, ij. d. Also ffor horse met, j. d. when Ʒe wer with Marmyun.
Also for þe geldyng, j. d., when bat John dydde schoy hym.(2) Md. that Will Bordeney delyvered for Richard . . . a payr close
hosyn of russet karyssey, price, xvj. d. It., by the commaundement off
yow the parson off Thyngest fett for Alson Dell, ij Ʒerde off medley
russett, price, ij. s. viij. d. It., a payre off hossen for D. . .off russet
keryssey the price, ij. s. It., a payr off hosse for the chyld off the stabull
off russet karyssey, price, xvj. d. It., a Ʒerde off blake russet karyssey
to make Richert Baron a dublet, price, xiiij. d. It., a Ʒerde and a
halfe off tawney to make the seyd Richert Baron a gowne, the price off
a Ʒerde xviij. d., summa, ij. s. iij d. It., a Ʒerde off russet to make
More sone a cote, xvj. d. It., a Ʒerde et d. quart, for Harry Bakhall off
dorrey, the price off a Ʒerde xx. d., ij. s. j. d. It., a payre off hose off
russett karyssey for Will. Coke off Northende, ij. s. iiij. d. It., for a
payre off hose for Richert Baron, off russett karyssey, the price, xvj. d.
It., for a Ʒerde off blankked delyvered to John Swayn, the price, v. d.
It., to John Blakhall, the yonger, a payre off hosyn off russet karyssey,
the price, xviij. d. It., for v. Ʒerdes off kendall for master Doley, price
off a Ʒerde iiij. d., summa xx. d. It., for iij Ʒerdes off kendall and an
halfe for Morres Escowrte, xiiij. d. It., for v Ʒerdes off kendall for
Thomas off Wode, xxv. d. It., for Harry Parsone iiij Ʒerdes off kendall,
and halfe, price off a Ʒerde v. d., summa xxij. d. It., to Thomas
Mathew a Ʒerde off dorrey, h. and quart., price off the Ʒerde xx. d.,
Summa, ij. s. j. d. It., delyvered to Richert Baron a Ʒerde and an halfe
off brode russett, the price off a Ʒerde xx. d., ij. s. vj. d. It., a cote
clothe off Cottohames russet ij. Ʒerdes off narrowe clothe, the pris,
xij. d. It., a payre hosen off russet, the price, iij. d. It., a payre off
hose for Chowne off russett karessey delyverd to John Sonte, xvj. d. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
c. 1475
The reference to John Blakehall shows that the date cannot be later than
1475 or 1476. St. Leonard’s Day is 6th Nov. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 16-17.Jhesus.
(1) A remembrans made the morne after synt leonarde ys day, when
þat my Master Stonor come to Master Marmyun for expensys off hys
men þat ys to sey for Thomas a Wode, and Tayleboyse and Elysaundur
Blakehall and othyr, vj. d., and for a chekyn for þe hawke, j. d.It., for ij styltys for Roger, ij. d. It., for John Blakehall, xvj. s. viij. d.;
for Roger ys borde and hys bedde, xxj wekes, xv. s. ix. d. Also ffor a
bay geldyng, vj. s. viij. d. It., for a chert and a breche for Roger, xj. d.
It., for a peyr schone, v. d. Summa, xlj. s. vj. d.Also for þe barbur to make clene hys hed, xv. d. For a cappe, iij. d.
For makyng off hys gowne and hys doblet, xvj. d. For lynyn cloth to
hys doblet, iiij. d. Summa, ij. s. viij. d. Kyrstemes.Also the saterday at nyЗt and þe sonday yn þe mornyng to ffor, for
expenses off my mayster and hys horse, iij. s. And for byrdys home
with hym, j. d.Also for expensys of Harre Parsone and John Blakehall þe monday
after þe twelffe day when þey comyn (?) to Harpeden togeder, ffor her
dyner, ij. d. Also ffor horse met, j. d. when Зe wer with Marmyun.
Also for þe geldyng, j. d., when þat John dydde schoy hym.(2) Md. that Will Bordeney delyvered for Richard . . . a payr close
hosyn of russet karyssey, price, xvj. d. It., by the commaundement off
yow the parson off Thyngest fett for Alson Dell, ij Зerde off medley
russett, price, ij. s. viij. d. It., a payre off hossen for D . . . off russet
keryssey the price, ij. s. It., a payr off hosse for the chyld off the stabull
off russet karyssey, price, xvj. d. It., a Зerde off blake russet karyssey
to make Richert Baron a dublet, price, xiiij. d. It., a Зerde and a
halfe off tawney to make the seyd Richert Baron a gowne, the price off
a Зerde xviij. d., summa, ij. s. iij. d. It., a Зerde off russet to make
More sone a cote, xvj. d. It., a Зerde et d. quart. for Harry Bakhall off
dorrey, the price off a Зerde xx. d., ij. s. j. d. It., a payre off hose off
russett karyssey for Will. Coke off Northende, ij. s. iiij. d. It., for a
payre off hose for Richert Baron, off russett karyssey, the price, xvj. d.
It., for a Зerde off blankked delyvered to John Swayn, the price, v. d.
It., to John Blakhall, the yonger, a payre off hosyn off russet karyssey,
the price, xviij. d. It., for v. Зerdes off kendall for master Doley, price
off a Зerde iiij. d., summa xx. d. It., for iij Зerdes off kendall and an
halfe for Morres Escowrte, xiiij. d. It., for v Зerdes off kendall for
Thomas off Wode, xxv. d. It., for Harry Parsone iiij Зerdes off kendall,
and halfe, price off a Зerde v. d., summa xxij. d. It., to Thomas
Mathew a zerde off dorrey, h. and quart., price off the zerde xx. d.,
Summa, ij. s. j. d. It., delyvered to Richert Baron a Зerde and an halfe
off brode russett, the price off a Зerde xx. d., ij. s. vj. d. It., a cote
clothe off Cottohames russet ij. Зerdes off narrowe clothe, the pris,
xij. d. It., a payre hosen off russet, the price, iij. d. It., a payre off
hose for Chowne off russett karessey delyverd to John Sonte, xvj. d.