DO2 Gerald of Marlingford come to me, and know were he ys become; in qw[at] place he hydyth hym, he dothe but distroyh hym selff.
Do on Steward [of] Colton, a tenaunte of Marlingford, come to me.
Do2 Sir John Chapman,3 parson of Oure Ladies Chyrche, send hider the bill of rekenyng of Richard Hervy, shewyng what stokke was delivered be Richard Hervy to Harry Hervy, and also a bille what costes that Richard H[ervy] ...................... of at that tyme.4
Do2 John Brigg come to me and bryng me suyrte for hys dette, and know qwat wey the parson off Melton takyth with hym.
...................... de the par[sone] off Melton come to me to Nor- wych, for tell [him that] and he come nat hastely he schall nat fynd me here.
Item, pray the parson off Melton to call up on the parte- culer tenauntes off Melton that have had parteculer fermys fro Michaelmas xvij. til Michaelmas xviij. to pay ther fermys.
1 [From Paston MSS. B.M.] This is a paper of memoranda by William Paston, partly in his own handwriting, endorsed—’Erandes to Marlyngford, the xvij. day of Januar, anno xviijo, wer off a copy was delyvered at Sent Edmundes the same d[ay].’
2 ‘Do,’ i.e. cause.
3 He was rector of St. Mary’s Church, Melton.
4 This paragraph is crossed out in the MS.