Elizabeth Stonor to William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Elizabeth Stonor to William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/117
- Date
- 25 October 1476
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 173; Kingsford, Vol II, item 173
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
The left-hand corner has been destroyed; but most of the missing words
can be easily restored. From A.C., xlvi, 1175Jhesu M. iiijc lxxvj.
Ryght Interly and beste belovyde Cosyne, I recomaunde me unto
you as hartely as I cane. ffordermore, Cosyn, plesyth hyt you to under-
stonde that I have resayvide a bore ffrom you: the wyche I thanke
you ryght hartely ther ffor: the wyche bore hys very goode and well
braunde. Allso Cosyn, my moder and yourys sent me monay to by
her boge, and sche sent me a gobelet to amend: the wyche gobelet I
have schuyde unto dyverys golldsmythys: and thay say hyt cane not be
amendyd, but hyt be new made: and so I pray you to infforme my
moder. And as ffor the boge my moder sent unto me ffor, I send hyt
to her by Folyhet, the brynger heroff. And so, Syr, I pray you to in-
fforme my moder, as hyt thys: and I will kepe the gobelet unto the tyme
that I have answere ffrome her. Allso, Syr, I pray you to recomaunde
me hartely unto here goode moderhode. Fordermore, Cosyn, I longe
sore ffore you, to se you her in London, whanne you have done your
besenes: but I understonde that you have hade gret besynys syn you de-
partyd ffrome me. Syr, ye schalle understond that I had no wrytyng
ffrome my son Betson: ffor as ny as I cane in-kewere, syn Howlake de-
partyd ther came no passag ffrom Calys. Forder, syr, I pray you that ye
wolde woche-saffe ffore to sen John Mathew unto Hendelay, ffor to breke
the ffardell, and to wrythe schuche thyngys [as] is in hyt, and to make ij
ffardellys ther off, that hyt mythe be sent downe by the caryar off [Hen-
delay] ffor I cane not have hyt ayenst the tyme helse: ffore I most nedes
have hyt, ffore the chylld[eryn have] ne chaung,6 ffor they go so schamely
that I have pete7 off them. And goode Syr, as ffor my nawne [gowne that
I] wrothe unto you off, I pray you that I mythe have hyt as sone as ye
may. No more unto you [at thys tyme], but Jhesu have you in hys
kepyng. Wretyn at London the xxv day off Octobur.By your ovne Elysabeth Stonore.
Unto my Ryght hartely well-belovyde Cosyn Wyllm. Stonor, Squiere,
thys be delyverd, in hast. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The left-hand corner has been destroyed; but most of the missing words
can be easily restored. From A.C., xlvi, 117.Jhesu M. iiijc lxxvj.
Ryght Interly and beste belovyde Cosyne, I recomaunde me unto
you as hartely as I cane. ffordermore, Cosyn, plesyth hyt you to under-
stonde that I have resayvide a bore ffrom you: the wyche I thanke
you ryght hartely ther ffor: the wyche bore hys very goode and well
braunde. Allso Cosyn, my moder and yourys sent me monay to by
her boge, and sche sent me a gobelet to amend: the wyche gobelet I
have schuyde unto dyverys golldsmythys: and thay say hyt cane not be
amendyd, but hyt be new made: and so I pray you to infforme my
moder. And as ffor the boge my moder sent unto me ffor, I send hyt
to her by Folyhet, the brynger heroff. And so, Syr, I pray you to in-
fforme my moder, as hyt thys: and I will kepe the gobelet unto the tyme
that I have answere ffrome her. Allso, Syr, I pray you to recomaunde
me hartely unto here goode moderhode. Fordermore, Cosyn, I longe
sore ffore you, to se you her in London, whanne you have done your
besenes: but I understonde that you have hade gret besynys syn you de-
partyd ffrome me. Syr, ye schalle understond that I had no wrytyng
ffrome my son Betson: ffor as ny as I cane in-kewere, syn Howlake de-
partyd ther came no passag ffrom Calys. Forder, syr, I pray you that ye
wolde woche-saffe ffore to sen John Mathew unto Hendelay, ffor to breke
the ffardell, and to wrythe schuche thyngys [as] is in hyt, and to make ij
ffardellys ther off, that hyt mythe be sent downe by the caryar off [Hen-
delay] ffor I cane not have hyt ayenst the tyme helse: ffore I most nedes
have hyt, ffore the chylld [eryn have] ne chaung, ffor they go so schamely
that I have pete off them. And goode Syr, as ffor my nawne [gowne that
I] wrothe unto you off, I pray you that I mythe have hyt as sone as ye
may. No more unto you [at thys tyme], but Jhesu have you in hys
kepyng. Wretyn at London the xxv day off Octobur.By your ovne Elysabeth Stonore.
Unto my Ryght hartely well-belovyde Cosyn Wyllm. Stonor, Squiere,
thys be delyverd, in hast.