Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 207, p. 144
- Date
- 3 April [1486]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 12; Kirby, item 44
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
44 Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton, 3 April [1486] (No. 207, p.
144)After most due recomendacions had, pleaseth your mastership in my
most lowly wyse to recomend me vnto my singuler good lady. Sir, this
day com William Plompton1 to labor for Haveray Parke,2 & brought
to me nether byll, wrytting nor commandement by words, nor token
for your mastership, & therof I marvell, considering þat at your
instaunce I suffered him to occupie the same parke & office for þe
tyme, & for þat cause I am not in certente whether ye be his good
master or noe. Wherfore he hath not spedd as he myght haue done if
your wrytting had com; notwithstanding yt is well. Sir, my lord3 kept
[p. 145] his Easter with my lord of Oxford4 a[t] Laueham, & come to
þe king vppon Fryday last, & comes with [the] king to Yorke; & my
lord of Darby5 departeth from Notingham into Lancashire. Sir, therle
of Oxford, my lord chamberleyn,6 with diuerse other estates, cometh
to þe king to Notingham, & so forth to Yorke, as more at large þe
brynger shall shew to you by mouth.Sir, the first gift at my lady of Syon gave to me was a par of ienoper
beads pardonet,a the which I have sent to you by þe bringer;7 & if I
had a better thing I wold haue sent yt with as good a will & harte.
And any service that ye wyll comand me I am redy, as knoweth our
Lord, who preserve you. At Lyncolne, the iij day of Apryll.8Your servant Edward Plomptonb
Endorsed (p. 144): To my singuler good master Sir Robt Plompton kt
a Appended: Copied þe VIth of May 1612.
1 William Plumpton, of Kirkby Overblow, illegitimate son of Sir William (d.1480). A
dispute between him and Sir Robert was settled 22 Nov. 1490, App. II, 53; 86.2 Haverah Park, a royal chase in the liberty of Knaresborough, and parcel of the
Duchy of Lancaster, of which the earl of Derby was seneschal of the North Parts,
Stapleton, 51n.3 George, Lord Strange, 39.
4 John de Vere, earl of Oxford (d.1513), 16.
5 Thomas Stanley, earl of Derby, 39.
6 Sir William Stanley of Holt (exec.1495), younger brother of the earl of Derby, was
lord chamberlain by Feb.1486, CPR, 1485–94, 69.7 Syon Abbey, a house dedicated to the Holy Saviour, St Mary the Virgin and St
Brigitta, where it was the custom for pardons to be held on the feast day of the saint, 8
Oct., M.D. Knowles, The Religious Orders in England (3 vols), ii, 177–8; James Gairdner
(ed.), The Paston Letters (6 vols, 1904), no. 827.8 The king kept Easter (26 March) at Lincoln, and afterwards travelled to Nottingham
and York, Collectanea, iv, 185. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my singuler good master, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
After most due recomendacions had, pleaseth, your mastership
in my most lowly wyse to recommend me unto my singuler good
lady. Sir, this day com Wylliam Plompton a to labor for Haveray
Parke, b and brought to me nether byll, wrytteng, nor commande-
ment by words, nor token, fro your mastership; and therof I
marvell, considering that at your instaunce I suffered him to oc-
cupie the same parke and office for this tyme: and for that cause I
am not in certente, whether ye be his good master or noo. Wher-
fore he hath not spedd as he myght have done if your wrytting
had com; notwithstanding, yt is well. Sir, my lord c kept his Eas-
ter with my lord of Oxford at Laveham, d and come to the King
uppon fryday last, e and comes with the King to Yorke; and my
lord of Darby departeth from Notingham into Lancashire. Sir,
therle of Oxford, my lord Chamberleyn, f with diverse other estates,
cometh to the King to Notingham, and so forth to Yorke, as more
at large the brynger shall shew to you by mouth. Sir, the first
gift that my lady of Syon gave to me, was a par of Jeneper beads
pardonet, the which I have sent to you by the bringer; and if I
had a better thinge, I wold have sent it with as good a will and
harte: and any service that ye wyll comand me, I am redy, as
knoweth our Lord, who preserve you. At Lyncolne, the iij day
of Apryll.
(3 April 1486.) Your servant, EDWARD PLOMPTON.a William Plumtpon, bastard son of Sir William Plumpton, kt.
b Haverah Park was a royal chase in the liberty of Knaresborough, and parcel of
the duchy of Lancaster, of which the Earl of Derby was at this time seneschal in the
North parts.c The Lord Strange. (See Letter LXII.)
d John, Earl of Oxford, had a capital manor at Lavenham, com. Suff.
e In the year 1486, Easter day fell on the 26th of March, at which time the King
was sojourning at Lincoln, being then on a progress towards the north parts of the
kingdom; but he had reached Nottingham before the end of the week, and way yet there
when this letter was written. (See an account of this progress in Lelandi Collectanea,
vol. IV. editio altera, p. 185.)f Sir William Stanley, Lord Chamberlain.