Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 205, p. 142
- Date
- 11 January [1488/9]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 22; Kirby, item 68
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
68 Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton, 11 January [1488/9] (No.
205, p. 142)[p. 143] In my most humble & faythfull wyse I recomend me vnto your
mastership & to my singuler good lady. This day in þe mornying I
spake with my master Gascoyne at Poynfrett, & he comended him to
you & to my lady; and then I spake with Sir Rich. Tunstall, & had
great commyng with him of pro & contra. Sir, I wold advyse your
mastership to cause Wm Scargell1 to take good regard to himselfe &
not to vse his old walkes, for & he wylbe taken & brought to fynd
such suerty for peace & othervyse as shalbe to him inconuenient.
Notwithstanding, the sayd Master Tunstall gaue to me right curteouse
words at my departing; but therto is no great trust. For þe tyme it is
good to dreed þe worst, insomuch as þe land lyeth in his rule, in þe
honor of Poymfrett.2 Sir, afor such matters I had with Robt Leuthorp3
he will giue me no perfitt answere vnto þe begining of þ terme. In þe
meane tyme he will speake with a doctor & send to me a letter to
London by one Watkinson of Poymfrett, atturney of þe common
place, & than your mastership shalbe answered of þe premysses, with
Gods grace, who euer þe same preserue in prosperouse felicitie long
tyme to endure. Frome Poymfrett, þe xj day of January.Your humble servant Edward Plomptona
Endorsed (p. 142): To my master Sir Robart Plompton kt
a Appended: Copied þe 10th day of May 1613.
1 William Scargill (d.1497), of Thorpe Stapleton and Whitkirk, near the Duchy manor
of Leeds, J.W. Kirby, The Manor and Borough of Leeds, 1425–1662: An Edition of Documents
(P. Th.S., LVII, 1989), 280 & passim; 71, 93.2 56.
3 Probably a scion of a major administrative family, with branches in Yorks and Herts.
Nicholas Leventhorpe was receiver of Pontefract and Knaresborough at this time, Kirby,
Documents, 21, 32; Horrox, Richard III, 41; Somerville, i, 400–1, 516–17, 526; 137. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my master, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
In my most humble and faythfull wyse I recommend me unto
your mastership, and to my singuler good lady. This day in the
mornyng I spake with my master Gascoyne at Poymfrett, and he
commended him to you and to my lady; and then I spake with Sir
Rich. Tunstall, and had great commyning with him of per et con-
tra. Sir, I wold advise your mastership cause William Scargell
to take good regard to himselfe and not to use his old walkes; for
and he doe, he wylbe taken, and brought to fynd such surety for
peace and otherwise, as shalbe to him inconvenient: notwithstand-
ing, the said Master Tunstall gave to me right curteouse words at
my departing; but therto is no great trust. For the tyme it is
good to dreed the worst, insomuch as the land lyeth in his rule,
in the honor of Poymfret. Sir, as for such matters I had with
Robert Lenthorpe,a he will give me no perfitt answere unto the
begining of the terme; in the meantyme he will speak with a
doctor, and send to me a letter to London by one Watkinson of
Poymfrett, atturney of the common place, and then your master-
ship shalbe answered of the premises, with Gods grace, who ever
the same preserve in prosperous felicitie long tyme to endure.
From Poymfrett, the xi day of January.Your humble servant,
(9 Jan. 1488-9.) EDWARD PLOMPTON.a Robert Leventhorpe, of Leventhorpe, in the parish of Swillington, com. Ebor. esq.