Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 199, p. 136
- Date
- 26 October 1495
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 87; Kirby, item 112
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
112 Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton, 26 October 1495 (No. 199,
p. 136)[p. 137] In my right humble wyse I recomend me vnto your good
mastership. I haue receyved your wrytting & the credaunce of your
servant; & in stopping & letting of your prevey seale at the instance &
especyall labor of my master Gascoyne, my lord prevy seale1 hath done
þat he myght with reason, in so much þat he lettyt yt, & comaunded
Mr Bele, clerk therof, þat none shold passe vnto such tyme as all þe
lords of þe kings Counsell comanded yt to passe, vppon his surmyse &
complaynt, wherof I sent to you a copye; & when we sought no remedy
we found the meanes þat Ch. Kilborne,2 & suffitient suertyes with [. . .]a
him, shold be bonden in a reconusaunce of xli to content & pay your
cost & charg, if his surmyse & bill of complaint be founded insufficyent &
not true. My <sayd> Master Gascoygne hath dyligently applyed your
matter as much as is possible for to doe, as your servant Geffray3 can
shew vnto you more at large euerything by mouth, & as yet he can get
no surtyes. Wherfore my lord abbot of St Mary Abbay4 shewed to me
<þat his servant Kilborne wold haue a writ, subpena. Sir, for þat I
haue lade good watch. Also my lord abott told me> this day þat
Edmound Thawites5 hath sene his evedence & sath þat your mylne
standeth vppon his ground & more, & þat he is not your ward. Wherby
I perceive by well, he haught a favor & good lordship to his servant
Kilborne. He desired þe matters to be put vpon my lord of Surry &
him, & I answered þat your matters concerned your inherytance &
matters of land, þe which cold <in> no wyse be rightfully determyned
without learned counsell.6 Sir, I trust we shall so provide for him here
þat he shal not haue all his intent. With Gods grace, who preserue
your good mastership & my singuler good ladys & all yours long tyme
to endure, with encrease of greate & honor. From Furnyvalls Inne, þe
xxvj of October 1495.Your humble servant Ed: Plomptonb
Endorsed (p. 136): To my master Sir Robart Plompton knight
a them deleted.
b Appended: Copied þe 8 of May 1613.
1 Richard Fox, bishop of Durham from 1494 to 1501 when he was translated to
Winchester. He remained in office as keeper of the Privy Seal until 1516, HBC, 93;
Kirby, NH, xxv, 119; 116.2 Christopher Kilborne, 113, 115, 124.
3 Possibly Geoffrey Towneley, 163.
4 William Senhouse, 50.
5 Edmund Thwaites of Lund, near Beverley (d.1500), succeeded William Elland as
recorder of Hull in 1486/7, a post he occupied until 1489/90. Retained by Nor-
thumberland, who appointed him an executor, Test. Ebor., iii, 304–10; Pauline Sheppard
Routh, ‘The Thwaites Family and Two Effigies at Lund, East Riding’, YAJ, lxi (1989),
89–90; VCH, York, North Riding: City of Hull, ed. K.J. Allison (1969), 34.6 The case had been referred by Star Chamber, Reid, 80.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my master, Sir Robart Plompton, knight.
In my right humble wyse I recomend me unto your good mas-
tership. I have receyed your wrything and the credaunce of your
servant. And in stopping and letting of your prevy seale, at the in-
stance and especyall labour of my Master Gascoygne,a my lord
Prevey Sealeb hath done that he myght with reason, insomuch
that the lettyt yt, and comaunded Mr. Bele, clark therof, that none
shold passe, unto such tyme as all the lords of the Kings counsell
commanded yt to passe, upon his surmyse and complaynt, wherof
I sent to you a copye. And when we sought no remedy, we found
the meanes that Ch. Kilborne, and sufficient suertyes with him,
shold be bonden in a reconusance of xli to content and pay the
cost and charg, if his surmyse and byll of complaint be founden
insufficyent and not ture. My sayd Mr. Gascoygne hath dyligently
applyed your matter, as much as is possible for to doe, as your
servant Geffray can shew unto you more at large every thing by
mouth; and as yet he can get no surtyes. Wherfore my lord ab-
bot of St. Mary Abbayc shewed to me this day, that his servant
Kilborne wold have a writ, subpena. Sir, for that I have lade
good watch. Also my lord abott told me this day, that Edmound
Thwaites hath sene his evedence, and sath that your mylne
standeth uppon his ground and more, and that he is not your
ward. Wherby I preceive well, he haught a favor and good lord-
ship to his servant Kilborne. He desired the matter to be put
upon my lord of Surrey and him. And I answered, that the mat-
ter concerned your inherytance, and a matter of land, the which
cold in no wyse be rightfully determyned without learned coun-
sell. Sir, I trust we shall so provide for him here, that he shal
not have all his intent, with Gods grace, who preserve your good
mastership, and my singuler good ladys, and all yours, long tyme to
endure with encrease of grace and honor. From Furnywalls
Inne, the xxvi of October 1495.Your humble servant,
(26 Oct. 1495.) ED. PLOMPTON.a Sir William Gascoigne, kt. nephew to Dame Agnes, wife of Sir Robert Plumpton,
appears to have enjoyed considerable influence at court by reason of his near relation-
ship to the Earl of Northumberland.b Richard Fox, Bishop of Durham, Lord Privy Seal in 1495.
c William Siver or Siveyer. See a letter from him ante No. LVIII.