Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 196, p. 133
- Date
- 20 February [1489/90]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 64; Kirby, item 85
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
85 Edward Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton, 20 February [1489/90] (No.
196, p. 133)In my most humble & faythfull <wyse> I recomend me vnto your good
mastership & to my especyall good ladyes, certyfiing your mastership þat
I deliuered to Sir Richard Thornton, prest, vpon Sunday last, to bryng
to you a box sealed, and therin ij wrytts, one dedimus potestatem out of
þe chauncere & another out of þe excheker, both derected to Sir Guy
Fairfax, & my poore wrytting therwith, þe which was right simple, but
I besech you haue me excused, though I wryte not at all tymes as my
dutie is to do. Sir, I had neuer so great business as I haue now for
your matters; I know not the causes, but much payne I had to avoyd
your appearance in your proper person,1 as ye shall more at larg know
by mouth when I shall speak with you: þat shalbe at your comandement.
[p. 134]Hall demanded of me grene waxa þat I knew not of,2 & I desired of
him a byll, what he asked of you, & his bokes wanted: he cold giue me
none, but I trust he wyll not be hasty vpon you therfore, & if he be,
let Henry Fox speak with him in my name, & pray him to suffer vnto
my comyng home. I made to him such chere as I cold at London. I
haue found meanes to convey þe wryt shold goe to þe schereffe of
Notinghamshire against you, vnto þe next terme. Then God send vs
good speede therwith. Afore Easter, send vpp your pardons, wrytes of
dedimus & escaptes of instruccion what plee we shall make for you in
the excheker, of, & how, & wherby ye enter your lands & maketh
clame;3 the matter is litle, & ioyus, with Gods grace, I purpose to he
euer <all> this vocacion, & unto þe next terme. I send to you a letter
by Robt Beckwith, & more of euerything concerning you & your
seruants your atturney can shew. I wold, if I might by wyshe, speak with
you one houre, & yt pleased Jhesu, who preserue your <mastership> in
prosperous long to endure. Wrytten at London þe xx day of February.
My Lord Straunge came to þe kings grace vppon Munday last; my
lord of Northumberland is in good health, [. . .]b blessed be Jhesu.
Please yt your mastership to commend me to my master Gascoyn. If I
cold doe to his mastership any service in thes partes, I wold be glad.
Robt Blackwall hath sent to you a patent to seale, as appereth by þe
same, shewing to him your pleasure of vjs viijd by you, & that he toke
to no regard:4 the world is so couettus, I wott not what to say, nor
nought I wyll, paruum sapienti sufficyt.Your seruant Ed: Plomptonc
Endorsed (p. 133): To my singuler good master Sir Robt Plompton kt
a Marginal note: grene wax.
b praysed deleted.
c Appended: Copied þe 8 of May 1613.
1 It was necessary to be present in person to plead a pardon, Blatcher, BIHR, xiii,
148.2 The entreaty of fines, issues and amercements in the Exchequer under the court’s
seal made in green wax.3 Sir Robert’s claim to Wolfhuntlands, 84.
4 Retainers paid by gentry clients were usually of the order of £1 13s 4d, or 10s. Thus
the offer to Robert Blackwall, a master in chancery, was not appreciated; Plumpton later
increased the fee to 10s, Ives, CL, 288; 84; CB, 798 (dated 19 Sept. 1499). - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my singyuler good master, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
In my most humble and faythfull mynd I recomend me unto
your good mastership, and to my especyall good ladyes; certyfiing
your mastership, that i delivered to Sir Richard Thornton, prest,
upon Sunday last to bryng to you, a box sealed, and ther in ij
wrytts, ond dedimus potestatem out of the Chauncere, and another
out of the Excheker, both derected to Sir Guy Fairfax, and my
poore wrytting therwith, the which was right simple, but I besech
you have me excused. Though I wryte not at all tymes, as my
dutie is to do, Sir, I had never so great busines as I have now for
your matters. I know not the causes, but much payne I had to
avoyd your appearance in your proper person, as ye shall more at
large know by mouth, when I shall speake with you; that shalbe at
your comandement. Hall demanded of me grene wax, that I
knew not of, and I desired of hym a byll, what he asked of you,
and his bokes wanted, he cold give me none; but i trust he wyll
not be hasty upon you therfore, and if he be, let Henry Fox speake
with him in my name, and pray him to suffer unto my comyng
home. I made to him such chere as I cold at London. I have
found meanes to convey the wryt, shold goe to the Schereffe of
Notinghamshire agaynst you, unto the next terme; then Gode send
us good speede therwith. Afore Easter, send upp your pardons,
wrytes of dedimus, and escaptes of instruccion what plee we shall
make for you in the Excheker, of, and how, and wherby ye enter
your lands and maketh clam;a the matter is litle and ioyus, with
Gods grace, I purpose to be ever all this vacacion, and unto the
next terme. I send to you a letter by Robert Beckwith, and more
of every thing concerning you and your servants your atturney
can shew. I wold, if I myght by wyshe, speak with you one
houre, and yt pleased Jesu, who preserve your mastership in
prosperous long to endure. Wrytten at London, the xx day of
Febr. My lord Straunge came to the Kings grace uppon Mun-
day last; my lord of Northumberland b is in good health, blessed
be Jesu. Please yt your mastership to commend me to my master
Gascoyn, if I cold doe to his mastership any service in thes partes,
I wold be glad. Robert Blackwall c hath sent to you a pattent to
seale, as appereth by the same, shewing to him your pleasure of
vis viiid by yere; and that he toke to no regard; the world is so
covettus, I wott not what to say, nor nought I wyll, parum sa-
pienti sufficyt.
Your servant,
(20 Feb. 1489-90.) ED: PLOMPTON.a This relates to the suit concerning Wolf-hunt-land in Mansfield Woodhouse,
adverted to in the preceding letter. It was parcel of the lands of the Foljambes, and
so called from its being held by the service of winding a horn, and chasing the wolve
in the forest of Shirwood.b The Earl of Northumberland was then in his thirteenth year.
c Robert Black wall was son of Richard Blackwall, of Blackwall, com. Derb. who by
a lease dated 28 Aug, 1489, held Flagg House in the same county, for a term of twelve
years from 25 Mar. 1490, under Sir Robert Plumpton. This lease was renewed to
Robert blackwall, gent. [to hold for another term of twelve years after the ending of
the former in 1502,] by Sir Robert Plumpton, kt. 19Sept. 1499, with a clause that he
should retain ten shillings out of the rent for his fee previously granted. (Chartul.
No. 798.)