Edward Plumpton to Joan, Lady Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Edward Plumpton to Joan, Lady Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 206, p. 143
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 38; Kirby, item 81
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
81 Edward Plumpton to Joan, Lady Plumpton, [?1489/90] (No. 206, p.
143)Madame, in my most humble wyse I recomend me vnto your good
ladyship, and let you wyt ?at I have spoken with Master Receyuor;1
iiij houres space tarryed me, & he is right lovingly disposed in euerything
toward my master & all his, if he haue, or may have cause therto; &
thus I haue left with him to be at Knarsbrough the Wedensday next
after Saynt Eline Day;2 & ther, or afore ?at tyme, if they mete, to do
his dutie to my master curtesly, and after ?at, to be as favarable, & to
shew his good wyll to my sayd master [p. 144] in euerything he may
doe, as we wyll desire; & then I purpose, with Gods grace, to be ther; &
afore ?e langage ?at Alan shold say, it is not so: he sayd none such
langage. The mylner told Alan ?at his farme was redy, & if yt so be, I
pray you cause ?e mylner to deliuer it to Benson, & if not, to make yt
redy agaynst the receyver come thether, for this I haue promysed; &
vnto ?at tyme we mete, I besech you speake to my master ?at no
uncurtes dealing be had with none of his servants.Also ther is a ax3 at my master clameth ?e keeping of; I pray you
let them haue & occupie ?e same vnto ?e saime tyme, & then we shall
take a dereccion in euery thing, as well the premysses as otherwyse, to
my masters pleasure & entent. With Gods grace, who preserve you &
him, both, & all yours. From Habberforth, this present Thursday.Your most humble servant Ed: Plomptona
Endorsed (p. 143): To my lady, Dame Jane Plompton at Plompton
a Appended: Copied ?e 11 day of May 1613.
1 Sir Robert received a receipt, dated 8 March 1489/90, from Richard Harpur, receiver
general of the Duchy, for the farm of the mills of Knaresborough, CB, 755.2 The feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 3 May, App. II, 31.
3 Axle, OED.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my lady, Dame Jane Plompton, at Plompton.
Madame, in my most humble wyse I recomend me unto your
good Ladyship, and let you wyte that I have spoken with Master
Reveyvor;a iiij houres space he tarryed me, and he is right loving-
ly disposed in every thing toward my master and all his, if he have
or may have cause therto: and thus I have left with him to be at
Knarsbrough, the wednesday next after saynt Eline day.b And
ther, or afore that tyme, if they mete, to do his dutie to my master
curtesly, and after that, to be as favorable, and to shew his good
wyll to my sayd master in every thing he may doe, as we wyll
desire; and then I purpose with Gods grace to be there. And
afore the langage that Alan shold say, it is not so; he sayd none
such langage. The mylner told Alan that his farme was redy,
and if yt so be, I pray you cause the mylner to deliver, it to
Benson, and if not, to make yt redy agaynst the Receyver come
thither; for this I have promysed, and unto that tyme we mete,
I besech yous speake to my master, that no uncurtes dealing be
had with none of his servants. Also ther is a axc that my master
clameth the keeping of; I pray you let them have and occupie the
same unto the same tyme, and then we shall take a dereccion in
every thing, as well in the premyses, as otherwyse, to my masters
pleasure and entent, with Gods grace, who preserve you and him
both, and all yours.
Fro Habberforth, this present Thursday.
Your most humble servant,
(anno circiter 1489-90.) ED. PLOMPTON.a In the Plumpton coucher book (No. 755) is a copy of a receipt from Richard
Harpur, receiver-general of the King's rents of his Duchy of Lancaster, for ?9. 3s. 2d.
had of Sir Robert Plumpton, kt. for the farm of the mills of Knarsbrough, parcel of
the said Duchy, by the hands of Edward Plumpton, dated 8 March, 5 Hen. VII.
1489-90.b 3 May, the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, called St. Elline day. (Vide
postea, Letter CXXI. noted). This name for the feast has escaped the observation of Sir
Harris Nicolas, in his admirable Chronology of History. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo-
peida. New Edit. 1838.)c Ax, qu?re if the mill-dam. See Blount's Law Dictionary, sub voce Hatches or