Edmund Wychyngham to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Edmund Wychyngham to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 33597, f. 1
- Date
- October 1452 - October 1453
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 220; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 32
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To my ryth trusty Cosyn, John Paston, escwier.
RYTH reverent and trusty Cosyn, I recomande me to
zow, thankyng zow of zour good wil and counseill.
Like zow to wete, I cam hom be myn Lord of
Oxeford and told hym of the greet labour of Sir Thomas
Tudenham and Heydon for schirevez of owr schire, and
namyd the personez quom thei laboryd fore, and myn Lord
agreeyth not to tweyne of hem; to the knyth he seyd not
moch to, but I felt my lord he wold labore for William
Dorward, myn neview.2 And thanne I answerd, Sir, he may
not profite me in myn matere for he hath weddyd myn nece.
Also I felt myn Lord that myn Lord Crumwell laboryth for
Stonham of Huntyngton schire, Sir John Tirell howe [who]
weddyd hese modir, hese sone executour to my Lady Clyfton,
with Heydon and othir memento, &c. And to fore I cam to
Framyngham myn lord of Norffolk hadde wrytyn for Sir
Robert Conyers, takyng promys of hym to be rewlyd in alle
matterez as myn Lord of Norffolk wil avyse hym, and as an
undirschireve ze schall be acounseill therof. And as touchyng
Lee, as I am enformyd, ther ys no man that he wil do lesse
for thanne for Sir Thomas Tudenham. And as touchyng
myn seyd Lord of Norffolk, he hath wrytyn, or I cam, be
Debenham, as he may not wel returne, and the personez ben
Sir Robert Conyers, Henry Gray, Thomas Brews. And I
suppose as for Thomas Brews he schall be translate in to
myn brothir John Blake, but myn seyd Lord of Norffolk
hath previly (?) wrytyn to the Kyng for Sir Robert Conyers
promisyd1 be the seyd Sir Robert that he schall non undir-
shireve, ne non othir officer make, but be the avyse of myn
seyd Lord of Norffolk counseill, to qwhom ze schall be prevy
to And I have no dowte zour owyn materez schall ben speed
aftir zour entent myn seyd Lord of Norffolk wil with alle
hese herte that Blake schuld be it, or ellez the seyd Sir Robert
with alle hese herte. And yf myn Lord of Norffolk, to for
myn comyng, hadde be a vertysyd, he wold a do hese trew
parte ther to, as I suppose he schall have vere knalich from
myn Lord. I preye zow remembre William Bury for myn
venire facias. And yf it likyd myn brothir Blake to remembre
my welbelovyd mayster Sir John Bawryte (?) of myn mater I
trust he wold remembre the Kyng ther of atte hese leyser;
for he knowyth the matere, and that Debenham hath greet
charge to labore myn seyd Lordys materez of Norffolk, levy-
ing the favour of Sir Thomas Tudenham. Aftir I here I
schall send zow be wrytyn. I preye zow in like forme. God
preserve zow to Hese grace. Wrytyn atte Framyngham the
Fryday next to fore the feste of Simon and Jude.E. WYCHYNGHAM.
1 [Add. MS. 33,597, f. 1.] The year when this letter was written is not exactly
certain, but seems to have been either 1452 or 1453. It might be 1450, except that
one would have expected in October of that year to hear something about the parlia-
mentary election, as well as the election of sheriffs.2 William Dorward, according to Blomefield (Hist. of Norf. vi. 519), married
Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Wichingham, who thus appears to have been a
brother of Edmund the writer of this letter.1 The sentence here is a little confused, and we forbear to supply punctuation.
OCT. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1452-3, Oct.
[Add. MS. 33,597, f. 1]
The year when this letter was written is not exactly certain, but seems
to have been either 1452 or 1453. It might be 1450, except that one would
have expected in October of that year to hear something about the parlia-
mentary election, as well as the election of sheriffs.To my ryth trusty Cosyn, John Paston, escwier.
RYTH reverent and trusty Cosyn, I recom-
ande me to zow, thankyng zow of zour
good wil and counseill. Like zow to
wete, I cam hom be myn Lord of Oxeford
and told hym of the greet labour of Sir Thomas
Tudenham and Heydon for schirevez of owr schire,
and namyd the personez quom thei laboryd fore,
and myn Lord agreeyth not to tweyne of hem; to
the knyth he seyd not moch to, but I felt my lord
he wold labore for William Dorward, myn neview.1
And thanne I answerd, Sir, he may not profite me in
myn matere for he hath weddyd myn nece. Also I
felt myn Lord that myn Lord Crumwell laboryth for
Stonham of Huntyngton schire, Sir John Tirell howe
[who] weddyd hese modir, hese sone executour to
my Lady Clyfton, with Heydon and othir memento,
&c. And to fore I cam to Framyngham myn lord of
Norffolk hadde wrytyn for Sir Robert Conyers, takyng
promys of hym to be rewlyd in alle matterez as myn
Lord of Norffolk wil avyse hym, and as an undir-
schireve ze schall be acounseill therof. And as
touchyng Lee, as I am enformyd, ther ys no man that
he wil do lesse for thanne for Sir Thomas Tudenham.
And as touchyng myn seyd Lord of Norffolk, he hath
wrytyn, or I cam, be Debenham, as he may not wel
returne, and the personez ben Sir Robert Conyers,
Henry Gray, Thomas Brews. And I suppose as for
Thomas Brews he schall be translate in to myn brothir
John Blake, but myn seyd Lord of Norffolk hath
previly(?) wrytyn to the Kyng for Sir Robert Conyers
promisyd1 be the seyd Sir Robert that he schall non
undirshireve, ne non othir officer make, but be the
avyse of myn seyd Lord of Norffolk counseill, to qwhom
ze schall be prevy to And I have no dowte zour owyn
materez schall ben speed aftir zour entent myn seyd
Lord of Norffolk wil with alle hese herte that Blake
schuld be it, or ellez the seyd Sir Robert with alle
hese herte. And yf myn Lord of Norffolk, to for myn
comyng, hadde be a vertysyd, he wold a do hese trew
parte ther to, as I suppose he schall have vere
knalich from myn Lord. I preye zow remembre
William Bury for myn venire facias. And yf it likyd
myn brothir Blake to remembre my welbelovyd mays-
ter Sir John Bawryte (?) of myn mater I trust he wold
remembre the Kyng ther of atte hese leyser; for he
knowyth the matere, and that Debenham hath greet
charge to labore myn seyd Lordys materez of Norffolk,
levying the favour of Sir Thomas Tudenham. Aftir
I here I schall send zow be wrytyn. I preye zow
in like forme. God preserve zow to Hese grace.
Wrytyn atte Framyngham the Fryday next to fore
the feste of Simon and Jude.E. WYCHYNGHAM.
1 William Dorward, according to Blomefield (Hist. of Norf. vi. 519),
married Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Wichingham, who thus appears
to have been a brother of Edmund the writer of this letter.’1 The sentence here is a little confused and we forbear to supply