Tradatur Johanni Paston, of the Inner In in the Temple, att
RYTH worschipfull brothir, I recomaund me to yow, &c. I preye write to myn modre of your owne hed as for to consell her howh that sche kepe her prevye, and tell no body ryth nowth of her counsell; for sche woll tell persones many of her counsell this day, and to morwe sche woll sey be Goddis faste that the same men ben false. I have seen parte of the evydence, and the maner2 hath be pourchasid be parcell, and certeyn feffement mad of the avowson, and certeyn pecis of lond enterlessant the maner; and I wote well ye have on collaterall rellesse wyth a warente of on of the wyffys of Hauteyn3 of all the holl maner.
Steward, the chiffe constable, told me he was enpanellyd up on the assise be twex yow and Frauncesse; he axyd me counsell what he myght do ther inne, for he told me it was take in Sir Thomas Tudham name. He wold fayne be chalengyd. I concellyd him swere the trewthe of the issue that he shall be swore to, and thanne he nedyd never to drede hym of noon
atteynte. I yave him this counsell, and noon othir. He enqueryd me of the rewle of myn master Danyell1 and myn Lord of Suffolke,2 and askyd wheche I thowte schuld rewle in this schere; and I seyd bothe, as I trowh, and he that sur- vyvyth to hold be the vertue of the survyvyr, and he to thanke his frendes, and to aquite his enmyys. So I fele by him he wold forsake his master, and gette him a newh yf he wyste he schuld rewle; and so wene I meche of all the contre is so disposyd. The holy Trenyte kepe yow.
Wrete at Norwiche, on the Wednysday after Seynt Peter3 in hast.
Your Brother,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] From the conversation here reported touching the anticipated ascendancy of Daniel and the Marquis, afterwards Duke, of Suffolk, this letter may be referred to the year 1447. In April of the year following, the influence of Suffolk was paramount, and Daniel was said to be out of favour, as will be seen by Letter 75 following.
2 The manor of Oxnead.—See Blomefield, vi. 478.
3 Probably Robert, father of John Hauteyn, the friar.
1 Thomas Daniel.
2 William de la Pole, at this time Marquis, afterwards Duke, of Suffolk.
3 St. Peter’s day is the 29th June.
1447 (?)
1447 (?)