Edmund Alyard to Margaret Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Edmund Alyard to Margaret Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27446, f. 22
- Date
- 4 March 1479
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 944; Fenn, Vol V, Edward IV item 55
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (1st transcript)
To his worshepful Mastres
Mastres Margaret PastonRIGHT worshepful mastres I rec’mande me un to yow as
lowly as I kan thankyng yow for yor goodnes at all tymis
god graunt me to desrve it and do that may plese yow As
for yor son Watr his labor and lerny˜g hathe be and is yn the
faculte of art and is well sped ther yn and may be bacheler
at soch tyme as shall lyke yow and then to go to lawe I kan
thynk it to his p’ferryng but it is not good he know it on to
the tyme he shal chaunge and as J c’ceyve ther shal no˜
haue that exibeshyon to the faculte of lawe therfor meue ze
the executores that at soche tyme as he shal leve it ye may
put a nother yn his place soche as shal lyke you to p’fer If
he shal go to law and be made bacheler of art be for and ye
wolle haue hym hom yis yer then may he be bacheler at
mydsomor and be wt yow yn the vacacion and go to lawe at
Mikelmas qwhat it shal lyke yow to c’mande me yn this or
eny odir ye shal haue myn srvice redy I pray yow be the
next masengr to send me yor entent that swech as shal be
necessary may be purueyed yn seson And Ihu p’srve yow at
Oxinforth the iiij day of March.Yor scoler EDMU˜D ALYARD.
11? by 3.
Paper Mark,
A Pillar and Coronet.
Pl. xxxii. No. 9.This letter, from Walter Paston’s tutor at Oxford, informs us of Walter’s
standing in that University, and of his tutor’s advice concerning his further pro-
ceedings, if agreeable to his mother Margaret Paston.Autograph, Pl. xxix. No. 6.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume V' (2nd transcript)
To his worshipful Mistress, Mistress Margaret Paston.
RIGHT worshipful Mistress, I recommend me unto you as
lowly as I can, thanking you for your goodness at all times,
God grant me to deserve it and do that may please you.As for your son Walter, his labour and learning hath been,
and is, in the faculty of art, and is well sped therein: and [he]
may be bachelor at such time as shall like you, and then to
go to law, I can think it to his preferring, but it is not good
he know it unto the time he shall change; and as I conceive
there shall none have that exhibition to the faculty of law,
therefore move ye the executors that at such time as he
shall leave it, ye may put another in his place, such as shall
like you to prefer. If he shall go to law, and be made
bachelor of arts before, and ye will have him home this year,
then may he be bachelor at Midsummer, and be with you in
the vacation, and go to law at Michaelmas.What it shall like you to command me in this or any
other, ye shall have mine service ready.I pray you by the next messenger to send me your intent,
that such as shall be necessary may be purveyed in season,
and Jesu preserve you. At Oxinforth the 4th day of
March.Your Scholar,
Thursday, 4 March,
1478-9. 19 E. iv.This letter, from Walter Paston’s tutor at Oxford, informs us of Walter’s
standing in that University, and of his tutor’s advice concerning his further pro-
ceedings, if agreeable to his mother Margaret Paston.Autograph, Pl. xxix. No. 6.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
To his worshepful mastres, Mastres Margaret Paston.
RIGHT worshepful mastres, I recommande me unto yow
as lowly as I kan, thankyng yow for your goodnes at
all tymis; God graunt me to deserve it, and do that
may plese yow.As for your son Water, his labor and lernyng hathe be,
and is, yn the Faculte of Art, and is well sped there yn, and
may be Bacheler at soche tyme as shall lyke yow, and then to
go to lawe. I kan thynk it to his preferryng, but it is not
good he know it on to the tyme he shal chaunge; and as I
conceyve ther shal non have that exibeshyon to the Faculte of
Lawe. Therfore meve ze the executores that at soche tyme as
he shal leve it, ye may put a nother yn his place, soche as shal
lyke you to prefer. If he shal go to law, and be made Bacheler
of Art be fore, and ye wolle have hym horn this yere, then
may he be Bacheler at Mydsomor, and be with yow yn the
vacacion, and go to lawe at Mihelmas. Qwhat it shal lyke
yow to commande me yn this or eny odir, ye shal have myn
service redy.I pray yow be the next masenger to send me your entent,
that swech as shal be necessary may be purveyid yn seson.
And Jesu preserve yow.At Oxinforth, the iiij. day of March.
Your scoler,
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It appears by subsequent letters that Walter Paston
actually took a degree at Oxford at Midsummer, and it will be seen by next letter,
which is dated by its endorsement, that he must have done so in 1479—the year of
his death.MARCH 4